

Next week, Christians are willing to celebrate The Easter Week.
Easter Week, not only is a religious week but also a period of time where the most of people do a break in their routine.
I don't want to talk about religion, but I would like to know and share with you some traditions that we do to celebrate the Easter Week.
It's not necesary to be a Christian to believe or not in these traditions, but I know in the majority of these traditions you can find Catholic and not Catholic people.
Do you fancy to share with us some of these traditions? It is not a rocket science, so I think we can learn a lot betwen us!
If you are willing to write about this kind of traditions, we can share them. I am sure at the end everybody will learn a lot, at the end is Culture for our lifes ....
Remember Traditios are the base of our Culture. We are that we are thanks to the Traditions and Culture.

1 comment:

  1. Next week, Christians (are willing to celebrate) WILL BE CELEBRATING The Easter Week.
    Easter Week, not only is a religious week but also a period of time (where the) most (of) people (do) HAVE a break in their routine.
    I don't want to talk about religion, but I would like to know and share with you some traditions that we do to celebrate the Easter Week.

    It's not necesary to be a Christian to believe or not in these traditions, but I know in the majority of these traditions you can find CatholicS and (not) NON Catholic people.
    Do you fancy to share with us some of these traditions? It is not (a) rocket science, so I think we can learn a lot (betwen) BETWEEN us!
    If you are willing to write about (this) THESE kinds of traditions, we can share them. I am sure at the end everybody will learn a lot, at the end (is) Culture IS( for) our (lifes) LIVES .... (OR CULTURE IS PART OF OUR LIVES)
    Remember TraditioNs are the base of our Culture. We are( that) WHAT we are thanks to (the) Traditions and Culture.

    lol I like your sentence using the words rocket science Javier. In the next few days I will write something about the traditions we have here in the UK


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