
The wireless radio invention

“This is SS Titanic, come at once, we have stroke an iceberg”. That was the message sent by two radio operators from the famous ship. This message could not have been sent without the invention of a shy child from Italy.

A very cold night of November, 1912, two men trained by this inventor sent a message using electromagnetic waves through the air. Certainly, many people would have died without that technology. That message was sent over and over again till it was received by Carpathia, the nearest ship on the Atlantic Ocean.

Young Guglielmo didn’t like school or playing with his friends. He used to spend a lot of time in his bedroom taking machines to pieces. He also liked setting up experiments, and he was particularly interested in Electromagnetic waves. The idea of conveying signals through these waves was his entertainment and passion. In his first experiment he was able to transport electricity along the electromagnetic waves to making sound an electric bell. When he showed his experiment to his father, he couldn’t believe what his son just made. He started searching wires in the bedroom, but he couldn’t find any. His unusual son, somehow, could manage a wireless system. Mr Marconi was amazed and very proud of his son.

In the next years, Marconi was looking for support to his experiment. He wrote plenty of letters to the government in his country, but they never wrote back. So, he travelled to England where he found people interested in his brand new invention. His first transmission was a signal sent from France to England through the English Channel. Then, he was ready for the biggest challenge of them all, the Atlantic Ocean. He succeeded too. He carried on experimenting and his invention was installed on the ships at that time.

So, in 1912, the Carphethia’s captain received the signal from the Titanic and sailed as fast as he could towards the ship in peril. That night 711 people were rescued thanks to the wireless communication; 711 souls saved by those desperate wireless signals from that ship and we have to thanks Guglielmo Marconi, that unusual boy from Italy.       


Nature Is Nature

The truth is that the images are striking. Along my life I have heard a lot of times that the situation of Manhattan is complicated due to stand practically at sea level. Long time ago I heard that if one of the Canary Island because a earthquake would sink into the sea, this would cause a tsunami which would devastate Manhattan. Fiction science? I do not know.
Returning to what is happening now, really, I think has exceeded most pessimistic expectations. Nature is very powerfull and we only men.


Long ago I do not write anything. I do not follow the news everyday. I am disconnected. Everything are bad news. By chance the other day I heard about "Sandy". Like is said in Spain, we put a circus and the dwarves grow. Misfortunes come where you least expect it. I think it is the Murphy law which says everything wrong may worsen.
I could have spoken about Halloween. I also could have spoken about changes in the weather or the suitability of the hour changes.
The other day my sons took part in an athletics competition. Christmas time is coming. Last week I had a job interview and I think I have possibilities to change of job and return into an office. The crisis is showing its sharper teeth. The Spanish people has little memory and for that reason is very angry.
It is true. There are a lot of things about which talking but unfortunately today we have to talk about someone who has gatecrashed the party.


Un error grammatical?

He recibido hoy una carta desde mi iglesia. Está escrita en inglés y español, porque tenemos muchos hispanohablantes en la parroquia. La carta incluye esta frase -- ¡Porque sirviendo a Dios y a otros es lo que nos da la verdadera felicidad! Es incorrecto -- ¿no? Creía que no se puede usar el gerundio "sirviendo" como sustantivo. ¿Tengo razón o no? Creo que la frase debe ser "¡Porque servir a Dios...". Me dí cuenta de que la versión en inglés es "Because serving God..." -- talvez alguien hice una traducción palabra por palabra...

Más sobre el huracán

Aunque el huracán está 800 km o más al este, y no se está moviendo hacía nosotros, puedo ver sus efectos afuera. Los árboles se bambolean en el viento; las banderas se extienden totalmente; la fuente en el estanque echa gotas sobre un área amplia. Ojas de todos colores vuelan y cubren el suelo. Pero el sol brilla y hay pocas nubes. Estoy a punto de salir y dar un paseo -- veré cuán fuerte está el viento en realidad.

Sandy is coming!

NY is present in all news ( newspapers, tv news ....) a new hurricane is coming and everyone is ready to leave the city to prevent the effects of Sandy.
Indeed, every hurricane is a disaster for all types of Society. If it affects countries without enough resources, the result is called "natural disaster", but when it affects countries such us USA or some develop countries, the result is called "natural disaster" too. But where is the difference? No one wants to suffer a natural disaster, but when this affects poor countries eveybody send money and help. It's something natural of the humans, help us each other in these cases. But sometimes, someone takes advantage of the situation to their own benefit. It is something that I can't understand. never.
But I would like to write this post, thinking in the American Society. When everybody knows that American Society is very developped and I can't understand why everybody wants to leave their homes, their cities due to the arrival of the hurrican. When we are used to seeing in the news, in the newspapers and magazines, big buildings, a good way of life, in USA, where you can find your opportunity. Is the country of the opportunities or at least I think. My question is Why this behaviour?I ask my self if all these images of well-being of the American society conceal the true state of the American Society. I don't know but I think something is happening there... or perhaps I am wrong. What is certain, and I am totally sure, is that everyone will be united against the disaster.


Las Alpacas

Anoche estaba viendo un programa emitida por la televisión sobre los veterinarios que tratan los animales grandes.  Había una mujer que tenía dos alpacas, es conocido que algunas personas mantienen este tipo de animal para proteger sus ovejas.  Aparentemente las alpacas guardan las ovejas contra los depredadores.  Bueno, uno de las ovejas tenía una condición de la piel y necesitaba tratamiento, todo estaba yendo bien y las alpacas le permitieron al veterinario examinarlos.  Entonces, el veterinario quería examinar las ovejas para ver si sufrían de la misma condición. ! Qué batalla!  Las alpacas no quería que el veterinario examina las ovejas, y empezó escupir no sólo escupir  sino escupir algo que tiene un olor como mierda jejejeje.  La dueña y el veterinario estuvieron cubiertos con saliva muy maloliente.  Por fin, decidieron que fue imposible examinar las ovejas, las alpacas estuvieron determinada que nadie iba a tocar las ovejas.



My city’s downtown looks depressed. Picture it in your mind: abandoned buildings, paintless houses, broken sidewalks, and drug addicts. A war movie can be filmed there without significant changes.

But this decline in the quality of life has occurred slowly. For example, families migrating to the suburbs, mom-and-pop stores displaced by big retailers, high crime rates, and an indifferent mayor comprise some of the reasons for this ongoing deterioration. Curiously, churches are the only ‘businesses’ that thrive in the downtown.

Living in the downtown is better than in the suburbs because you have bakeries, five-and-ten stores, banks, and recreational places within walking distance. Unfortunately, right now I am living in the suburbs, so I can’t enjoy those amenities without driving a car.



Estoy sentado en el paraninfo en mi trabajo, esperando el comienzo de una "reunión de todas manos" para el departamiento de ingeniería. Estoy casi completamente rodeado por hombres -- hay pocas mujeres en la comunidad de ingenieros... Ahora el presentador está hablando del estado de la empresa, ventas, ingresos, el precio de las acciones, las opiniones de los analistas. No se espera mucho cambio en nuestro negocio como resultado de la elección que viene pronto.

Acabo de escuchar que una sola división de la empresa tiene más de mil entidades legales. El principal propósito de tener múltiples entidades es reducir el peso de impuestos. Puede ser un fenómeno particular a los EEUU, donde cada estado tiene su propio sistema de impuestos, así que las grandes compañías tienen que dirigir sus operaciones con mucho cuidado, para que no les paguen más que lo absolutamente necesario a los varios estados. Más de una vez, estas prácticas han llegado a ser una polémica en el mundo de la política.


Obama-Romney Round III

More than a foreign policy debate, last night’s debate was circumscribed on two topics: the Muslim world and China’s economic policies. Many important topics were totally forgotten, such as global warming, drug trafficking, and human rights. Latin American? Only one sentence by Romney. Neither of the candidates (nor the moderator) mentioned anything about Mexico’s problems and their impact on illegal immigration. Europe crisis, anyone?

Questions about Libya have pursued Obama during the last month; and until now, nobody knows what exactly happened there. On the other hand, Romney tried several times to change the discussion to the national economy. At moments, the debate seemed to be more over domestic issues rather than foreign policy. Unfortunately, after a while, the moderator lost control of the debate.

Both candidates agreed that the US needs a strong national economy to lead the world, they will stand with Israel if Israel is attacked, and China must open its economy and change its currency manipulation policy. What is the US major security threat? Obama answered the terrorism networks; Romney, a nuclear Iran.

Could last night’s debate incline the balance to any candidate? Probably not. Americans are more concerned about domestic issues than in whatever happens in Syria.

Un viaje de ski inolvidable

Recuerdo buen, de hecho es inolvidable, la primera vez que fui a esquiar.  Mi hermana y su familia iban a esquiar cada invierno en los Alpes de Francia y un año me invitaron.  Antes de salir, tomé algunas lecciones en una pista seca cerca de donde vivo para prepararme para el evento.  La primera mañana de nuestro viaje tuvimos que reunir fuera del hotel para quedar con los instructores de esquí, y nos dividieron en grupos según nuestra habilidad, y por supuesto yo estaba con los principiantes, o eso era lo que  pensé.  Creo que podría haber habido un error de comunicaciones entre francés e inglés jejejeje.

Un instructor muy guapo con pelo largo me dijo - sígueme y lo hice.  Llegamos a los remontes, eran el tipo donde se tiene que sentarse mientras que están moviendo que lo hice bastante bien, y estaba muy contenta con mi misma, hasta que oí personas gritando desde abajo que yo había olvidado tirar hacia abajo la barra de seguridad.  El resto del día era así.  Cuando llegué al parte encima del remonte, estaba allí a mi hermana y su familia que estaba en la clase intermedio, y ella dijo. !Qué estás haciendo aquí?  tú debería estar en la pendiente de vivero!  Bueno, es una historia muy larga, pero tuve que pasar al resto del día en la clase intermedio, no es necesario deciros que me caí muchas veces, y  golpeo el mentón en el suelo, tuve mucha suerte de que no había perdido ningún dientes jejeje.  Regresé al hotel con moretones en todos partes de mi cuerpo, pero reímos muchísimo.  Mi cuñado que es muy serio se quejó mucho a la escuela de esquiar y dijo que podría haber sido muy peligroso.  Así que la escuela me dio lecciones privada durante dos días.  Entonces me reuní con el groupo de intermedios.


El tercero debate

El tercero y último debate entre los candidatos presidenciales en los EEUU se lleva a cabo esta noche. Predigo las siguientes revelaciones:
  • Obama admitirá que no nació en los EEUU, sino en un pueblito en Irán.
  • Romney despedirá a su compañero Paul Ryan y lo reemplazará con Shakira.
  • Obama revelará que Osama Bin Laden no está muerto, y de hecho condució el ataque en la embajada en Libya.
  • Romney anunciará que se ha convertido a muselmán.
  • Obama nos informará que los israelitas van a trasladar su capital a Suisa.
  • Romney proponerá que los latinoamericanos se llamarán desde ahora "los americanos que hablan de una manera rara".
 Espero que Alex nos informará si mis pronósticos eran correctos.


Today I have readen a post from BBC:
"The biggest reason I'm here is because of the opportunity, plain and simple."

Rising numbers of people of Indian origin born in the West are moving "back" to the country their parents left decades ago.
From BBC October 2012.
What do you thinm about this?
Are we willing to change our lifes?
Before, mainly in the last century, people used to migrate abroad to find new opportunities, new lifes .....
Now, due to the economical crisis period, things are changing. Where ( before) there weren't opportunities, now we can find them there. People are moving to their background to find a new life, to live in the country of their forefathers. Is it curious isn't it? But more curious is that european people have to move to these countries to find their opportunities. Before these countries hadn't got anything, however, now we can find more opportunities to develop our carees. 
Befere not everybody was willing to move in but now,.... Are we willing to change our lifes to find another better life?
I am thinking about it, and believe me, it's frankly curious. 



Las noticias recientes han incluido los aniversarios quincuagésimos de dos eventos internacionales, la Crisis de los mísiles cubanos, y El Concilio Vaticano II. La única muerte en la crisis entre los EEUU y la Unión Soviética fue la de un piloto que vivía en mi ciudad, y tenemos un memorial a él en un parque cerca del centro de la ciudad. Están renovando el memorial para conmemorar el aniversario (ve foto). Con respecto a El Concilio Vaticano II, llevo mi vida entera escuchando hablar de él, principalmente en medios de comunicación católicos. Esta mañana estaba pensando en estos eventos cuando me di cuenta de que ambos tuvieron lugar un corto tiempo antes de mi nacimiento. En otras palabras, mi propio aniverario quincuagésimo viene pronto. ¡Rayos!


En realidad no soy aficionada de las películas ni las programas de horror, pero me gustan esas sobre supervivencia.  Hay una serie sobre zombies emitida por la televisión que se llama Las Muertos Caminando. Después de un virus muy contagioso, hay poca gente dejado en el mundo que tiene que sobrevivir entre zombies y personas que se han convertido en salvajes.  Me pregunto cómo sería la vida después de un desastre así, por ejemplo después de un ataque de bomba nuclear.  Recuerdo bien cuando el mundo estaba pasando a través un periodo muy difícil y mucha gente estaba preocupada sobre el futuro.  Cada casa recibió un anuncio del gobierno sobre lo que deberíamos hacer si hubiera un ataque. Deberíamos haber ya preparado un lugar en la casa donde se podíamos quedar, por ejemplo, debajo las escaleras y debería guardar botellas de agua y comida seca, pero primero debería cerrar todas las ventanas.  !Vaya! prefiero a morir que vivo la vida de supervivencia.


Speaking of politicians

Politicians have a tough job. They must be persuasives. But, How do they do this?
There are some clever techniques called "Spin Tactics". This way they can "spinning the facts" to say what they want to say. I am not saying that all politicians do it but it's good keeping that in mind. And I am not saying either that they are "lying", but I reckon they are all good comunication strategies. If we would learn how to recognize this, we could have a complete understanding about what they are saying.

Spin tactics:

1º) "Cherry picking", just like a farmer picks the best cherries for him, a politician could collect only a part of the information that another politician said.
For instance:
Politician # 1: "I admire Mr. Fernandez, but he has done a terrible mistake". Then politician # 2 could say regarding to it: "Mr. Rodriguez said today that he admires Mr Fernandez". But, I think this is a bit improbable because we are in the internet era and we can check what really Mr. Rodriguez said.

2º) "Non denial-denial".
This spin tactic is about denyeing something without denieying anything. It's a very tricky one.
For exmaple: One politician, being in campaign, could say: "I have no plans to raise taxes". Later, if he actually rise taxes he could say:  "I didn't want to rise taxes but I had to do it anyway". Don't you think that He would be in serious troubles if he would have said:  "I will not raise taxes"? He would have broken his promise.

3º) "Speak in the passive".
Politicians don't want to be blamed for their mistakes. You'll never listen them saying:  "I made a mistake" or  "I really messed up". But you could listen them to say something like: "Mistakes were made" what is almost the same but in other words. hehe.

So, You will find a lot of these examples in your local politicians, I think. It's just a matter to be able to identify the way they spin the information to change the facts in their favour. We could made intelligent decisions if we would learn how they do it. By the way, la señora de la derecha "no le llega ni a los talones" a la señora de la izquierda, hehe!, that's true.  

Obama-Romney Round II

The debate started with a university student question about jobs that set up the stage for what can we expect during the contest: An intensive and intellectual fight between two presidential contenders about who is more prepared to lead the country.

President Obama seemed to be more secure than in the first debate. Governor Romney looked more aggressive and interrupted Obama several times. During the second question, Romney and Obama exchanged blows, but the moderator took the helm and set the tone for the rest of the night. In sum, Obama spoke three minutes more than Romney.

The debate consisted of eleven questions asked by undecided voters. I scored six questions for Obama (oil prices, taxes, gender disparity pay, Obama's record as president, assault weapons, and misperceptions about the candidates) and five questions for Romney (jobs, Bush's foreign policies, immigration, Lybia, and outsourcing). I was surprised that Romney distanced himself from Bush's foreign policies, risking hardline Republicans but appealing to moderate voters.

For me, Obama won the debate slightly. On the other hand, Romney delivered the best quote of the night: “China is not playing by the rules.” A CNN's post-debate poll about who won the contest gave Obama a seven percent advantage (46% to 39%) over Romney among debate's viewers.


From the outset of the last September we are going through a weird period. If we follow the word news, we can noticed the new revival called nationalism. This movement is not new, is older than the world. I we read the spanish news Catalonia, if we read british news Scotland, by the way this one in one year later will vote if they want to be separated of the United Kingdom. Catalonia in Spain is thinking in the same way. But this movement is not new, as I wrote before. Is it a strategy? Why? Frankly, we don't know if it is or not a strategy. In my interior thoughts, I think that it is a strategy.
Few years ago, we saw as the ancient URSS change and then appeared new states. These new states were born to flee to the sovietic system. ( Comunism system)
I will never understand these new movements. ¨When everybody wants to be united.  Is there a strategy behind to hide the real economical problems? If all these "new states" will want to be independent why they want to be part of the European Community? Are they using to the people to behind the real problems? Are the people a toy? Can they manage the behaviour of the people? The citizens want solutions, no more problems.
It is said that the History repeats, is like a ball? never stops spinning.
Only the future will let us know what will happen. Let's wait for !!!!


Generación Y

La semana pasada leí un artículo en las noticas sobre una blogger cubana que había arrestrado por intentar de asistir a un juicio que era sensitivo para el gobierno. El artículo mencionó la dirección de su blog (http://www.desdecuba.com/generaciony/), y desde entonces lo sigo con mucho interés. El último post trató de la elección en Venezuela y los que vienen en los EEUU y en Cuba. Tengo que decir que me sorpresa que ella puede escribir y publicar este blog, porque está muy crítica al gobierno cubano. Sin embargo, me alegro mucho que puedo leer los escritos de esta importante persona en el idioma original.


The Machine To Teleport People

My children want to be inventors. Well, exactly, they want to be a mixture of crazy scientific, engineer, computer scientist, chemical, architect and astronaut, but all at once. I suppose that equal that the majority of children. The thing is that one day we were walking along the street and my children were talking between them about what kind of machine were going to invent each one. One of them, the smallest one, the machine for to make invisible, the other one the machine able to fly faster than light. By chance, a few meters ahead was walking in our direction, a person with who I do not like much stop me to chat. It came to my mind a gadget that I always would have liked to carry in my pocket. A sort of mixture of the two previous machines. A simple ring with a button in the middle. Half jokingly, half seriously, I entered in the conversation by expressing my wish that there was a machine with which instantly disappear and reappear elsewhere.
When, finally, we could get rid of that person, to my sons the idea seemed to them very good.
Since then, they love to do their homework, above all the maths and each day we have a new invention.

Mi viaje a Madrid

El sábado pasado mi marido y yo regresamos de Madrid donde pasamos seis días.  Disfrutamos muchísimo.  Cada día fuimos a lugares diferentes.  El primero día fuimos a Toledo en tren y pasamos el día allí, cuando regresamos al centro de Madrid visitamos el Prado Museo y tuvimos mucha suerte porque la entrada era gratis.  El siguiente día cogimos un tren a Segovia donde está el acueducto romano y también probamos el plato famoso que se llama Cochinillo.  El jueves pasamos el día en Madrid y por el camino hacía al parque, nos encontramos con un lugar donde había un mercado que se vende libros de segunda mano y compré dos libros por cinco euros. Qué pena que el día anterior compré un libro en la estación de trenes por 12 euros, pero por supuesto era nuevo.  Por la tarde conocí a un contacto que hablo a través de skype y pasamos una buena noche.  El viernes fui a una ciudad que se llama Ávila que tiene una muralla muy antigua alrededor la ciudad, caminamos en la parte encima de la muralla donde teníamos una buena vista de los alrededores.  Todas las noches regresamos agotados al hotel debido a que caminamos grandes distancias  durante el día.  Ya estoy buscando el próximo viaje!!!!


I Found My Particular Reader

I think I am not an expert neither the Internet nor computing, but I always liked entangle in the computer.
One of my dreams since I was very young, since I started with English was having someone to read me books.
On the Internet I have heard many podcasts but that was not what I wanted. I wished hearing and reading at the same time.
Now, thinking about audiobooks and all this kind of things, I thought that perhaps I could find, on the one hand, books written in English, in pdf for example, and the other hand audios of these books, in mp3 for example. And so it was. Now, whenever I have time, I spend pleasant moments with my new distraction.
At first I tried finding movies in English with subtitles in English, but , by the moment, I have given up. I visited a hundred of pages, but there is no way, all of them put any impediment.
I will keep trying it. Any suggestions?



A lightning bolt struck down my Internet service last week. Being without Internet blows my mind. I call my Internet provider everyday, but nothing happens. Two weeks ago, another lightning bolt did the same, and I lived internetless for more than one week.

Life loses its sense without surfing online. Friends, family, pets, radio music stations, TV programs, books, all of them have occupied my time for years, but now they seem so unappealing. How human beings survived for millions of years without chatting, blogging, posting, or youtubing? Who knows.

Today I bought a newspaper; at least, a Sudoku and a crossword wait for my brain. Later, I dusted my old TV because a new sitcom starts tonight in a local channel. Wow! Political ads have filled the local channels; we vote next month. Where the heck is the remote control...


Telling a fable, a Hindu story

This tale has been taught to many children on Hindu culture. And It is one that reminds them to stick up for others. I’m just going to try telling as fine as I can.

Yudishtra was a wise and compassioned king. He had ruled his people with wisdom and compassion. But He and his family came into a point in which they had to leave their real life to go to live to their “promised land", The Great Celestial city. So, they set off in a long journey towards the city with his beloved wife and his four brothers. In their path, the king found a stray dog alongside the road. King Yudishtra saw its soft, gentle eyes and was moved to compassion and spared its loneliness. During the climbing of a high mountain, all his family found difficult to breathe and, one by one, started to collapsed and died. For the rest of the journey, the king had to continue the journey with no human companion only his faithful little dog.

At last, He and his loyal dog arrived to the gates of the Celestial City, home of the immortals. Indra, the god who ruled that paradise, welcomed him warmly. He said to Yudishtra that all his family were already inside. So, The King asked Indra for the entrance and also had another request: “I can not let my dog outside. Could you let it enter too?” Indra replied: “Yudishtra, You have been a good and soft hearted king. But the rules are the rules, and they are very clear: ‘No animals at all in here’. You must let behind your dog outside these gates”.

So, the resulted king decided returned back. Indra, astonished because of the king’s decision, stopped him and asked once more. Are you keen to give up everything that this special place has to offer? “Yes”, and added: “I live my entire life with these values and I promised myself not give my back to those in need or those who deserve my help. My decision remains, I won’t abandon him”.

Finally, Indra told him: “Well, you, Yudishtra, have passed my final test. Nothing is more highly or more richly rewarded than what you have demonstrated now. As Indra said those words, the king’s dog became into another god owner of all richness and justice. At the end, both were gently welcomed and lived in eternal happiness together.

La tos invencible

Estoy en la sala de espera del consultoria del doctor con mi hijo Dominic. Ambos sufren todavía por la tos que mencioné en un escrito previo. Dominic ha tenido la condición por casi tres semanas. Por cierto no es el resfriadio estándar. A veces se parece disminuir por unas horas, pero siempre vuelve con una fuerza renovada, especialmente después de cualquier actividad física. Hace dos semanas el médico esperó que la enfermedad se desvaneciera sin medicina en pocos días, pero no ha sido el caso. Por suerte no hay ningún evidencia de la propagación de una tos ¡por internet!


Casa y casar...

Estaba leyendo algo ayer cuando me preguntó -- ¿"Casar" está relacionada con "casa"? Consulté la RAE y aprendí que es verdad, "casar" fue formado de "casa". A mí es divertido que nunca he reconocido esta conexión antes. Me recuerda a un "phrasal verb" en inglés -- "to shack up". Un "shack" es una casa muy pobre y "to shack up" quier decir vivir juntos sin casarse.

El diccionario me mostró otras palabras relacionadas con "casa"... un casamentero es un "matchmaker" en inglés, y hay una gran canción de este título desde el musical "Fiddler on the Roof". Igualmente, un casamiento a la fuerza es un "shotgun wedding". Esta es una expresión espléndida en inglés con que te puede imaginar del padre de la novia con una escopeta para asegurarse de que la boda se complete.


Palabras extrañas

Hablando de "ataúd"... me parece una palabra extraña -- ¿por qué lleva una tilde? Creo que no es necesario para la pronunciación. Otras palabras que me extrañan son "espíritu" y "tribu". ¿Sabeis otras palabras que terminan con una "u"? Y la palabra más rara con que me he encontrado es "reloj". ¿De dónde viene la "j" al fin? Me cuesta mucho pronunciarla correctamente.

¿Cuáles son las palabras en inglés que te parecen más raras? Talvez hay demasiado de contar, porque el inglés es un ladrón de palabras de otros idiomas, que frecuentemente aun no cambia la redacción.

Vistas de la página

Ayer añadi el "gadget" de TOTAL PAGEVIEWS y, por casualidad, acabo de abrir la página en el momento en que la cuenta alcanzó a 5,0000. Me parece un gran número.


Being very optimist, I console myself thinking about a fact. Spain is a country of contrasts. We have a warm south and a cold and rainy north. We also have a thriving industrial north and a south too dependent on tourism and of the Government.
Now we have had a severe drought in the whole country which has added itself to the economic crisis we are suffering. 
What is happening after the drought?... severe flooding.
I think has already happened several times in the Spain history that, after a crisis come periods of great prosperity. In this occasion I have a lot of doubts about "great prosperity", however I trust in something of prosperity. Who knows on that way the crisis is transforming this country?, Who knows on that way we will leave the crisis?. When the crisis is over, will they come storms or simple downpours?, Will it fall someday the desired rain on our economy?. Who knows.



No es el tos que te llevará a la muerte; es el ataúd en que te llevarán.

Es mi traducción del dicho en inglés:
It's not the cough that will carry you off; it's the coffin they'll carry you off in.
Es una rima y un juego de palabras, que no necesariamente tiene mucha razón, pero puede recordarles cómo pronunciar "cough" (como "coff"). A propósito, estamos pasando un tos a todas personas en la familia... ¡qué divertido!

Keeping my English in progress

Hi, it's me again practicing sentences.
1) That TV program usually laugh with him, but many times it does at him.
2) If I had one wish, if this were a fairy tale, it would be that my English to be remarkable.
3) If I had more practice in English, I would improve more quickly.
4) In his spare time, He use to pick up the litter from the path in order to keep the countryside tidy.
5) That ingridient can be sprinkled over your pizza, but it is quite salty.
6) Haven't I seen you somewhere/anywhere before?
7) Today's topic is all about meeting new people and being a good person.
8) Things change over/with/thorugh the time.
9) I want there to be a huge bed and to can read a thick, intersting book in a comfortable position.
10) If someone asks you, you haven't met me.
11) I know about that theme, but I would rather not to talk about it.
12) You could go to my city, either by bus or by train. But keep in mind that my country has its biggest railway network in Buenos Aires.
13) The economy is quite stable there, and I hope it keeps like that for many many decades to come.
14) I thought they were going to get through the storm, but the strong waves flipped their boat.
15) I told him: Call me if you are interested in practicing the language.