
The Blizzard

Más de mil vuelos se han cancelado. Las escuelas están cerradas. La gente se queda en casa en vez de ir a su trabajo. ¿Qué pasa? Una gigante tormenta invernal se dirige al noreste del país, incluso de las ciudades de Nueva York y Boston. Esperan 20-30 pulgadas de nieve en Nueva York, con vientos hasta 50 millas por hora de velocidad.

Lo maravilloso es que no veo ninguna señal de la tormenta donde vivo, en el sureste del país. Tenemos algunas nubes de color gris, pero la temperatura está cerca de 10 grados. Quizá la única indicación de la inminente tormenta en mi vida sea que he visto pocos correos electrónicos de mis colegas en Nueva York. Junto con el hecho de que es un día de fiesta en la India, donde tengo muchos otros colegas, ha resultado una mañana bastante tranquila.

La palabra en el título, "blizzard", quiere decir una gran tormenta de nieve. Me pregunto de dónde viene.


I Love You

Every time I kiss you, I feel that don't seem enough,
every time I have got you, I go crazy.
And every time, when I look at you, every time,
I find a reason to go on living.
It is like to discover the universe.
I love you, I love you
and you are the centre of my heart.
like the earth to sun.
Every time the night goes to her hair,
I feel jealous from every white star.
And every time, when dawning , every time,
I feel caught from your look a little more.
And every time, between your embraces , every time,
it wakes a song and a kiss is born.


I Snuck in a Party

He didn't invite me
but I went to,
around the corner, I waited the moment
that no one looks at me
to step into inside.
It was my chance,
some go inside,
others are going out
and while a racket happens
I sneak within.
I snuck there and appeared in your party,
Coke for all and snacks,
a lot of pretty women
but no one of them alone,
colored lights,
I will have a fun,
I wondered
Who might introduce me to him?
I wondered
What can we talk about?
I saw her to pass and hid,
with her transparent dress,
she was provoking people.
She saw me and approached to me,
it was love at first sight
and she fell  in love.


Pasos para reducir la propagación de la gripe en casa

(Una traducción de un folleto en la cafetería)

Al cuidar a un familiar que está enfermo con la gripe, las maneras más importantes de proteger a ti mismo y a los otros que no están enfermos son:

Guarda al enfermo fuera de otros todo lo posible.

Recuérdale al enfermo cubrir las toses y frecuentemente lavar las manos con jabón y agua o desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol, especialmente después de toser y/o estornudar.

Haz que todos en casa laven las manos con frecuencia, usando jabón y agua o desinfectante basado en alcohol.

Pregúntale a su médico si familiares en contacto con el enfermo — particularmente los que tienen condiciones crónicas de salud — deben tomar medicamientos antivirales como Tamiflu o Relenza para prevenir la gripe.


Popular Phrases from Pope Francis

Resultado de imagen de pope francis
It isn't necessary to believe in God to be a good person. Somehow, the traditional idea of God is not been updated. You can be spiritual but not religious. It is not necessary to go to church and give money. For a lot of people, nature can be a church. Some of the best people in the history didn't believe in God, while a lot of the worst acts were done in his name.
Pope Francis.



Yesterday, we have been visiting Toledo at southern of Madrid. I recognize I love medieval cities, Toledo is an important medieval city where you can see a lot monuments and old buildings. It is an important factory of medieval weapons and armours.
Plus, you can see a great Cathedral, a mosque and a synagogue, and the whole old city is walled with a medieval wall as a castle, of course.
The most curious characteristic of this city and others in Spain is in seeing a mixture of cultures in its architecture. It shows a coexistence among Christians, Jewish and Arabs peacefully. In spite of some try to demonstrate that they are destined to live in war.
In the photo, you can see a important synagogue decorated with arabic arches that finally was become in Christian church. I could see an olive tree dedicated to Palestina too. Finally the Asian presence was an evidence with a lot of Chinese tourist. :)