
The Importance of The Internet(essay)

No doubt, the Internet has become one of the most important inventions in the 20th Century, that even nowadays, it is still bringing a genuine revolution in its new applications and possibilities.

It has set an alternative way to understand the relationships, something certainly essential for mankind.  In this regard, the world is smaller now, we can speak and see to other or others in real-time and , of course, to leave messages too if someone can not answer your call .in any time.. And the greatest factor: "the distance doesn't matter".

It is important to stress that it has become popular  thank to be a cheap technology. But, on the contrary, we can easily a downside, the non verbal language, that is not usually transmitted and it can provoke adverse and undesirable reactions, due to a dual possible interpretation of a given message or the possibility not to see your partner's face.

I would rather the chance opened up to us  learning  whatever topic that you are finding out by the internet, you can find easily a lot of useful information of all kinds,  Therefore, the internet represents a brilliant tool for studying..

I love looking for information, news, historic data without having to go to a library. Taking  always  into account that some sites offer unreliable sources of  information, So making sure that you are on the proper page before reading..

In conclusion, we can assert at the internet , in spite of difficulties, is the tool that is changing the world.

Notice that I talked only of a little part of the total opportunities that the internet offers.


Asturias, Its Significance:

Hi everybody, I missed writing in this place. I'm going to talk about my holidays in summer.

it's located in the north of Spain, a big chunk of Asturias is unspoilt countryside, a hidden gem, it has a lot conservation areas where some protected bears live within a leafy forest, among picturesque villages

It has nothing to do with bullfights, nor with bull running. In contrast you can encounter easily breathtaking views of beautiful landscapes.
Asturias comes with traditional crafts and customs, and bagpipes that particulary I love it.
Resultado de imagen de asturias gaitasAs for its distinctive cuisine, you can taste :asturian beans(fabada), different cheeses, in particular Cabrales cheese and cider under denomination of origin.
If we move on to desserts, you can enjoy rice pudding or almond cake, among others.
In conclusion Asturias is a region very different from the typical stereotypes.



All our life is full of memories. Sometimes good and sometimes bad.
Before, when cameras didn't exit, people rememebered things thanks to their memory: Reunions, good or bad moments, events ......
Soon, pictures were the best thing to remember things. A good photography of your childhood it was the best vivid memory of our life. It was like a real treasure, that everybody keeps with high care.
Times have changed. And the techonological revolution have changed our habbits of taking memories. Thanks to the use of gadgets like mobile phones, we can record our lives. Our laughs, our best moments .... all that we want to keep for our future. To show to the rest of the world, our life when we were younger, like if that moment was taken yesterday ....
But, what will happen in the future? Pictures, Video will be replaced for another kind of objets? .... Perhaps it will be posible to touch ourselves in the past and in the present .... Only time will answer .....


Another Commercial Day

All festivals have a commercial target:
Christmas .... Gifts Sales ...
Black Friday .... Gifts
Easter .. Holidays,
Father's day
Mother's day
St. Valentines's Day....
Today we are celebrating St Valentine's Day. The love's Day. The day where all couples must show their love eachother. Restaurants with special meals, Gifts for her, for him, Hotels ......
We are living around the commerce, e-commerce, and we are loosing a lot of values that we had before.
Do you think that in this day you are showing your love? Or can you show it along the year?



It is said that life is carnival.
I think that this sentence it is true. Everybody has different faces to face their lifes.
Now, in carnival times, eveybody wants to dress up to be something totally different to their normal life.
Dancing, happiness ... in all parts of the world.
Only for 3, 4 or 5 days all the life change to show an image totally different.
But when we change our faces everyday, when we have a different behaviour, we are dressing up our daily life, and we never show what it really we are.
Is it necesary to change our face? I don't know ...I only know that we should act like we are. Not having different faces, because we would be cheatting ourselves.

Happy Carnival!


Marmot's day

2nd of February. USA, : Marmot's day
It is said, that this day is celebrated by some american farmers as a tradition.
They want to predict the end of the Winter.
The behaviour or the acts of this Little animal, will say us when the Winter is finishing.
I have a problem. We are in February, obviously is Winter, but it looks like if we were in Spring, or Autum. I love cold, but this year Winter, at least in my country, is very strange. Not cold. Not rains, Not floods ( good news), not snow ( not very good news for people that live of snow ( snow resorts, hotels in the mountains ....), warm temperaturas .....
Probably the american marmot will say us if we are at the end of the Winter or we are next to the Winter ... Who knows ????  ....
........ Only the marmot ;)


The last train to to the school.

Yesterday I listened in the news this piece of news. 
In Japan, a girl goes to the school by train. She is the only person in the bus train, who takes it to go to the school. She lives in a small village and it's necessary to take it to go every day to the school. 
The Japanesse authorities know this problem and they know the cost of this public service. They know that the education is compulsory in Japan, and despite the cost, the have decided to keep it until the girl finishes the school, in the next month of March. 
This is a very nice act of the Japanesse authorities for the population, to keep their education system. Not in all parts of the world, this kind of attitude towards the population would be done it.
It's for this reason, I think Japan is one country where the weelbeing of the people is before the economic results. They know it and they do it. For the population. I wish every countries did the same things.
The day that this girl finised the school, will be the day that she will take the last train. 


Computers ... No Limits

It's true that Computers, Personal Computers, Gadgets like Smart phones, tablets .... make us our lifes easier than some years ago.
In our companies, computers help us to make our process more verified, reliable ... they make the work quicker and with more precission than before. Sometimes, they help to give off people but in the most of the cases, it's necessary more people to controll them, to help them .... ( But not in all cases)
In our lifes, Personal computers help us to make our life easier too. But in some cases they help us to decrease the feeling of isolation. With them, social networks help us to be in contact with another people and to make smaller the long distances.

After this introdution, I would like to write few lines to tell you the last news that I read yesterday on the net.
Everybody knows that big powers, like EEUU, Japan ... are on the top in the development of new technologies.
Thanks the work of people who work there, new technologies and computers are living with us. And we can use them. Because the are part of our lifes.
The last news deals with the possibility that in a very near future, Computers are managed by our minds. I think how would be possible to be able to control that machines with our mind. I don't know. But I wonder, In that moment, we will be persons or machines? I don't know. What it is true is that the future is not very far.



Today, I've learnt a new expression, very coloquial at least in the oral comunication.
The expression is. TO BE CUTTING IT FINE.
We can translate this expression from English to Spanish like: LLEGAR POR LOS PELOS.
The meaning can be: when someone can do a thing just in the last momento. More or less.
Let's see several examples to leant this expression:

He woke up later than usual. His flight was goinf to take off in two hours. He hurried up to take a car and drove to the airport. He arrived 30 minutes before the departure of the flight. He WAS CUTTING IT FINE.
In Spanish:
Se despertó más tarde que de costumbre. Su vuelo despegaba en dos hora. Se dio prisa en coger un coche y condujo al aeropuerto. El llegó 30 minutos antes de la salida del vuelo. El LLEGÓ POR LOS PELOS.


The best boss

Yesterday I read an article in a magazine name : Is he the best boss in the world or is he a sham?
Nice headline to an article. 
The new Robin Hood in the world, Dan Price, works for Gravity Payments. This company, located in Seattle, is specialised  in financial services.
One day, Dan decided to increase the salary of all his employees from 50.000$ to 70.000$ for the year 2017. 
To avoid the increase of costs of his company, he decided to reduce his salary in the same way that he increased the salary of all his employees. 
With this action, all his employees would be very happy with their boss but at the same time with the company for which they work for.
Soon, this action was very popular in the country. And Dan has been interviewed for several mass media to explain his action and to advice to the companies with a new way of helping to the welfare of all his employees. 
It is said that Dan earns, 20.000$ for each interview. I suppose that all these incomes go to the result of his company and finally to his pocket. It is said that this new model of management helps to increase the profits of the companies, and the welfare of the employees, because they take part of the management of the company.
But I think that all this story is a nice tale. Not everybody works for this kind of company, not all companies are the same, and obviously, not all companies can afford all these kind of ways of management. I wonder, what is the real message of all this story? I don't know, but sincerelly, I wouldn't mind to work for Gravity Payments.