
Asturias, Its Significance:

Hi everybody, I missed writing in this place. I'm going to talk about my holidays in summer.

it's located in the north of Spain, a big chunk of Asturias is unspoilt countryside, a hidden gem, it has a lot conservation areas where some protected bears live within a leafy forest, among picturesque villages

It has nothing to do with bullfights, nor with bull running. In contrast you can encounter easily breathtaking views of beautiful landscapes.
Asturias comes with traditional crafts and customs, and bagpipes that particulary I love it.
Resultado de imagen de asturias gaitasAs for its distinctive cuisine, you can taste :asturian beans(fabada), different cheeses, in particular Cabrales cheese and cider under denomination of origin.
If we move on to desserts, you can enjoy rice pudding or almond cake, among others.
In conclusion Asturias is a region very different from the typical stereotypes.


  1. [] Located in the north of Spain, a big chunk of Asturias is unspoilt countryside, a hidden gem, it has a lot conservation areas where some protected bears live within a leafy forest, among picturesque villages.

    It has nothing to do with bullfights, nor with bull running. In contrast you can encounter [] breathtaking views of beautiful landscapes. Asturias comes with traditional crafts and customs, and bagpipes that I particulary [] love [].

    As for its distinctive cuisine, you can taste: asturian beans (fabada), different cheeses, in particular Cabrales cheese and cider under denomination of origin. If we move on to desserts, you can enjoy rice pudding or almond cake, among others. In conclusion Asturias is a region THAT IS very different from the typical stereotypes.

    Well done, Roberto. You haven't lost your touch.

  2. Thank you Matt, Glad to hear you again :)


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