
New Techonoliges in our education system

Last Sunday I red in a magazine, an article about the use of new technologies in our education system. After having read that article I was thinking if with the use of new electronics gadgets we are building or not a new education system.
In my opinion, the use of new technologies in the schools is possitvie because they open new way to teach.  A laptop in the class, allows to the teacher to teach with more examples or the use of determinate things. 
The article was focused of the lack of faculties of the children to write words. With the use of gadgets like : laptops, Mobile phones, tablets ..... they are losing the art of writing. 
When we were young it was very important to learn to write without mistakes. Now, with the use of these electrionic devices, surely they are loosing the art of writing.
Everybody knows the new words with the use of electronic devices: for example: 
2 U measn to you
4 U for you
Thx : Thanks
Congratx: congratulations 
FYI  For your information
BTW By the way 
With the use  of these new symbols, we are loosing the art of writing, the art of reading, because not everybody understand these new words, new symbols...
What will happens when our children are olders? Will they be able to express correctly in their days.... I don't know ... I wish anybody lose their language ...

Like all things in this life, New Technologies have possitive things, but in this case, hard side effects.


Actividades festivas

Es una semana llena de actividades festivas. El martes celebramos el cumpleaños de mi hija, cenando en un restaurante tai y disfrutando una tarta de galletas y crema en casa. Anoche mi hermana mayor y su familia visitaban y tomamos una mesa de 12 en otro restaurante, hablando especialmente con mis sobrinos a quienes llevábamos mucho tiempo sin ver. Hoy un hijo asistirá un retiro de adviento mientras otro verá una interpretación de "A Christmas Carol" en el teatro. Mañana por la noche se tendrá lugar la fiesta navideña dada por las maestras de piano de mis hijos y centrada en interpretaciones por todos los estudiantes. ¡Pero hay más! El sábado por la noche mi hermano y su esposa darán una fiesta para vecinos, amigos y familiares como nosotros. Y últimamente, el domingo toda la familia va a ver el nuevo episodio de "Star Wars", preguntándonos qué nuevas formas de sables de luz aparecerán y si Darth Vader está muerto en realidad. Después de todo, ¡voy a dormir sin cesar durante 24 horas! :-)



Hi, My name is Inma. I want improve my English. I can help you .


No cualificado

Anoche chateé con una amiga en Venezuela. Llegamos a hablar del Señor Trump, quien al parecer gana atención en todas partes del mundo. "Es malcriado" fue mi primer comentario. Lo más preocupante sobre él no son sus declaraciones indignantes, sino el hecho de que ha mantenido su apoyo entre un cierto segmento de la gente, a pesar de sus declaraciones. Mi hermano está entre ellos. No es que aprueba los comentarios; más bien cree que no importan. No estoy de acuerdo. Las palabras importan mucho, en las relaciones familiares, en lugares de trabajo y especialmente en las campañas presidenciales. Para mí, las declaraciones de Trump revelan un carácter inadecuado para un líder nacional.


Come To My Home At Christmas

You, who are far away from your friends,
from your land and your home
and you have sorrow, sorrow in your soul
because you don't stop to think
you, who can't stop to remember tonight,
I want you know you have, here, a place in my table.
For that and other matters more
come to my home at Christmas.
You who maybe remember to your mother
or some child who is not,
I want you know that he will accompany you,
Don't go through that streets which stunning yourself,
come with us and try to smile close to us.
You, who have always lived turning your back without forgiving any mistake,
It is the time for meeting again, come to my home please.
Now, it is the time to talk because nothing lost,
In those days,  everything is forgot and nothing happened.


Happy Thanksgiving Day

Today is a special day, at least for all american people. Today they are going to celebrate THANKS GIVING DAY. All families together to celebrate this important date.
Today is the day where more movements there are between cities, states ... to have dinner in family or with friends.
But tomorrow... tomorrow .. is the hangover day, after thanksgiving day. It is named: Black Friday. Another important date exported to the rest of the world.
Today, I read an article based on 27th November, named: RAK DAY. (Random act of Kindness). No other agenda. Acts like:
Smiling at 10 strangers,
Surprising a retail cashier with a lottery ticket
Bring reusable bags
.....I don't know if this initiative is right or not... But I am sure that some american friend, let us know something about it.
Happy Thanksgiving day.


I Am Not Asking You ...

(poem and song)
I am not asking you to bring me down a blue star,
I am only asking you to fill my space with your light,
I am not asking you to sign 10 grey papers to love,
I am only asking you to love the pigeons that I watch usually.
As to the past, I am not going to deny,
the future will come some day,
and as to the present,
what do I care the people,
they are always going to gossip.
Continue filling of reasons for breathing in this minute,
do not please me, do not refuse, do not talk for talk.



Esta mañana tuve la oportunidad de caminar a mi trabajo, no desde mi casa sino desde un taller donde había dejado mi coche. No puedo explicarlo, pero hay algo sobre caminar con una destinación que me encanta. Me gustan el aire fresco, el ejercicio y las vistas a lo largo del camino. Me gusta también no estar dependiente de un vehículo y todo lo que conlleva — gasolina, mantenimiento, seguro etc. Desafortunadamente mi casa dista de todo, así que caminar a un lugar es una circunstancia rara.


En mi trabajo tengo una nueva asignación para trabajar en un proyecto en México. Normalmente no trabajo directamente en proyectos, pero hoy en día tenemos tantos que aceptaríamos a cualquier persona que tuviera un corazón palpitante. Es carambola que se llevará a cabo el proyecto en México. Aunque no espero viajar allí, quizá tendré unas oportunidades de hablar en español. Sería una prueba de mi vocabulario técnico, que no es tan bueno.



Llevando 50 años hablando inglés, he aprendido hoy un nuevo modismo (nuevo para mí): to put the cat among the pigeons (colocar el gato entre las palomas). Un colega irlandés lo usó en un correo electrónico para describir el efecto de una pregunta mía. No he escuchado este modismo antes, pero pude adivinar el signficado intentado — mi pregunta había causado mucho pertubación. Wikipedia me dice que "alborotar a todo el palomar" es un equivalente en español, aunque le falta el gato :-).

 Otra expresión inglés es "a bull in a china shop". Es una vívida imagen no muy diferente de la del gato y de las palomas. Se aplica a una persona desenfrenada en una circunstancia que incluye objetos frágiles. Me acuerdo de un anuncio televisivo en el que un toro deambuló entre exhibidores de porcelana fina. Creo que trató del seguro o algo similar.


Trick or Treat

As in each year at this date, an american tradition invades our lives.
Children dresses up like monsters, wichtes, deaths .... are in all streets singing the same : Trick or Treat.

Schools are required to ensure the celebration of Halloween.
All schools prepare little parties for children. They enjoy a lot in these parties. But after the school, the party carries in the streets and of course, like in The States in their neighbourghoods. In the place where I live, there is a neighbbourhood, where there ares some houses decorated with lights, and pumpkins. All children go there to achieve sweets, and of course they want to scare to the owners of the houses with: TRICK OR TREAT.
Apart from this anecdote, what it is obvious is that The States are the best sellers or exporters of their traditions to the rest of the world. Everybody looks to America when Halloween is coming. They want to copy the American tendency and spread it in their country, city or neighbourhood.
Pumkins are in all villages. Every year, when I go to visit a cementery I see pumkins in the path to the cementery. But theses punkins are for the tradition of the village where I go to visit my grandparents in the cementery.



One of the things that I love of Autum is the colour of our forests. Orange, Green. The leaves on the come tumbling down, making a paht of green, yellow and orange colours.
Walking across this kind ok paths, is one of the best experiences of the Autum. Feelling the peace, feeling the silence ... It is magic. Your footstep is the only sound that you can heart. The silence, the river, the water  ..... The peace around you , it's one the best things of this moment.
The fog on the forest, mixed with the colours is frankly, wonderful.
In this period of the year, one of the most popular activities that people do is : Collecting mushrooms.
People usually go to the forest with the aim of enjoying a day in the forest, walking and collecting mushrooms. People go in groups of friends, families .....
While they are enjoying of the landscape, the paths.... they look for behing their foots to find : a mushroom.
Baskets, little knives are the instruments used to find and collect the mushrooms.
After the walk, everybody enjoys showing their collect and cooking it to taste the flavour of the forest's products.
But, one thing that everybody should know before collecting mushrooms and cooking them is that not every mushrooms are good to taste them. Sometimes, nice mushrooms, hide serious dangers for our health. There are healthy and dangerous mushrooms. If we taste a danger mushroom we can die.
Each time there are more people interested in this kind of activity and the mushroom's culture is growing up. In the area where I live, there are workdays, where people are taught in the culture of mushrooms. Ther can learn who to differentiate betwen a good and bad mushroom,  etc... after the working days, they usually go to the forest to collect all kind of mushroms. After that, all mushrooms are clasificated with their name, and the most important thing: They show which ones are bad or dangerous for our health. These kind of activities repeated in a lot of villages is very important to enjoy and taste of one of the most important things of Autum.


Let's Celebrate an important day

Yesterday, we lived an important day.
523 years ago, America was discovered by Cristobal Colon.
In my opinion, we must celebrate this date because the current world wouldn't be understand it without America and Europe.
The American's development wouldn't be whait it is with the help of Eurpe. At the same time, the devolopment of Europe wouldn't be understand without America. Both continents are importants to understand our lifes.
I would say that Europe, the old continent, means the tradition, the rules, .. whereas America represents modernity, action, new ways of thinking.
There are theories against the discovery but I think that the history of that fact, is the most important thing for everybody!
The pity is that all traditions or ancient groups of people have become extint and with them a huge part of the history of America ( North and South). With them, now we could understand better the history  of that continent


The end of a dream II

It's very sad to talk about what it's happening in Europe and mainly, about syrian refugees.
The problem is that they want to achieve Europe, as a the door of freedom. In my opinion, I think that all countries member of the Eurpean Community want to help to all the syrian refugees. But, they are too much people, and the situation is getting overdramatic ( I don't know if "is getting overdramatic is used well.).
Every country has its own infrastucture and now with the massive entrace of syrian people, the situation is getting dramatic, not only for the european countries but also for the main victims, syrian refugees.
Everybody must have the best conditions to live, but this is an unexpecting situation. They mustn't suffer discrimination and the have to live in the best conditions.
Time runs quickly, at the same time that the situation. I wish we could listen news with the aim of supporting and helping them.
It's a sad situation. But we mustn't forget that it is part of ouw history.



En su libro "Through the Looking-Glass" (espejo) Lewis Carroll incluyó un poema titulado "Jabberwocky" que, al parecer, cuenta de una batalla entre un joven y una bestia, el Jabberwock. Dije "al parecer" porque el poema usa varias palabras inventadas, dando mucha ambigüedad a la historia. Aunque no se ven las palabras en el diccionario, no les falta significado en absoluto, porque su sonido y redacción comunican algo al lector, evocando los sentidos de otras palabras.

Por ejemplo, la primera linea es "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves". Ni "brillig" ni "slithy" ni "toves" son palabras reales, pero todavía tiene la linea un tono de mal agüero. Una pregunta fascinante es — ¿Cómo se traduciría este poema a otro idioma? ¿Cuál es el equivalente de una palabra sin significado claro? Bueno, déjame centrarme en la palabra "slithy".

¿Qué expresa? Primeramente suena como "slimy", que quiere decir viscoso, legamoso, fangoso. También suena como "lithe" (ágil) y "sly" (listo, mañoso). Además, "slithy" parece como un pariente de "to slither" que es como se mueve un serpiente. Por lo tanto, puedo tratar de combinar algunas de aquellas palabras españoles, y produzco "culegañoso". Los tovos culegañosos. ¿Qué te expresa esto? ¿Podría ser una palabra en español?

Por cierto, encontré en Wikipedia varias traducciones del poema. Por "slithy" usan "viscovivos", "agiliscosos", "flexicosos", "pegájiles" y "agilimosas". ¿Cuál es la mejor?


The end of a dream

These days are very specially distressing.
People are running away from their birh-countries because the situation that they are living is simply unfair.
Their buildings have been destroyed, their living conditions have been eliminated.... They don't have anything and their life expectancy is lacking. They considered themselves like a broken toys. The exit from their country is the obvious solution to achieve the wellbeing that they have lost. But, when they decide to run away from the country, an old movement is waiting for them. Mafia (behind a new face, more calm and friendly), promises them a new life in a better world. They pay it their savings of all their life with the aim of finding a better world for them and for all their family.
In most of the cases, the tragedy is wainting for them, when they least expect it. When their dream of arriving to the new world .... they are the main actors of the tragedy, and with this act all their life and dreams are closed.
In my mind, the image of that child of 3 years lying on the beach.
Sometimes, we should think about our fortune of living in a safe country with our family, friends ... They don't have anything and surely they will not have anything, any life expectancy .... And if they find something to full their lifes, they will find a lot of problems. Not at the beginning, but after some days, months after their arrival.



After reading several newspapers these days, and listening to the tv newss, I am very concerned about the problem of I,migration.
Before, people who dreamed of arriving to Spain, with the aim of beginning a new life, where they could work and help to their families. The reality was very different. They had big problems to arrive in Spain, most of them were illegal immigrants. Here in Spain, Police was behind them. They couldn't find new opportunities. The best jobs were, low paid jobs. But they wanted to be legals and they dreamed of finding the awaited opportunity. Immigration, always has been a phenomenon where people tried to find new opportunities. The illegal immigration was focused, mainly in the south of Spain. Later, it was Italy. Now is all Europe, from Spain to Greece. People want to go to Germany, to other countries where they think the survival is assured. It's very sad reading this kind of news. Families go out of their countries. The face of the women and childs are striking. Behind they, countries full of problems, ilegal actions .... however, in front of them the uncertainly plays with the birth of new ( they are old) movements for Nazis.... where the victims will be all these families, men and women.
We are living in a society where the development is a chance to work together. Everybody has to work to avoid the illegal immigration, and the most important thing, to give them the chance of living and built with us a new world.


Our Trip Through The South of UK

I want to count on how was my trip along the south of UK, firstly our plans were to stay in British families' homes in order to experiment a proper inmersion cultural. I have to say that to hire spare rooms in England is a great business for British families.
The trip started in Brighton, a city at the coast with a nice pier, the piers are typical buildings in British beaches. We visited Eastbourne too.

A week later, we arrived by train to Bournemouth, a city at coast with a nice beaches, from there you can run tours by the forest in national parks by walking or cycling.
Resultado de imagen de SalisburyOne of things that you can do in UK is visiting medieval places, we went to Salisbury, casually this year is the anniversary of the Carta Magna in 1215, where the British sat the powers division and sat the first human rights written. I have to recognize that they were very advanced for that period, Spain was invaded for the muslims in that period, so regrettably there were other priorities.
Finally, we went to London to remind an old travel in that city.

Living with families is a nice idea but it can have inconvenients, for example the first family in Brighton, the woman owner looked hippie, walked without shoes and really untidy, we prefer not to argue. the second family, they were vegans, a diet too much strict.

Resultado de imagen de pier brightonWe found a lot of Spanish speakers in UK, they are studying, working or visiting UK. I feel confortable with the weather because it is very hot in Spain now but they prefer Spanish hot beaches and seawater on holiday, I understand it because it rains a lot of times there.

The best part of our trip for me are its countryside, always green, and their medieval places. The worst things are the food in supermarkets, due to the lack of products in comparison with Spain, the amount of fast-food restaurants and the prices, UK is a very expensive country, so you need a good salary to be able to live there reasonably well.


Mackinac Island

Déjame contarte de nuestro viaje de vacaciones. El jueves el 6 de agosto conducimos a la casa de mi hermana en el estado de Ohio, a ocho horas al norte de aquí. Pasamos tres días allí con los primos aprovechando la oportunidad de jugar juntos. El domingo subimos al coche de nuevo y conducimos al estado de Michigan, que está rodeado por los Great Lakes. Nuestra destinación fue la isla de Mackinac Island, una isla que tiene una larga historia con americanos nativos, cazadores de pieles, misioneros franceses, soldados de tres países y finalmente, turistas. Lo que atrae a los turistas hoy en día, además del tiempo y paisaje, es el hecho de que se prohiben los automoviles en la isla. Por eso abundan las bicicletas y caballos que tiran carros. Es una escena hermosa. ¡Qué agradable sea caminar por las calles sin el ruído de coches y camiones! Otro objetivo del viaje fue visitar a mi hijo que trabaja como pianista en la Grand Hotel en la isla. Después de tres días en la isla partimos hasta Canadá, donde disfrutamos de una excursión de un día en tren. Después de todo, llegamos a casa a medianoche del sábado, finalizando un viaje de más de dos mil millas.

I Learnt With You

(old popular song)
I learnt with you
that new and better emotions exist
I learnt with you
a full world of happiness*
I learnt
a week has more than seven days,
to make bigger my numbered joys,
and I learnt with you to be happy.
I learnt with you
to look the light to the other side of the moon,
I learnt with you
that I don't change your presence by anyone.
I discovered that a kiss can be sweeter and deeper,
that I can just leave of this world tomorrow,
I just lived with you the nice things.
And I learnt with you
that I was born the day that I met you

(*) I think that "happiness" is closer translation than "hope"

Hello Matt, I will talk soon about my trip along south of UK.


August is the month where everybody tends to enjoy their holidays. The worst of this month is the Price increase that everybody has to afford.
In the end, I think it's worth paying that increase with the aim of enjoy of your free days, breaking your daily routines.
I have spent some days abroad, and I can assure you that those days were wonderful. I could explore a country full of tales, mystery and brutal nature. Now I am thinking in my next destination ..... where .... I don't know yet, but I want to find a place where I can disconnect and enjoy of nature, landscape ...... culture ....



Podrías creer que "outcome" sea el antónimo de "income", pero no es así. Un "outcome" es simplemente un resultado, sea de una reunión, de un experimento o de cualquier evento. En los últimos años escucho la palabra con frecuencia en el campo médico, refiriéndose precisamente a "patient outcomes" (resultados para pacientes). Por otro lado, "income" es un término financiero para lo que una persona o una empresa ha recibido por su trabajo, inversiones, ventas etc. Todos los 15 de abril los estadounidenses tienen que entregar un informe que concilia sus pagos y deudas respecto a "income tax". El mejor "outcome" de esto es un reembolso.


¡Viva la "se" reflexiva!

Hoy voy a hablar del verbo "to budge", que escuché ayer. "To budge" es mover(se) una pequeña distancia (como unos centímetros) a pesar de resistencia. Uno podría decir "We tried to move the wardrobe, but we could't budge it.". (El peso del armario impidió que se moviera.) Se usa también figurativamente, como en "We tried to persuade him, but he wouldn't budge.". Estos dos ejemplos muestran una característica del inglés que debe molestar a los hispanohablantes que lo aprenden — se puede usar muchos de los verbos o transitivamente o relexivamente — sin cualquier marca de la diferencia. En otra palabras, es bastante raro que usemos una forma de "self" para indicar que un verbo actúa reflexivamente. Si lo hiciéramos, el segundo ejemplo del uso de "budge" sería "...but he wouldn't budge himself", pero esto suena mal. En realidad me gusta la claridad de la "se" de español. Hace rato escuché a un lingüista citar la "se" como un ejemplo de una característica de un idioma que no es necesario. Quizás no absolutamente necesario, pero todavía útil. Entonces, si alguien insiste en que dejes de usar la "se" con los verbos reflexivos, "Don't budge yourself!".


Toda la luz que no podemos ver

Hace varias semanas me contaba mi madre sobre un  libro que leía, y cómo le encantó la manera de la que el autor describió escenas y emociones, usando palabras y expresiones inesperadas pero evocadoras. Posteriormente se lo dio prestado a mi hija quien lo leyó en sólo unos pocos días y lo disfrutó también. Ahora yo he comenzado a leerlo. Se llama "Toda la luz que no podemos ver" ("All the Light We Cannot See"). Otro aspecto atractivo de él es sus capítulos cortos (aunque es bastante largo), que lo hace fácil de leer cuando tienes sólo unos pocos minutos. Mi madre e hija tuvieron razón; el libro es fascinante y el lenguaje del autor creativísimo. Trata de las vidas de dos adolescentes, una en Francia y otro en Alemania, en los años antes de y durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La joven es ciega, un hecho que es la referencia más obvia del título, pero hay una más profunda. Creo que el título se refiere a la inocencia de los jovenes de los acontecimientos de la guerra, y quizás también a la ignorancia de todas las personas en aquella época. No conozco la historia completa a estas alturas, pero me parece que convergen las trayectorias de los jovenes. Ya veremos.


All is Fiesta!!

In each country, in each village, Fiesta is celebrated of different ways. Here, in Spain, we wouldn't understand "Fiesta" without bulls. In each part of the country, Bulls are the centre of all celebration. In some parts, people drive bulls towards the city centre with horses, in other places, bulls are closed in a small square and people are playing with them.....
But the most popular Fiesta is celebrated in Pamplona. Each year, a lot of people from different countries arrived in Pamplona to enjoy some days where all freedom is allowed. Foreigners join the pamplona's citizens to celebrate what is called the most international Fiesta.
Alcohol runs and everybody likes to drink, because is a part of the madness for 9 days. Every day ( from 7 to 14 of July, at 8:00 am, ) bulls are managed by people to the Bullsring. A race full of danger where everybody likes to participate and touch the danger. Each time there are more people running. They want a picture with the bulls running on the street.
Amazing picture. Danger and fun together. Being the focus of the picture. Showing the picture to the rest of the world. ........ It was just a moment. The photographer took the picture in a moment where the danger was a reality. Nothing happened. It was, as I told before, just a moment. Danger and fun. The blond man, looks like if he were enjoying of that moment, but probably he was suffering. But he has a souvenir of these days of Fiesta. Where all is allowed. Ernest Hemingway wrote about this Fiesta and everybody wants to life what he wrote in his book : FIESTA.
There are a lot of responsible people running or managing bulls towards the Bullsring. They are very serious, and they hate this kind of people that runs with alcohol's effects. It's a public Fiesta and everybody can take part of it. All is Fiesta!


When God Shuts a Door, He Opens a Window.

There are a item of news that has gone around the world, a nice story that gets the heart. Returning to the Greece topic, a 77-year-old elder after queuing in four banks in order to draw his 120-euro pension and find that he couldn't, directly he went down to the ground and started to cry of helplessness, later he was helped stand up while going on crying.
This picture went around the world and an Australian citizen saw it and recognized him, this man on the ground was the friend of his father in the past, then he did everything he could to locate him and to help him. Isn't it incredible?


América la hermosa

Una de mis favoritas canciones de la patria:

América la hermosa

O hermosa por cielos espaciosos
Por olas ambarinas de grano
Por majestades montañeras de púrpura
Encima de la llanura fructífera

¡América! ¡América!
Qué Dios le conceda su gracia
Y corone a sus buenos con hermandad
Desde mar hasta mar brillante.

O hermosa por pies de peregrinos
Cuyo estrés austero y apasionado
Construyó una carretera para libertad
A través de la tierra salvaje

¡América! ¡América!
Qué Dios remende cada defecto suyo
Asegure su alma con dominio propio
Su libertad en ley.

Letras en inglés


Accursed dead end II

After having read the last post on this blog, I only can tell that all that it shows is true.

Everybody knows, that Society is changing in all aspects. After long time where Governments had a high authority, where corruption was hidden, and where the arrival to take the power was the most important target, now things are changing. We have great holes made by the greed of people who were used to working on their own. Now, It's time to close that holes fulling them of prosperity for the population.
Greece, is a country where fulling that holes will be a hard task. Greece is part of The European Community.
The European Community is a good tool for the development not only for the Europe but also for the economy of the countries members.
This institution has enlisted to help not only Greece, but also to all countries with serious economic difficulties, eg: Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy.....
Greece never must defy the European aid. Europe has a big problema with Greece. Greece is very important to the development of Europe, and all countries are necessaries to achieve the European dream.
Europe and all european member have been very sensitive with the greek problem.
I know that it is unfair to accept all european restrictions in their own country, but I know it is necessary to achieve a future wellbeing.
Politicians must work only for their own country not for their own personal target. If they worked with this mentality, all would be different, better ...


Accursed Dead End

We can unlimitedly talk about Greek economic crisis, about solidarity, about European project, about democracy, etcetera, but after spending long time philosophizing, the creditors are coming and they want their money. that's just, it is.

The time is just over to make nice ideologies, it is not possible to speak about a new model of Europe with the invoices on the table.

On the other hand, the Greek economy is totally artificial, 90% of helps received has been destined to pay their debt, not to cover needs of people, besides Greek deficit is increasing along last years.

However, they can still count the European help if they accept reforms in their economy which have to do the restrictions in early retirement, minimal salary, taxes and military expenditures in order to be equated with the rest of European countries. But they don't accept, here is just the problem.
In my opinion, US is not comparable because a situation of different pensions or early retirement would be unbearable for them, in spite of there are states richer than others.

The days for the current goverment of Greece are numered, they got themselves into  trouble setting up a referendum about to accept the Troika conditions.

It is a really a dead end, if "the yes" successes, then they have to resign, on the contrary, if "the no" successes, then the government will have no money to pay public salaries and pensions, so it would provoke the fall of the government.

Convening a referendum or looking for help from Putin are simply elements to try to negotiate desperately, but to defy Europe is the worse solution.
It will continue...



Greece is living a dramatic situation. Everybody knows the problem that they are enduring.
The big economic crisis is triggering the current situation.
Greece is part of the European Community. European Community is trying to solve this situation.
Everybody knows, that when a country has a serious economic problem, everybody is involved in solving it. The problem is that the population, is the main sufferer.
Everybody has to be involved to solve this situation. Let me explain, my point of view of this situation:
1.- Europe is living a new period with the birth of a new political movement. This one is against the current system. They think that population must be who must be decide their future. Not politicians. But they have to choose their own politicians to manage their country. It is true that corruption, abuses.... are damaging our current democratic system. But our politicians must be sensitive with the real situation of their citizens. Being against with the rules and system is not the solution.
2.- When somebody needs money, a loan is the solution. But if a country aplies for a loan, it must pay back the loan in the terms that both parts agreeded. If there is some problem to pay back it, both parts must negociate the best solution.
Cancel the debt is not the solution.

3.- European Community, is giving them a lot of opportunities to solve the situation, but Greek Government is refusing the help. It is true, that population is going to suffer, but with the help of the UE and another countries, they are going to suffer too.

UE must be stronger and all countries members must feel the European Instititution like their own country. UE is the best solution to develop Europe, and obviously their countries. We should imitate United States of America. Every state feels the USA like their own state. All together.


Greece in Red-Hot

On last Tuesday, the prime minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras declared in the greek parliament that IMF had made mistakes and had a criminal responsibility in relation to Greek economic crisis, In Washington they were upset for this.
El ministro de Finanzas griego, Yanis Varufakis y la directora gerente...For this reason, Christine Lagarde, managing director of IMF, approaches to Varoufakis, economic minister, when he came in and she said to him: "you will like this moment, the crime boss says to you hello".
Quickly, Varoufakis turned around and apologized but the damage was done. After a short discussion in low voice, she finished saying "yes, I know what he said after that".
She was angry, in fact, in a subsequent conference press, she said: it's necessary just some adults in order to get an agreement.
The environment is tense in the most important times to negotiate the Greek crisis.
Greece has a lot of things to loose, each comment might be a missile in the middle of the agreements. Its economy is close to bankrupt, this week 3000 millions of Euros have left Greek banks.
Probably they have already decided to leave the EU but not before bargaining their debt in exchange to avoid more troubles to the EU.


Mañana es "Juneteenth" aquí en los EEUU. Si recuerdo bien, es el aniversario de la publicación de la Proclamación de Emancipación por el Presidente Lincoln durante la guerra civil estadounidense en 1862. Esta declaró que se pondrían en libertad todos los esclavos en territorios controlados por los rebeldes. No fue una abolición absoluta en el país, pero nos condució hacia ella en 1865. El nombre "Juneteenth" es una contracción de "June Nineteenth". Se celebra el día en comunidades afroamericanas desde el evento original, pero es menos conocido hoy en día, cuando en su lugar celebramos los logros del movimiento para derechos civiles que se alcanzaron cien años después.

P.D. Me equivoqué. El día vino de la llegada de la noticia de emancipación a una cierta ciudad en el sur, dos años y medio después de la Proclamación de Emancipación.


And What Is He Like?

Looking at your eyes, I could swear
you have to tell me something.
Go ahead woman, don't be afraid,
Maybe tomorrow will be late.
And what is he like?
What place did he fall in love with you?
Where is he from?
What does he do for his free time?
Ask him: Why has he stolen a piece of my life?
He is a thief who has stolen from me everything.
You had better you get dressed, you are running late
and take your umbrella in case it rains,
he will be waiting to love you
and I will be jealous to lose you.
Dress warm, that grey dress fits you well.
Smile at him, it's better than he doesn't notice you have cried,
and let me be packing my luggage,
excuse me if I ask you one question.


The Marilyn Monroe legend falls

Burial services staff who shrouded to Marilyn Monroe are about to publish a book about the real situation of Marilyn Monroe when dying.
According to them, she was found without her underwear, quite frumpy, wrong dyed hair, her neck swollen, without waxing and the most surprising thing, without her false teeth. Did wear false teeth being 36? yes, he did. just the way, it is.
Another impressive aspect is about her chest, it hasn't any to do with that glamorous rack that she showed in the movies. She needed to fill of cotton her bra to wear that spectacular dresses.
According to the burial service staff, she was unrecognizable and they had to spend a lot of hours arranging her body. It well known that she died by overdose barbiturates.
In my opinion she was turned in a broken toy.


Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Always give your best and the best will come.
Sometimes people are selfish, illogical and unreasonable. Even so forgive them.
Resultado de imagen de madre teresa de calcutaIf you are friendly, people can accuse you only looking your own interest.Even so be friendly.
If you are a winner, you will have some false friends and some real enemies. Even so win.
If you are honest and frank, people can cheat you. Even so be honest and frank.
Those years that you needed to build, someone can destroy all in an hour. Even so build.
If you feel peace and you are happy, people can feel envy. Even so be happy.
The right thing you do can be forgotten tomorrow. Even so do the right things.
If you give the world your best, may be it won't be enough. Even so give your very best.
After all, everything will be and is between you and God. It never was between you and them.


O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Enlace permanente de imagen incrustadaI love it!, items of news from US about escaped prisoners sounds to movie!! This item has reminded to the movie "O Brother" that you can see it in youtube, besides I love its soundtrack because there are a lot of songs in country style, it has a lot of funny moments. George Clooney is the main actor. Man of Constant Sorrow is the main song. I hope you know it.
Peculiarly this song was first published by Dick Burnett, a partially blind fiddler from Kentucky.
Another movie that I have reminded is "Escape from Alcatraz", a very famous movie, starring Clint Eastwood. I remember to watch it in the cinema with my father when I was a kid. The feat to escape from a high security prison as Alcatraz was a epic story and based in the reality.
In addition, the fact to leave a message for prison agents: "have a nice day" is a genuine american style. :)
What would become US without Hollywood?

Little Black Angels

Painter born in my land
with the foreign brush,
painter who follows the course
of so many black painters.
Although the Virgin is white,
paint some little black angels,
who go to the heaven too,
Those of them who are good.
Painter, if you paint with love
why do you refuse their colour
if you know that God want them too
in the heaven.
Saints-of-bedroom painter
if you have soul in your body,
why you did forget of the black ones
when painting.
Whenever you are painting churches,
you are painting little nice angels,
but you did not remember
to paint a black angel.


I Am Not From Here

I like the sea and women when crying,
swallows and bad ladies,
Resultado de imagen de no soy de aquito jump balconies and open the windows
and the girls in April.
I like wine as much as flowers
and lovers, but I don't lords,
I love to be friend of thieves
and songs in French.
I am not from here, nor I am from there,
I am not aged, nor future
and to be happy is my colour
of identity.
I like to be always lying on the sand
and pursue to Manuela by bike
and spend all the time to watch stars
while sticking to Maria on the wheat field.

La verdad

El otro día otro hombre fue matado por la policía en los EEUU. Según su hermano, la víctima estaba en una parada de autobús y hablaba con su padre por teléfono, cuando se acercaron dos policías con sus armas sacadas. La víctima trató de huir pero lo dispararon en la espalda y lo asesinaron. El hermano publicó esta cuenta en los medios sociales y pronto comenzaron la indignación y ultraje.

Sin embargo, resulta que alguien tomó un video del incidente, que cuenta otra historia. Según los que han visto el video, muestra que la víctima ni estaba en una parada de autobús ni hablaba por teléfono. Los policías se acercaron a él sin armas en la mano. La víctima fue el primero en sacar una arma (un cuchillo) y rehusó de dejarla cuando se mandó hacerlo. Se estaba moviendo hacia las policias cuando se disparó.

Aparentemente, algunas personas creen que pueden crear su propia verdad.


El portaminas

Esta mañana mientras que me preparaba para salir de la casa, no pude encontrar el portaminas que llevo en mi bolsillo los días de trabajo. Lo busqué en unos lugares, me di por vencido y tomé un bolígrafo en su lugar. La mañana de trabajo transcurrió con normalidad. Al mediodía, estaba bajando a la cafetería cuando miré abajo y vi el portaminas en mi bolsillo. De hecho, había trabajado toda la mañana, usándolo sin darme cuenta de que lo había encontrado. Supongo que pasó el fin de semana yaciendo en mi escritorio. Qué gracioso que, habiendo pasado algún tiempo en búsqueda del portaminas, comencé a usarlo en mi trabajo sin notar el descubrimiento.



Sexier, baby doll, wear high heels.
 ,just wink at me to start.
 ,just try on a size smaller.
Don't forget to be
sexy in the swimming pool, on the police station,
sexy in the office, make yourself sexy all day.
Baby, when you want a fit company.
 ,you drive me crazy and get me hot.
Your parent will say that it is immoral.
If you're going to dance, people will tell that you are fantastic.
Sexy at night when the neighbour is watching you.
You will see how much you will enjoy.
 , just a subtle innuendo.
 , if you want to ride on my motorcycle,
unbutton one more button.
don't forget you can be sexy as rock & roll.
Wear Marilyn's skirt,
take pictures/selfies next to King Kong
when you want not to go unnoticed.
Although you listen some rudeness in the street
Although freaks says thay you must be cooler.


Los artículos gramaticales

Voy a adoptar la nueva estrategia de siempre incluir los artículos a menos que sepa seguramente que no se necesitan. He experimentado que es poco fiable mi habilidad de discernir dónde se usa un artículo. Creo que la causa de la dificultad es que no hay reglas claras sobre su uso — ni en español ni en inglés. (Podría haber dicho "el español" y "el inglés allí.) He escuchado que el idioma ruso no tiene artículos. Creo que el chino es igual. ¿No es gracioso que algunos idiomas usan un elemento gramátical, y se parece bastante importante, mientras a otros idiomas les falta ese elemento en absoluto? El inglés, el español y el alemán no pueden concordar en el uso de las mayúsculas, mientras en China preguntan "¿Qué es una mayúscula?" A propósito, ¿has pensado en el problema de alfabetización en China? Creo que no tienen un orden establecido de sus cáracteres. ¿Cómo se ordena una lista de nombres, por ejemplo?


Escándalo en fútbol

He visto los títulos sobre corrupción en la FIFA. El número de personas acusadas me da la impresión que el aceptación de soborno sea conducta estándar en la organización. Según un informe, uno de los acusados, al escuchar crítica en el pasado, había dicho algo como "Si quieres ser 'más santo que Usted', funda una iglesia — esto es negocios." Es notable también que el gobierno estadounidense haya intervenido tanto en el asunto. Veo que Vladimir Putin ya ha acusado a los EEUU de entremeterse en la organización internacional para desacreditar la selección de Rusia como sede de la Copa Mundial en 2018. ¿Quién sabe?


Líneas de alcantarillado II

La reunión sucedió como esperada. Había tres funcionarios: el director de la compañía, la mujer cargada con el proyecto y un hombre cuyo trabajo es negociar con los residentes. Explicaron el propósito del  proyecto, que es reemplezar dos estaciones de bomba por construir dos líneas de alcantarillado que operan por gravedad (no necesitan bombas). Como ingeniero, puedo entender fácilmente el deseo de simplificar el sistema y eliminar causas de fallo.

Al principio nos dieron un mapa del área con dos líneas coloradas que marcaron las rutas aproximadas de las nuevas tuberías. Una de las líneas pasó directamente por nuestra casa. Enfatizaron que nadie conocería los trazados exactos hasta que se completaran las medidas de la tierra. Pero es claro que quieren construir una de las líneas a lo largo del arroyo que linda mi propiedad. Hablaron también de recompensa para cualquier devaluación que podría resultar del proyecto.

El próximo paso son las medidas que esperan realizar durante los pocos meses que vienen. Ya veremos.


Líneas de alcantarilla

Hace seis meses recibimos una carta de la empresa local de agua, pidiéndonos permiso para inspeccionar nuestra propiedad como parte de un estudio de las necesidades para líneas de alcantarilla en el área. La carta tuvo pocos detalles, y no nos interesó mucho el tema, así que no respondimos. Llegó una segunda carta hace un mes, sin más información. Dándonos cuenta de que no iban a dejar de pedirnos, consultamos un vecino nuestro quien es miembro del consejo del condado. Había recibido las cartas también y no supo del que trataron. Sospechó que tuvo que ver con la construcción de casas en el área. Nos prometió contactar la empresa y enterarse de lo que pasaba. Lo próximo que escuchamos fue que había arreglado una reunión entre un oficial de la empresa y todos los afectados. La reunión tendrá lugar esta noche. Será interesante escuchar al funcionario y ver si hay alguna razón para concederles permiso.


The Times Are Changing

The flood waters level has increased without your control,
so either you had better learn to swim,
or you will sink without salvation.
Because the times is changing without redemption.
Senators and lawyers, pay attention,
don't obstruct the door and get out with discretion,
the combat has started and soon there will be
no marks nor signals to begin.
Fathers and Mothers of this country
don't criticize the one that you don't understand,
just solve this situation,
or Let's get it over with your institution
the line is drawn, the curse is put,
the slow one today will be quick tomorrow,
your time is over
and the devil is in our side


The Legend of The Moorish Queen

In 1153, In Siurana, in the Middle Ages, a beautiful place in Catalonia happened this story when the Arabics was being expelled from Spanish lands.
The Christians were at the foot of Siurana, a village above the mountains that was occuped by muslims, In particular that strategic territory was occuped by the Moorish Queen's  Abd-el-azia, a woman with a great beauty. Siurana was the last place to reconquer Catalonia.
Resultado de imagen de salto reina moraBut the Christians from Catalonia were incapable to take Siurana, for what thanks to trickery of a Jewish traitor the Christians could go into the castle, during the battle, the Moorish queen swore to die before being caught by barbaric Christians who killed most of population, while the Moorish queen enjoys a party with the local nobility because she felt sure in her castle.
Suddenly an arrow came in through the window and nailed in the table, the queen panicked and fled her quarters, the christians went in and found to her almost nude, upon looking that she was so pretty, they decided to give her an chance, she will continue living if she is converted to Christianism, she  agreed and asked for being left her alone to dress appropiately in order to be baptized, they agreed.

But she took a simple veil to cover herself and ran away to stables, rode her white horse and ran towards the precipice willing to die.  The soldiers were impressed to see the queen riding a horse while she covered the eyes of horse to avoid it may stop at the edge of the precipice.

According to the legend, the horse stopped and leave its mark on the rock, but then it was spurred on by her, jumped and they fell down. And the veil kept flying around.