
The future in Education

Can teachers be replaced with robots and machine learning? , what will be the core requirement courses? Will we still take test? What kind of teaching method? What kind of test?
I can not imagine teachers replaced with robots and machine learning but I can imagine ones managed by humans teachers only in occasionally way.
But if the robots could do most of the jobs, I think that the working day ought to be nowhere near as low as now and parents would have a great deal of time to dedicate their children in order to help them in their learning..
I imagine schools full of resources for teaching; probably they would be nearly as better theme park as today , trying to create a fun, creative and particularly motivating place.
But we must not consider pupils as such entertainment consumers but as protagonist of their own learning.
For this reason, they need to understand that to be disciplined is crucial to success.
Let’s see a few instances:
An English student needs discipline to study grammar.
A math student needs discipline to study Algebra or Arithmetic.
A music student needs discipline to learn to read music.
A football player needs discipline to train a lot, etc...
Therefore, this issue will be an essential part of education in 50 years too.
On the other hand, Education should be designed individually for each child but it does mean private classes, because sharing experiences in groups is core.
Students should be able to learn at their own rate.
Schools should teach people more practical life skills that allow them to considerably better pursue a happy and prosperous existence; namely: citizen rights, housing rental, rights as consumers in general and specifically in banking and insurance sector, and besides in knowledge in government taxation.
Additionally, the inclusion of traffic education in the school curriculum helped to decrease accidents and be not nearly as dramatic as now.
Another positive thing is to establish the possibility of living in a scholar campus when   voluntarily the student wants to stays if the parents home conditions are not too good.
Furthermore, the evaluation should be double; I mean  not only using knowledge metric but also the student progress measure.

In conclusion, If we can imagine a great deal better resources and well-managed for education system, our world could be a real dream.


Barcelona, Febrary 1919.

Resultado de imagen de la canadiense

Eight workers were fired from Electricity company called "la canadiense", it was called like that because the main investor was the principal shareholder of the bank of Toronto from Canada, the problem was that those workers  wanted to make an independent union group.

This provoked the strike from the rest of workers of the company until their readmission. The company responded by firing a 100 more: Quickly the main anarchist union CNT put on going and the of the another electricity company from Barcelona went on strike too. The head refused to deal with the chief of CNT. The city was paralyced without electricity. Two days after, the water and gas companies joined the strike and the city and the 70 percent of industries catalans too. A lot of people start to be arrested in this situation.

The Spanish Government start to press to company to sit to deal with the union and to accept their demands, readmission whitout retaliation and to rise salaries.
The strike was stopped and the arrested people were released. the strike was spended 44 days
The Goverment overhelmed with that situation decreted eigth-hour day.  Spain became the first country who promulgate the eight-hour day, an historical demand in that epoque in the world.