
The last train to to the school.

Yesterday I listened in the news this piece of news. 
In Japan, a girl goes to the school by train. She is the only person in the bus train, who takes it to go to the school. She lives in a small village and it's necessary to take it to go every day to the school. 
The Japanesse authorities know this problem and they know the cost of this public service. They know that the education is compulsory in Japan, and despite the cost, the have decided to keep it until the girl finishes the school, in the next month of March. 
This is a very nice act of the Japanesse authorities for the population, to keep their education system. Not in all parts of the world, this kind of attitude towards the population would be done it.
It's for this reason, I think Japan is one country where the weelbeing of the people is before the economic results. They know it and they do it. For the population. I wish every countries did the same things.
The day that this girl finised the school, will be the day that she will take the last train. 

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I HEARD in the news this piece of news.

    In Japan, a girl goes to [] school by train. She is the only person in/ON the train, and she takes it to go to school. She lives in a small village and it's necessary to take it to go to the school EVERY DAY.

    The Japanesse authorities know this problem and they know the cost of this public service. They know that [] education is compulsory in Japan, and despite the cost, they have decided to keep it until the girl finishes [] school, in the next month of March.

    This is a very nice act of the Japanese authorities for the population, to keep their education system. Not in all parts of the world WOULD this kind of attitude towards the population be PRESENT.

    It's for this reason THAT I think Japan is one country where the weLL-being of the people COMES before the economic results. They know it and they do it. For the population. I wish THAT every countrY did the same things.

    The day that this girl finisHES school will be the day that she will take the last train.


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