NY is present in all news ( newspapers, tv news ....) a new hurricane is coming and everyone is ready to leave the city to prevent the effects of Sandy.
Indeed, every hurricane is a disaster for all types of Society. If it affects countries without enough resources, the result is called "natural disaster", but when it affects countries such us USA or some develop countries, the result is called "natural disaster" too. But where is the difference? No one wants to suffer a natural disaster, but when this affects poor countries eveybody send money and help. It's something natural of the humans, help us each other in these cases. But sometimes, someone takes advantage of the situation to their own benefit. It is something that I can't understand. never.
But I would like to write this post, thinking in the American Society. When everybody knows that American Society is very developped and I can't understand why everybody wants to leave their homes, their cities due to the arrival of the hurrican. When we are used to seeing in the news, in the newspapers and magazines, big buildings, a good way of life, in USA, where you can find your opportunity. Is the country of the opportunities or at least I think. My question is Why this behaviour?I ask my self if all these images of well-being of the American society conceal the true state of the American Society. I don't know but I think something is happening there... or perhaps I am wrong. What is certain, and I am totally sure, is that everyone will be united against the disaster.
NY is present in all news (better: New York is in all the news) ( newspapers, TV news ....) a new hurricane is coming and everyone is ready to leave the city to ESCAPE* the effects of Sandy.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, every hurricane is a disaster for all types of societIES. If it affects countries without enough resources, the result is called A "natural disaster", but when it affects countries such as THE USA or OTHER developED countries, the result is called A "natural disaster" too. But where is the difference? No one wants to suffer a natural disaster, but when this affects poor countries everybody sendS money and help. It's something natural ON THE PART OF humans, helpING [] each other in these cases. But sometimes, someone takes advantage of the situation to their own benefit. It is something that I can't understand. Never.
But I would like to write this post, thinking ABOUT the American society. When everybody knows that American society is very develoPed and I can't understand why everybody wants to leave their homes, their cities due to the arrival of the hurricanE. When we are used to seeing in the news, in the newspapers and magazines, big buildings, a good way of life, in THE USA, where you can find your opportunity. IT is the country of [] opportunities or at least I think SO. My question is -- Why this behaviour? I ask mYSelf if all these images of well-being of the American society conceal the true state of the American society. I don't know but I think something is happening there... or perhaps I am wrong. What is certain, and I am totally sure, is that everyone will be united against the disaster.
*The verb "prevent" usually means "impedir", and we cannot usually prevent the effects of a hurricane.
Without a doubt the effects of a hurricane here are less severe than in underdeveloped countries, but they can still be quite dangerous. And hurricanes that hit New York are pretty rare, so people are less prepared.
Yes I agree with you Matt, perhaps Newyorkers are less prepared, but wathcing the news, the images of the city, all streets are empty without people, without activity .... It is pretty strange isn't it? It is a curious situation.