
Five Cardinals Revolt Against Pope Francis

Five cardinals, belonging to conservative wing, openly revolt against Pope Francis, stating against to permit divorcees and married afterwards may receive communion. They have made it clear in a book written by them, titled "keep you in the true of Christ-marriage and communion with Catholic church*" where they refuse and even show hostility about the dialogue and open attitude that Pope Francis keeps towards to sinners and in special towards divorcees. This book will appear the next first of October.
This new message from Pope Francis was promulgated by progresist German cardinal Walter Kasper. The five cardinals criticised the part of speech when he says "Every sin can be absolved, every sin can be forgiven, the divorce can be, too. Upon supporting this idea after to do a run of penitence.
This is something  that I didn't know. I wonder who has more power, the Pope or cardinals.

*"Permanecer en la verdad de Cristo-Matrimonio y comunión en la Iglesia católica"
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  1. Five cardinals, belonging to THE conservative wing, openly revolt against Pope Francis, OPPOSING THE permitTING OF THE divorceD and RE-married TO receive communion. They have made it clear in a book written by them, titled "REMAINING in the TruTH of Christ-Marriage and Communion IN THE Catholic Church*" where they refuse and even show hostility about the dialogue and open attitude that Pope Francis keeps towards [] sinners and EspecialLY towards divorcees. This book will appear the [] first of October.

    This new message from Pope Francis was promulgated by progresSiVE German cardinal Walter Kasper. The five cardinals criticised the part of A speech when he says "Every sin can be absolved, every sin can be forgiven, the divorce can be, too." Upon supporting this idea after to do a run of penitence.(1)

    This is something that I didn't know. I wonder who has more power, the Pope or THE cardinals.

    (1) This sentence needs a lot of work.

  2. I'd like to comment with you some doubts:
    1) it's very commented in Spanish "me declaro en contra de"= to oppose, can't I use the "state+against" structure in any way?
    2) Upon supporting this idea after to do a run of penitence.
    I'll try again:
    Upon supporting this idea after to do a long penitence.
    Tell me if it's right. Please.

  3. 1) You can use the verb "declare", but it sounds very formal:
    They declared themselves against the proposal.
    More natural would be:
    They came out against the proposal.
    They publicly opposed the proposal.

    2) The sentence needs a subject and a verb. The "Upon" makes the whole thing a clause, not a sentence. This would work:
    Supporting this idea would be a period of penitence.

    I'm surprised at Kasper's statement, because divorce is not the problem. The problem is re-marriage.

  4. I'm sorry, it's my fault. Kasper's statement refers to re-marriage.
    I'll try the sentence again:
    ...when he says "Every sin can be absolved, every sin can be forgiven, re-marriage can be, too. All this was supporting after the idea to do a period of penitence.
    Now in Spanish:
    ...cuando dice: todo pecado puede ser absuelto, todo pecado puede ser perdonado, casarse por segunda vez puede serlo tambien, todo esto era apoyado tras la idea de hacer una carrera de penitencia.


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