
10 Things That You Don't Still Know About Women

10 things that you don't still know about women according to Begoña Maestre:
1. We don't need that you lead our way, but we can do it and decide it together.
2. Mood sense is the best weapon of a man to pick up a woman.
3. Although you can't believe it, there are things that are never out of fashion....we like that give us flowers.
4. When we tell any problem, actually we are looking for empathy, not for practical solutions.
5. To go shopping with you is boring!, In fact, every women doesn't like shopping.
6. We appreciate silence but it doesn't mean that we angry.
7. The bed space, as well as the sheet that covers it, are a 50-50% for each one, not
8.You aren't afraid about assuming responsibilities in couple, we will know to bear it.
9.I would love to know what you are thinking actually.
10. There are some reviews about us that can only do by ourself. If it comes from your mouth...it annoys. The war is sure. Lyrics.

1 comment:

  1. 10 Things That You STILL Don't Know About Women

    10 things that you STILL don't know about women, according to Begoña Maestre:

    1. We don't need [] you TO lead our way, but LET'S do it and decide it together.
    2. A sense OF HUMOR is the best weapon FOR a man to pick up a woman.
    3. Although you can't believe it, there are things that are never out of fashion....we like that YOU give us flowers.
    4. When we tell any problem, actually we are looking for empathy, not for practical solutions.
    5. To go shopping with you is boring!, In fact, NOT every women likeS shopping.
    6. We appreciate silence but it doesn't mean that we ARE angry.
    7. The bed space, as well as the sheet that covers it, are a 50-50% for each one, not
    8. DON'T BE afraid about assuming responsibilities AS A couple, we will know HOW to bear it.
    9.I would love to know what you are thinking actually.
    10. There are some CRITICISMS OF us that can only BE DONE by ourselVES. If it comes from your mouth...it annoys. The war is sure.


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