
The Early Onset of the Autumn

This morning I went to do some errands. Today the weather is like a leaden day of Autumn. I went out to the street with sweater. It was a strange sensation. A week ago the heat was insupportable.
The north of Spain is like that, with strong changes, days with much heat and others with a lot of cold. This Summer has been irregular. June very hot, July temperate and August extremely hot. This year has had a strong drought. Near my home, a few meters, runs the river Ebro. I do not remember see it with such a low level.


  1. Today the weather is like a leaden* day of Autumn. I went out to the street with A sweater.

    A week ago the heat was UNBEARable.

    The north of Spain is like that, with strong changes, days with much heat and others with a lot of cold. This summer* has been irregular.

    Near my home, a few meters AWAY, runs the river Ebro. I do not remember seeING it with such a low level.

    *"Leaden" means heavy, like lead. I'm not sure if that's what you meant here.

    *I don't capitalize the seasons, but maybe that is done elsewhere.

    Good words used perfectly: onset, errands, sensation, runs. The capitalization in the title is also perfect.

    1. A lot of thanks Matt. Your words are very welcome for me in these moments... prior at my exam of tomorrow.

      With leaden I did mean "plumbeo" or "plomizo". I think these words have not equivalent in English.
      In Spain a gray day of Autumn is a day "plomizo". (pesado y gris), (heavy and gray) like the lead.
      Plumbeo is used in poetry.
      We also say, when a person is very, very boring (always talking about the same issue, for example) "Ese tipo es un plomo".

      Regarding the "capitalization", it is a problem of my. Sometimes I do not remember if are the months, the seasons, the days of the week,... which take capital letter.

    2. Then "leaden" was perfect. I don't know why I doubted you. :-)

    3. Very good Matt. Jeje. No, now speaking in a serious way: You already know that I greatly appreciate all your comments and observations.
      I know that I made a mistake, but, I like to explain that is what led me to commit it.
      By the way, I think that it can be helpful to people learning Spanish.

  2. Where are you from Eduardo?
    The river Ebro runs in my place too.
    I am afraid we are from the same place ... I am from Navarra. Good luck in your exam.
    what level? 2NA C1 ..¿

  3. Je,je...I would like.
    I have completed Basic 2nd. It is like to say A2. I think so.
    I come from Logroño.
    Thank you Javier, but, I think that I have it difficult. In the "listening" and in the oral test they make a significant sieve to make way for young students who want to enter at the university. There are few places, a high demand and the level required is high, too.
    I could not go to my exam in June by labor issues and I could not practice a lot this summer.

  4. I am from Tudela, as you can know river Ebro runs for my village, close to my home too. You write very well and your vocabulary is very good. I think you will not have any problem to pass your exams. A2 is a basic level, If you pass it, next year ( In la Rioja B1 is done in one or two years? here in Navarra only B1 in a year) you will find a big difference betwen 2 and 3 course. This year I will begin C1.

  5. Wow! C1 seems to me something too far away, almost unreachable.

    ...Facts of Life...My brother in law and his family have been living in Tudela almost all their life. Nowadays, all of them, including my sister and my nephews are living in Cintruénigo.

    In La Rioja are two years for each level. I have no many hopes.
    For people with an age like mine or higher, our days are numbered in Logroño. The pressure is increasing. Many young people have not obtained a place. In the oral tests to us they are almost demanding perfection.

    1. perfection is always demanded ;) Here in Tudela the Level is very high.Believe me! Good Luck my friend.

    2. Just wondering -- would that be "Siempre manda la perfección" in Spanish? I have seen "Manda la seguridad" on signs at my workplace along with the English "Safety First", and wondered about that construction with the verb "mandar". In English we would more likely use an active voice, such as "We demand perfection."

    3. I did write: ...they are almost demanding perfection. I meant: "ellos están exigiendo casi la perfección".
      Javier: perfection is always demanded: "la perfección es siempre exigida o demandada".
      En la empresa en la que trabajo ahora "mandan" la austeridad y la rigidez con el trabajador. Esta empresa "demanda" un buen lavado de cara.

    4. Yes Javier, I think that the situation is similar in everywhere. I have been reading again my words and it gives the sensation that I am taking refuge in the difficulty, putting this difficulty as an excuse and this was not my intention.
      I just meant that the oral test is an useful tool to select people.
      I do not judge this fact. Even, I agree in someway. I have no fear of facing an oral test, my doubts are if I will be able to overcome a complex selection process. That's it.

    5. Eduardo, since you wrote so much English, I'll make it another learning opportunity! Besides, I think we're going for a record for the number of comments on a post.

      Yes Javier, I think that the situation is similar [] everywhere.

      I just meant that the oral test is A useful tool to select people.

      I do not judge this fact. I EVEN agree in some way.


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