
Like a Forum

This Blog each time seems more like a forum and it is something good for me because I am not good with the forums. I do not have patience and in fact I never have arrived to register myself in one of them.
Here, the community is still small, but, it is pleasant the cycle of reviews and responses or replies. As already happened in Lenguajero*, you are sometimes waiting anxious a reply to a comment of yours, not just for the correction but also by the intrigue of knowing that opinions, your comments could have caused.
Above all, it is something entertaining. Writing, correcting,  reading, knowing, learning, here everything is interesting and amusing.
If you think about it, it is better than a forum, because here you have your writings corrected.
*I do not know if everyone that write in this blog come from Lenguajero....just in case:
Lenguajero was a web page to practice English or Spanish in a similar way as we do it here. Some who write here, before, we did it in that page.


  1. This blog each time seems more like a forum and it is something good for me because I am not good with the forums. I do not have patience and in fact I never have [] registerED myself in one of them.
    Here, the community is still small, but, [] the cycle of reviews and responses or replies IS PLEASANT. As already happened in Lenguajero*, you are sometimes waiting anxiousLY FOR a reply to a comment of yours, not just for the correction but also BECAUSE OF the intrigue of knowing What opinions your comments could have caused.
    Above all, it is something entertaining. Writing, correcting, reading, knowing, learning, here everything is interesting and amusing.
    If you think about it, it is better than a forum, because here you have your writings corrected.
    *I do not know if everyone that writeS in this blog cAme from Lenguajero....just in case:
    Lenguajero was a web page to practice English or Spanish in a similar way as we do it here. Some who write here, before, []did it in that page.

    Dicho y escrito bien. No podría estar más de acuerdo. Tampoco lo podría haber dicho mejor.

    Y'all are taking up the slack while I try to find the time and energy to write something! And now you can learn "y'all" and "to take up the slack"!

  2. Y'all? What's that? Ok, "you all".

    1. Sí, es la forma de "ustedes" de la parte sur de los EEUU. Es un aspecto distinto del lenguaje local.


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