
Sentences "y otras hierbas".

Hello everyone, This is Juampy here.
Many people think that learning to write a new language is very difficult. Surely, they are right but today I refuse to give up. I know that this is pretty tough, but I do not care how long it takes me. Although I have to learn from my mistakes, I want to try it anyway!!!. So, keep calm and carry on!!!.
Well, I have decided to practice interesting and useful sentences:

At that time, Argentina was going through a debastating economic crisis.
You want me to go to that web page, do you?
You are growing, stretching upwards and outwards.
I gave the advise to the tenants of the courtyard.
The last episode, I found it very funny.
They were having fun all day yesterday.
Even though, It was not fair.

Finally, I have finished writing my script, bye for now.


  1. The first paragraph has no errors and is very natural-sounding.

    At that time, Argentina was going through a deVastating economic crisis.
    I gave the adviCe to the tenants of the courtyard.

    The last episode, I found it very funny.
    This sentence structure is very Spanish, but not very good English. Better:
    The last episode was very funny to me.
    I found the last episode to be very funny.

    Even though (something else is needed here), it was not fair.
    Even though I accepted the offer, it was not fair.
    Even though everybody got a prize, it was not fair.

    Finally, I have finished writing my ENTRY/POST, bye for now.
    A "script" is a very specific form of writing, something like a procedure. It contains the lines for a play or a movie, or the instructions for a computer.

    Thanks for "y otras hierbas". I don't think we have an expression that conveys the same humor.

  2. Matt, thanks for your piece of advice, and for telling me suggestions to overcome my difficulties...
    we use "y demás hierbas" ó "y otras yerbas" very often, it always makes laugh people, especially if the person is talking seriously. hehe


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