
Sentences about football and everyday matters.

Well, I don't actually hate them but I don't like them so much.
The year before, He had taken over as the 10th president of FIFA.
It's better hearing something so(or like that?) from other countries.
I hope you had understood me.
So Argentinian football became more internationally aware.
I will change my concept(or impression?) of them.
He looked outwards instead of looking inwards about our game.
They start the conversation by themselves.
Everything is upside down like in a mirror.
I'm getting(or going?) mad.
At least, They would have to have waited that you grow a bit up.
I stopped the video sending.
It reminds me a reading text book from primary school.

1 comment:

  1. It's better hearing something LIKE THAT from other countries.
    I hope you haVE understood me.
    I will change my IMPRESSION of them.
    He looked outwards instead of [] inwards about our game.
    Everything is IN REVERSE like in a mirror.
    I'm GOING mad.
    At least, they would have to have waited UNTIL you grEw a bit up.
    I stopped the SENDING OF THE video.
    It reminds me OF a reading text book from primary school.


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