

Este es nuestro centésimo post. También hemos recibido 196 comentarios, y más de 3 mil páginas vistas. No vas a creer cuanto tiempo me tomó contar todas estas cosas. (En realidad Blogger ha hecho todo el trabajo.)

¡Continúa el buen trabajo!


  1. Not only bloger did the job, but also you. I told you several times. The main idea was born from you. Really you are the father of all this story.... I hope, each time, we are more people who write and share our own ideas to improve our foreign language. So, we will improve our culture. I know, behind of this blog there are very interesting people who want to share their knowledges with everybody. I only have to say you Matt: Congrats. And I hope follow contributing in your blog, at the end is our blog ;)
    If you were here in Spain, or I were in USA, we would be able to celebrate this success with a good dinner or good beers and shots. But as we are in differents parts of the world .... I only can tell you Congratulations Matt.

    1. I made a mistake. Not only Blogger did the job, but also you too.
      doubt: Story or History. I think it's story.
      I follow contibuting..
      that's all.

  2. Matt:

    Thanks for creating this grassroots language site.

    1. "grassroots" -- good word. How would you say that in Spanish? My attempt: desarrollado en los niveles más bajos.

    2. No hay una palabra similar en español. Podría traducirse como movimiento comunitario, movimiento voluntario, ciudadanos comunes...

  3. I'd love a big, cold beer to celebrate this progrese and success. jejeje!!!


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