
How Brave!, I Can't Believe It.

I am shocked by the courage(sarcasm, of course) shown for the barbarian group ISIL by beheading Alan Henning, A simple taxi driver from Manchester volunteering in Syria. What a coward!.
How was it expected, they didn't want to listen to his wife, they don't care actually. They didn't care that had two children either. This is an evidence that they are not of the side of justice, but they are only a coward fanatic terrorist group.
Alan went to Syria, paradoxically, with a group of muslim friends with medical equipment and ambulances to help for the refugees. He was kidnapped close to Turkey border when they saw his passport.
There is a quote in Spanish that says "A todo cerdo le llega su San Martín", that it means "Each dog has its day". San Martin's day is an event celebrated in 11 of November by a lot of villages in Spain, pigs are sacrificed to eat doing a party in honour to San Martin.
I have red that Spain is going to participate in this war by installing Patriot Missiles in Turkey close to border and I agree.


  1. I am shocked by the courage (sarcasm, of course) shown BY the barbarian group ISIL by beheading Alan Henning, a simple taxi driver from Manchester volunteering in Syria. What [] cowardICE(1)!.

    (How was it expected)?, they didn't want to listen to his wife, they don't care actually. They didn't care that HE had two children either. This is [] evidence that they are not ON the side of justice, but they are only a cowardLY fanatic terrorist group.

    Alan went to Syria, paradoxically, with a group of Muslim friends, with medical equipment and ambulances to help [] the refugees. He was kidnapped close to THE TurkISH border when they saw his passport.

    There is a quote in Spanish that says "A todo cerdo le llega su San Martín", that [] means "Each dog has its day". SaINT Martin's day is an event celebrated ON THE 11TH of November by a lot of villages in Spain; pigs are sacrificed to eat doing a party in honour OF SaINT Martin.
    I have reAd that Spain is going to participate in this war by installing Patriot Missiles in Turkey close to THE border, and I agree WITH THIS ACTION.

    (1) It's better to use the noun form here, because "a coward" seemed to refer to Alan Henning.

    It's a wonder that anyone could support this group given how they treat innocents. I know that there are always two sides to a story, but I also know that some acts are always evil. That is what we are facing now.

  2. Sorry I meant: As expected, they didn't want to listen to his wife....
    Thank you Matt


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