The morning of 4 of February of 1912, Franz got together to some friends and personalities of that time in front of Eiffel tower to demonstrate his invention can fall softly up to ground without suffering hurt and from any height. Franz did a test with a doll, but is was a complete failure because it crashed to the floor violently. But Franze, far from reconsidering his aim, he argued that the doll upon not opening its arms, it couldn't implement the right technique along its fall and so in order to demonstrate all presents that his invention perfectly worked, he would be the one who would launch with the proper suit.
In the next video you can see the original film from such a jump which was recorded with both cameras, one from the ground and the other since starting point just before jumping down. You can see a man struggling to make his dreams for real. It was the last thing that he did.
Most people will only see to a mad man in this video, a poor devil who didn't know what he did. I see a man convinced of a dream.a man who had no doubt in to put his life in risk(and lost it) to try to come real.
This type of people with their ideals, perseverance and the necessary will to be able to defend them beyond to the others can think, or even beyond their own life, are those people who move the world. All those who along history with their achievements changed the course of mankind, did it thank to a dream. Dream which with will and unwavering faith came real.
However, most people prefer to renounce their dreams to avoid to take risk so wordly than those that Franz Reichelt accepted without batting an eye. Not to risk a job or part of our money is often reason enough , in all the cases, to resign a life condemned ostracism and mediocrity.
Most peculiar is that finally he dies likewise If we jump down as if we don't. Because of to jump or not to jump is only the difference between to die or to living death.
Franz Reichelt was a humble tailor from Paris AT THE beginning of THE 20th century, Franz had a dream: he WOULD BE able to invent a suit that would becOme a revolution as parachute. During some years, he studied the Leonardo Da Vinci designs and created the one that would be the suit that would take HIM to fame(1).
ReplyDeleteThe morning of THE 4TH of February of 1912, Franz got together [] some friends and personalities of that time in front of THE Eiffel Tower to demonstrate HOW his invention can fall softly [] to ground without HIS suffering hurt and from any height. Franz did a test with a doll, but it was a complete failure because it crashed to the GROUND violently. But Franz, far from reconsidering his aim, [] argued that the doll CRASHED AS A RESULT OF not opening its arms, it couldn't implement the right technique DURING its fall and so in order to demonstrate TO all presenT that his invention perfectly worked, he would be the one who would launch with the proper suit.
In the next video you can see the original film from THAT jump which was recorded with TWO cameras, one from the ground and the other FROM THE starting point, just before jumping down. You can see a man struggling to make his dreams A realITY. It was the last thing that he did.
Most people will only see [] a mad man in this video, a poor devil who didn't know what he did. I see a man convinced of a dream, a man who had no doubt ABOUT putTING his life AT risk (and lost it) to try to MAKE HIS DREAM COME TRUE.
This type of people with their ideals, perseverance and the necessary will to be able to defend themSELVES beyond WHAT [] others can think, or even beyond their own liVeS, are those people who move the world. All those who THROUGH history with their achievements changed the course of mankind, did it thankS to a dream. [A] dream which with will and unwavering faith BEcame real.
However, most people prefer to renounce their dreams to avoid takING A risk MORE wordly(?) than those that Franz Reichelt accepted without batting an eye. Not to risk a job or part of our money is often reason enough, in all [] cases, to CONDEMN a life TO ostracism and mediocrity.
Most peculiar is that EVENTUally WE DIE AS MUCH if we jump down as if we don't. Because BETWEEN jumpING AND not jumpING THE only the difference IS to die or to ENDURE A living death.
(1) better: ...would make him famous.
Great topic. You took some risks (like "poor devil", "unwavering faith", "batting an eye"), and you survived!
Definitely, the risk is necessary but the guarantee of succeeding, too :)
ReplyDeleteI am going to learn a lot here. I have a question:
Is "without HIS suffering hurt" right?
Well, I'm not so sure now. It seems like both "him" and "his" are acceptable.