
War vs Religion

I'm really surprised and concerned about the last news from Irak.
A soldier or marine from The USA has been murdered by terrorists.
This fact is triggering a big international conflict. The way in what James Foley has been beheaded is absolutely unfair. The worst is that his dead has been recordered to show the strong of this group to the world. In my opinión is a way of increasing the international crisis created months ago or perhaps years ago. There is another journalist that is in the same situation that James Foley. But we don't know yet what will happen with him. I wish he isn't beheaded like his colleague.
This is a controversial and polemic issue. Nobody should mix policy and religion. All of what moves this kind of facts are simply economical interests for all parts. Petrol, Power, Money, Showing the strong ..... I don't know what, but really we are living a sad situation.
God is good in all religions. Each one can believe in some religion, but the bottom of all religions consists in seeking the well ( I wanted to say: Buscar el bien), keep a balance between the person and God, and act like God wants that we live.
Never the intolerance will be the bottom of any religion. The war will never be justified by a determinated religion or believes.
These acts arenot either -or debate and finding a solution is vital to solve this conflict. All of us know that all international conflicts are based in the own interest of each country but is the society the main victim of all conflicts, never the politicians. They are safe in their positions and business.
All governments should work together to cope with this unfair situation, work to achieve the wellbeing that all society needs.
Never had I thought that a murder would be recorder to show the strong of a terrorist group. The way that this person found his death is absolutely unfair and denigrating.
If we believe in God, we must listen to him and act like he wants that we act. He wants the wellbeing of all of us, never a war to justify a believe.
I only wanted to show my concern about this situation. I don't understand anything, I only listen to the radio, watch the TV and read newspapers. But it depends of the media everyone has a point of view about the conflict. So I try to be unbiased and be informed of all that is happening in our current society.
I will never understand a war like the bottom of any religion.


  1. I'm really surprised and concerned about the last news from Irak.
    A soldier or marine from the USA has been murdered by terrorists.
    This fact is triggering a big international conflict. The way in THAT James Foley has been beheaded is absolutely unfair(1). The worst is that his deaTH has been recordered to show the strENGTH of this group to the world. In my opinion IT is a way of increasing the international crisis created months ago or perhaps years ago. There is another journalist that is in the same situation AS James Foley. But we don't know yet what will happen with him. I wish THAT he NOT BE beheaded like his colleague.
    This is a controversial and polemicAL issue. Nobody should mix poliTICS and religion. All of what moves this kind of EVENT are simply economiC interests OF all partIEs. Petrol, Power, Money, Showing [] strENGTH ..... I don't know what, but really we are living IN a sad situation.
    God is good in all religions. Each one can believe in some religion, but the FOUNDATION of all religions consists in seeking the GOOD, keepING a balance between the person and God, and actING AS God wants US TO live.(2)
    Never WILL [] intolerance be the FOUNDATION of any religion. [] War will never be justified by a PARTICULAR religion or belieF SYSTEM.
    These acts are not THE SUBJECT OF AN either-or debate and finding a solution is vital to solve this conflict. All of us know that all international conflicts are based ON the own interest of each country but the society IS the main victim of all conflicts, never the politicians. They are safe in their positions and business.
    All governments should work together to cope with this unfair situation, work to achieve the welL-Being that all society needs.
    Never had I thought that a murder would be recorded to show the strENGTH of a terrorist group. The way that this person found his death is absolutely unfair and denigrating.
    If we believe in God, we must listen to him and act AS he wants US TO act. He wants the well-being of all of us, never a war to justify a belieF.
    I only wanted to show my concern about this situation. I don't understand anything, I only listen to the radio, watch the TV and read newspapers. But it depends ON the media everyone has a point of view about the conflict. So I try to be unbiased and be informed of all that is happening in our current society.
    I will never understand a war AS the FOUNDATION/BASIS of any religion.

    (1) "Unfair" is too weak of a word for this context. "Barbaric" or "savage" would be better.
    (2) I would like to think that this is true, but the actions of some people cast a lot of doubt on it.

  2. I think that I understand The Matt's position, patience has a limit. The only exit is fighting against the extremists

    1. Roberto, I agree with Matt and with you. Patience has a limit. But I only wanted to show my impression about this savage crime. We should be joined against the extremists positions and acts. But I think if all countries were joined our world would be better. This thought is like a panacea, but the worst is that private and economic interests prevail over the common sense. Is the society the main victim in all situations. I hope you understand me. I am absolutely against this crime. I want a better world, where all can live better. No problems, Freedom ...

  3. Roberto, I agree with Matt and with you. Patience has a limit. But I only want to show my impression about this savage crime. We should be joined agains the extremists positions and acts. But I think if all countries were joined our world would be better. This thought is like a panacea, but the worst is that private and economic interests prevail over the common sense. Is the society the main victim in all situations. I hope you understand me. I am absolutely against this crime. I want a better world, where all can live better. No problems, Freedom ...

  4. We might speak about economic interests in others conflicts but in this case there is genocide and killing mass with the population, it's something that goes farer away than the simple conflict. But I know that your word is full of good intention.

  5. Roberto, here are a few corrections to your previous comments:

    I think that I understand [] Matt's position, patience has a limit.

    We might speak about economic interests in otheR conflicts but in this case there is genocide and MASS killing OF the population, it's something that goes faR BEYOND the simple conflict.


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