
A Little Ship Made of Nutshell

(A childish song)
A little ship made of nutshell,
decorated with a paper sail,
sets sail for carrying far away
golden drops of honey.

A mosquito is going by on it with no fear
feeling sure to be a good coxswain.
And the little ship already departed
going up and down the weaves.

Sailing on the sea with no fear
is the best, there is no reason
for trembling.
And if a black tempest comes then
laugh, oar and sing.
And if the sky is very blue
the little ship goes happy across
the far seas of the southern.Lyrics


  1. (A childREN'S song)
    A little ship made of nutshell,
    decorated with a paper sail,
    sets sail for carrying far away
    golden drops of honey.

    A mosquito is going by on it with no fear
    feeling sure to be a good coxswain.
    And the little ship already departed
    going up and down the wAves.

    Sailing on the sea with no fear
    is the best, there is no reason
    for trembling.
    And if a black tempest comes then
    laugh, ROW(1) and sing.
    And if the sky is very blue
    the little ship goes happILy across
    the far seas of the soutH.

    (1) "oar" is the object; "to row" is the action
    . "row" rhymes with "go".

  2. thanks, I expected more mistakes


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