In the latter days I wrote a post about Evola in Africa.
As I expressed in that post, all world is concerned about the develpment of that virus. It's very difficult to control and keep the population in safe conditions.
The problem is that the epidemy can be spreaded to the rest of the world. Nobody knows the main causes, but it is a fact that all these disasters happen in underdevelped countries. Not only in Africa but also in Asia or in countries where the level of poverty is higher.
Sometimes I have thought something that for me can't be true, What about the possiblity that some Governments have developped that epidemy with the aim of helping some of their chemist industries. The fact that anybody knows how to stop the virus is alarming. If a Chemist Industry developped the virus they should know how to stop it, proving new treatments. It's for this reason that I think that nobody could do that disaster.
But I have read that all Genetic Modified Product have been tested in that countries. That kind of trials are very dangerous, because they are playin with a population who have never had anything, and they have surivived hunting or eating the natural product that had in their surroundings. But it's unfair. We must help them.
I can't forget, that we eat Genetic Modify Products, but before I think they have been tested in that countries, where the level of poverty is very higher. They need our help to survive and to make their lifes easier. Let's help them.
I don't know if all these afirmations can be true or not. I wish I am wrong., but If I am wrong I beg to forgive me because I have never wanted to bother anybody.
All these things are triggering a big concern to the rest of the world.
In the latter(1) days I wrote a post about Ebola in Africa.
ReplyDeleteAs I expressed in that post, all THE world is concerned about the development of that virus. It's very difficult to control and keep the population in safe conditions.
The problem is that the epidemIC can be spreaD(2) to the rest of the world. Nobody knows the main causes, but it is a fact that all these disasters happen in underdeveloped countries. Not only in Africa but also in Asia or in countries where the level of poverty is higher.
Sometimes I have thought something that for me can't be true - What about the possiblity that some [g]overnments have develoPed that epidemIC with the aim of helping some of their PHARMACEUTICAL industries? The fact that NObody knows how to stop the virus is alarming. If THE PHARMACEUTICAL industry develoPed the virus they should know how to stop it, proving(3) new treatments. It's for this reason that I think that nobody could do that disaster.
But I have read that all GeneticALLY Modified ProductS have been tested in thOSE countries. That kind of triaL IS very dangerous, because they are playing with a population who have never had anything, and they have surivived hunting or eating the natural product that WAS in their surroundings. But it's unfair. We must help them.
I can't forget that we eat GeneticALLY ModifIED Products, but before I think they have been tested in thOSE countries, where the level of poverty is MUCH higher. They need our help to survive and to make their liVes easier. Let's help them.
I don't know if all these afFirmations* can be true or not. I HOPE I am wrong., but if I am wrong I beg YOU to forgive me because I have never wanted to bother anybody.
All these things are triggering* a big concern FOR the rest of the world.
(1) "In the latter days" sounds odd; I would definitely say "In recent days".
(2) funny verb, present = past = "spread"
(3) Not sure what you meant here... testing? providing?
*good vocabulary
Thanks Matt.
DeleteI think I am improving, this post has been better than other. I will keep doing well ;)
One Question, In the latter days sounds odd, better In recent days, but when you want to refer : En Los últimos días: Is it correct using: In the latter days? I think it will depend on the context.
But is this expression correct?
Point number 3: Proving: I wanted to say: Testing. Probando nuevos medicantos o tratamientos farmacológicos.
The word "latter" is not used much at all. I mainly see it in referring to two things that have been previously mentioned, where the first is called the "former" and the second the "latter". For example,
ReplyDeleteBetween peaches and bananas, I definitely prefer the latter.
The other place that "latter" shows up is in "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints", also known as the LDS church or the Mormons. I consider the phrase "latter-day" or "latter days" as antiquated, almost obsolete. I just did an internet search for "latter", and almost all the results refer to the LDS church, confirming my impression.
To me, "En los últimos días" translates to "In recent days" or "In the most recent days".
Ok. Thanks Matt, But when I wrote In latter days, it was because I had seen in some part, I don't remember if it was in a text of the language school, or in some books. But Once I wrote that "expression" in a writing and for my teacher was ok. Perhaps it was more British than American. I don't know. She was from Ireland.
DeleteBy the way, Thanks and I will avoid writting it.