
Natural Disasters

Two days ago, I was about to go cycling, when I noticed that the sky was changing of colour. Suddenly a grey colour painted all the sky joined of a strong wind. I decided not going  cycling and waiting.
Little by little, the day was darker. It began raining, really it was rainning cats and dogs, but I thought that this rain it wasn't normal. It was a strong rain.
I received a message from a friend of mine, and he told me that in his village it was hailing. His garden looked like a snow slope.
Today I reas in the newspaper that the big hail that dropped destroyed the most of tomatoe and grape harves.
Was in that moment when I thought in my grandparents, they were farmes. They were always watching to the sky because it few minutes they could loss all the hard work realised for months. Now there are a lot of insuraces fot this kind of disasters, but when they occur farmes find a real nightmare to receive their compensation.
In Spain we say: "Nunca llueve a gusto de todos" Never it rains like everybody wishes.

1 comment:

  1. Two days ago, I was about to go cycling, when I noticed that the sky was changing [] colour. Suddenly a grey colour painted all the sky joined BY a strong wind. I decided TO not gO cycling and TO waiT.
    Little by little, the day GOT darker. It began raining, really it was raiNing cats and dogs, but I thought that this rain [] wasn't normal. It was a strong rain.
    I received a message from a friend of mine, and he told me that in his village it was hailing. His garden looked like a snow slope.
    Today I read in the newspaper that the big hail that dropped destroyed [] most of tomatO and grape harvesT.
    IT was in that moment THAT I thought OF my grandparents, they were farmeRs. They were always watching [] the sky because IN A few minutes they could losE all the hard work DONE for months. Now there are a lot of insuraNces for this kind of disasteR, but when they occur farmeRs find a real nightmare to receive their compensation.
    In Spain we say: "Nunca llueve a gusto de todos" IT never rains like everybody wishes.


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