
Planned obsolescence

      I have a notebook(little laptop) which it hasn’t worked for a year. The reason was because of sometimes its keypad fails, when you clicked a key it did something different what it should do. Therefore, I supposed it was caused by a computer virus, but my anti-virus program engine didn’t find any virus. Later I tried to reinstall my original operative system, windows XP, using a backup which it was kept on my HD but the breakdown still continued. Probably, I have got a computer virus which my anti-virus program is not able to find to, I thought. Finally I had to make a hard decision: to format my hard disk and install a new and clean O.S. using the CD delivered on purchase. Unfortunatelly , my luck didn’t change. My options was already exhausted. My wife recommends throws it away, I recognize that I was about to do it, however I left it on a shelf for three months. I took it again yesterday and I decided to install Linux operative system, Ubuntu version, after I assured it went on broke-down yet. Oh my God!, I was impressed when I checked my laptop and it backed in business!. Who have a logical explaination to this?. Might be the planned obsolescence inside XP O.S.? Who knows!


  1. I have a notebook (little laptop) which [] hasn’t worked for a year. The reason was THAT sometimes its keypad WOULD fail, when you clicked a key it did something different THAN what it should do. Therefore, I supposed it was caused by a computer virus, but my anti-virus program engine didn’t find any virus. Later I tried to reinstall my original operatiNG system, Windows XP, using a backup which [] was kept on my HD, but the breakdown still continued. Probably, I have got a computer virus which my anti-virus program is not able to find [], I thought. Finally I had to make a hard decision: to format my hard disk and install a new and clean O.S. using the CD delivered on purchase. UnfortunateLy, my luck didn’t change. My options wERE already exhausted. My wife recommendED throwING it away, I recognize that I was about to do it, however I left it on a shelf for three months. I took it UP again yesterday and I decided to install A Linux operatiNG system, Ubuntu version, after I ENsured* THAT it WAS STILL brokeN-down. Oh my God!, I was impressed when I checked my laptop and it WAS bacK in business!. Who haS a logical explANation FOR this?. Might IT be the planned obsolescence inside XP O.S.? Who knows?

    Well done. As you were describing the problem, I thought for sure that it was a hardware problem.

    *There is a difference between "assure" and "ensure" that many native speakers don't know. The object of "assure" is always a person, while "ensure" operates on a hypothesis. There is also "insure", which is to make a risk-sharing financial arrangement. I can assure that you this is a difficult point. The crazy spelling rules of English (e.g. explAnation) ensure that students will always be learning. There's nothing you can do to insure yourself against it.

  2. Thank you very much, Matt. I only want to tell you that a hardware problem can't be possible because it is perfectly working in Linux System.


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