
Jerez, European City of Wine

      Jerez has been chosen European City of Wine 2014 during the XVII General Assembly of Recevin (European Cities Network Wine) celebrated in Marsala (Italy). Jerez's candidacy has received about 200 accessions. European Cities Network Wine, a non-profit organization, is currently composed of 800 cities in nine countries with a strong wine tradition (Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal), which are located protected areas by Designation of Origin of their wines and have a minimum population of 5,000 inhabitants. Nowadays, the wine cellars are among the most visited in Europe and show the best claim from Jerez, a city that hit a figure of 1,200,000 annual visits to tourist places. The wines are the main motivation in choosing Jerez as a tourist destination for 24% of visitors in the city.


  1. Jerez has been chosen European City of Wine 2014 during the XVII General Assembly of Recevin (European Cities Network Wine) HELD in Marsala (Italy). Jerez's candidacy [] received about 200 VOTES. European Cities Network Wine, a non-profit organization, is currently composed of 800 cities in nine countries with a strong wine tradition (Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal), which are located IN protected areas by Designation of Origin of their wines and have a minimum population of 5,000 inhabitants. Nowadays, the wine cellars are among the most visited in Europe, WITH the best claim FROM Jerez, a city that hit a figure of 1,200,000 annual visits to tourist ATTRACTIONS. The wines are the main motivation FOR choosing Jerez as a tourist destination for 24% of visitors TO the city.

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