

Esta es una gran palabra en inglés. Refiere a la ocurrencia de algo afortunada, completamente por casualidad. Por ejemplo, si, mientras estuvieras posando por tus fotos de boda, apareciera un arco iris en el cielo, y lo captara el fotógrafo en una foto, sería un caso de "serendipity". No es una palabra bien conocida, pero es muy expresiva, y suena graciosa.

En mi trabajo, considero un cambio de puesto. Una de las oportunidades es trabajar directamente con un mayor cliente para resolver cualesquiera problemas técnicas que tiene. Es parte de un relativamente nuevo esfuerzo de mejorar la satisfacción con nuestros productos. Pregunté a la gerente quién sería el siguiente cliente con que quieres establecer tal relación, y la respuesta fue un cliente basado en España. ¿Es "serendipity"? ¿Quién sabe? Pero seguro que es una coincidencia humorosa para mi, considerando todo el esfuerzo que había hecho en los últimos años para aprender español.


El Invierno

Este invierno ha sido muy largo y duro, y me muero por ir a  lugar soleado y cálido. Sólo tengo que esperar dos meses más.  He reservado un crucero que va a las Islas Canarias en el mes de mayo.  Las vacaciones será como medicina después de una enfermedad.  Llevo preparando para el viaje y he comprado gafas de sol nuevas. El año pasado, las compré  pero no duraron mucho, o sea, esta vez  gasté más dinero en las gafas, creo que es muy importante proteger los ojos del sol, eso es lo que le conté  a mi marido! :)) Mis ojos cada vez son peores, bueno es una buena excusa para comprar gafas de sol muy bonitas y caras. También cuando estaremos en Tenerife,  he reservado una excursión para ver los delfines y tal vez  ballenas, si tenemos suerte! Los organizadores no pueden garantizar que vamos a ver cualquier cosa.  La excursión será en un catamarán y durará la mayoría del día.  Hice una excursión muy parecida cuando fui a las islas caribes, pero esa vez fui a ver las tortugas del mar, y en otra ocasión para nadar con los rayos de águila  que fue fantástica.  

El domingo pasado fue mis cumpleaños,también es el cumpleaños de mi marido el jueves que viene, así que, nos vamos a ir a un restaurante Italiano y también nos vamos al cine para ver Les Miserables.  Me encantan las películas musicales, realmente me gustaría ir al teatro para verlo, pero no tengo ganas de viajar a Londres durante el invierno, de hecho es difícil para mí salir de la casa por las noches en el invierno!   Así que, tengo que hacer un gran esfuerzo para salir de la casa el jueves, espero que la temperatura suba un poquito, de otra manera mi marido tendrá que arrestarme de la casa! (o sacarme?)



Visiting my city’s downtown is a sad experience. Aside from the depressed scenery, which I described in a previous post, you could find people with strange behaviors. I’m not talking about junkies or panhandlers but about insane people.  As an illustration, let me portray a sample of them.

Every morning I see this white-haired man sitting on a concrete bench. The old man is always alone, looking to nowhere. And in the afternoon, he is still there, fixed like a statue. Three benches next to him, a weak, middle-aged guy full of tattoos and silver jewelry smokes a cigarette. The guy remains spaced out for hours while shaking his head and suddenly starts uttering unintelligible words. At an uncrowded corner, another dude with an inexpressive gaze and unmatched clothes stands like a soldier. His odd body movements indicate that he is totally nuts, a basket case. Now, he is in love with an uncombed, fat lady who wanders pantyless all day throughout the downtown’s streets.

These folks populate my city’s downtown. They don’t steal nor bother other citizens. In general, they seem harmless. Above all, they are just actors on a depressed stage.

Complaint letter

This is an example of a complaint letter. I'd be very pleased if you check it. What it has been written in it it's not true but I'm sure that it's something likely  to happen to people who is used to booking on the Internet where we're  only able to see breathtaking views and facilities.
I'd like to ask you a question, when arriving to your destination, haven't you ever asked yourself if you were in the same place you had booked?

Thank you in advance.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about my stay in your hotel  last weekend.

This was the first time I went to your hotel. I chose it because I was told that it offered exclusive services and, according to your website, among of them was an impressive acclimatized outside swimming-pool which I thought it was going to be perfect for me to relax by swimming in warm water and breathing fresh air at the same time.

However, while I was checking in, I told the receptionist what was the pool timetable and, to my surprise, she told me that the acclimatized outside swimming-pool was not available because the water heating system did not work. I got angry because that was the main reason I was there and I did not have time to look for another accommodation.

I had to stay because I had no choice but I strongly believe that you should have notified your clients about this inconvenience on your website while doing the booking and it is for that I would like to receive an explanation and if possible a refund.

Yours faithfully

Vicent Gozálvez


Speaking in a foreign Language

All of us we are students of a foreign language. In our classes, we work grammar, vocabulary, skills for example Listennigs, Writings, readings and conversations.
Imagine that you have the chance of speaking in a foreing language to another students, of a lower level than your. You shoud try to speak with them, slowly, because you have to be understood by them. You have to prepare your script. And the most important thing, you have to talk with a people that perhaps you have never seen. Amazing. But sometimes, your nerves are your worst enemy.
15 days ago, I had the chance of doing all this. And I have to thank to Matt, his help. At the end all was ok. I was very nervous because I am not used to speaking in public. But at the end, I can tell you the expereice it worthed it.

Banksy auction: London's anger over missing artwork


Oral exam

Hello friends,

As I promised you in my post 'My last exam and my heart', I'm going to keep you up to date on my oral exam results.

 I took it on Tuesday and I'd like to say I was nervous and insecure, but this wouldn't be true. If I am sincere this has been one of my best oral exams, but this is not a coincidence. I'd like to  thank Cristina, my classmate, for everything.

We went to the school on Thursday and Monday and practised our dialogue two hours each day. We studied different topics, situations and possible questions and answers. Vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation were revised  and we even checked the time  our conversations took, because we had to reach to an agreement in five minutes more or less.

Finally the big day arrived. Our teacher gave us the exams and told us 'You have to talk about environment, I hope you like it'. I thought 'I have to put up with it, I don't have any choice'. We had to play two roles, I was against the scientists theories and Cristina was an environmental activist.

We started talking. The conversation flowed fluently. We both felt comfortable and for a moment we forgot our teacher was checking everything we told each other. Minutes went by and, without noticing, we reached to an agreement, to change fans with air conditioning in spite of being against the environment. This is because in Alicante is usually scorching in summer and fans are not able to cool the house properly.

After our talk, our teacher congratulated us but the best thing is that we both had reached to two conclusions, the first one is that if you work hard you get everything and the second one is that even pro-environmental people like feeling cool air in summer.



El Cachorro

El fin de semana pasado, he estado cuidando del cachorro de mi hija.  Estoy acostumbrada a cuidar de los perros porque hace algunos años tenía mis propios perros, pero este cachorro pide mucha atención.  Creo que el cachorro es así, debido a que, vive en una casa muy animada, y ruidosa.  Mi hija tiene cinco hijos y también es una cuidadora de otros niños. Toda la familia le ama el cachorro, pero un cachorro necesita disciplina.  Bueno, el fin de semana pasada ella y tu familia fueron a una fiesta de cumpleaños y me pidó si yo cuidaría de su cachorro.  Creo que el tipo de vida que un perro tiene reflexiona sobre su personalidad, y este cachorro es tan loco como las personas con las que viven jejeje.  Siempre hay caos en la casa, y el perrito es parte del caos jeje.   Bueno, cuando mi hija vino a mi casa después del  fin de semana para recoger el cachorro, ella estaba muy sorprendido de que el perrito comportó bien y me preguntó. ¿Porqué el perrito está sentado tan tranquilo? Nunca se comporta bien cuando está en mi casa. Yo le dije es debido al ambiente tranquilo y las largas caminatas y las  piezas de comida que yo le dí cuando el perro comporta bien.  Este es el secreto.


It's for that I like fishing

In the end, after several week of bad weather in my city, I went fishing yesterday

Fishing is a hobby I took up when I was five. My father was very fond of fishing but I don't really know when he took up his hobby because my grandfather did not like it at all. 

I am the youngest of three brothers  and I belong to a humble family,  so going fishing was such a good way to keep the children entertained without spending too much money. In fact we did not spend a cent, because my father knew where to collect the bait in the sea and we get to the beach on foot because it was very near to our house, three hundred meters away more or less.

I still remember when I caught my first fish. I was astonished and a shiver went down my spine. My father taught me everything   about fishing, what's more, he taught me to respect the sea and its inhabitants. I learnt from him that we never had to catch small fish. He used to tell me, 'Vicent, they have to grow before being caught'.

I am forty-seven now and I still go fishing every weekend, if the weather is good of course, and I still feel the same shiver I felt when I was five. It is nice. I wonder how proud of me my father would be if he was able to read this letter. 

I will never forget looking the big smile that was drawn on his face when I went to see him after a fishing day. I showed him my captures but his face was the face of a person who has been captured by something darkness, something that told me that he was going to leave me soon.

My father died five years ago and I am not get used to living without him yet. It is for that every time I go fishing, I can see his face reflected in the sea, looking at me and it is for that I know he is very proud of me because he can see that I have followed his pieces of advice, and it's for that a tear starts going down my cheek while remembering this.



Querétaro, México

Me alegro de que todos están escribiendo tanto, y sólo quiero darles la razón de mi ausencia -- estoy en México tomando clases 5 horas al día. Ojalá esto vaya a "anchor all my knowledge in my mind", como has dicho Vicent. Querétaro es una ciudad muy bonita, pero el frío del invierno es muy duro — creo que ésta mañana la temperatura fue tan baja como 18 grados.

My last exam and my heart

Last Tuesday I took my second written exam of the year. The teachers call it the 2nd fis. I have to recognize that before the exam I was a bit nervous because, if I have to be sincere, I do not know what is happening to me.

Different feelings come to me according the level is higher. I don't know why. One of these feelings is that I have now much more doubts than I had in the previous courses. I do think that it is because the language learning process is going towards another stage, a stage in which grammar is not as important as it was before and the students now have to cope with subjective meanings, interpretation and real understanding of the language.

I am positive that now It would be a good moment to go abroad in order to anchor all our knowledge to our mind, in order to interiorize everything we have learnt, because in other way a boat, carrying in its hold all the exercises, vocabulary, grammar ,phrasal verbs and idioms, will leave the harbor of our mind without leaving any footprint on it.

But this boat will never carry my best friends as its passengers, the kind of  friends that you can call close friends, and I can assure you that there is one or two of them that I would like they were friends for life. At least it is how I feel and I hope they feel the same as me.

Well, it will be a time in which I could think about these reflections but now I have to stop reflecting in order to study for my oral exam. 

I'll be you up to date.


to H&M

El Fútbol Inglés

Hay una competencia que tiene lugar cada año que se llama The F.A.Cup.  Todos los equipos del fútbol en la liga de fútbol inglés entran en la competencia.  Todos los nombres de los equipos se ponen en un sorteo y es posible que los equipos más conocidos jugarán contra los equipos menos conocidos.  Desde que conocí mi marido,  ha sido un aficionado de un equipo que se llama Brentford. Desde niño su padre le llevó a ver todos los juegos de casa y mi marido ha hecho el mismo con nuestro hijo y ahora mi hijo le lleva a mi marido a los juegos!.  Brentford es un equipo en el primera división, hay dos divisiones por encima de la primera división.  Todos los equipos que ganan, entrarán en el próximo sorteo. Hace dos semanas Brentford tenía que jugar contra Chelsea, uno de los más famosos equipos en Inglaterra (de hecho los campeones de Europa.) También el juego tuvo lugar en el humilde estado de Brentford.   Brentford jugó muy bien, y ganó dos goles contra Chelsea y estuvo ganando hasta que Fernando marcó un gola contra Brentford en los últimos segundos y el partido terminó en empate.   El domingo que viene, Brentford tendrá que jugar de nuevo, pero esta vez en el estadio de Chelsea!   No hay ninguna manera que Brentford va a ganar, pero los aficionados están muy contentos de que su equipo ha llegado a esta etapa de la competencia, tambien mucha gente verá el partido en la televisión, todo el mundo le gusta ver los equipos menos conocido jugar contra los gigantes



I am writing while waiting for my turn at the barbershop. For the last 17 years, I have gotten my haircuts in the same place. This barbershop is located in the depressed downtown of my city. I remember when you had to wait one or two hours for a haircut on Saturdays, but, in general, clients have abandoned the downtown in recent years.

My barber is an icon in my city. He knows everybody and talks so much. He seems like an expert in everything, ranging from politics and economy to sports and women. I think talking is part of his job.

My haircut style is very simple: trimming with blade #4 on the sides and a little cutting on top. My days of long hair finished after college. Some years ago, the cost of the haircut was only $5, but now it costs $8 plus tips. At least the barber gives you a lollipop.


La Carne de Vaca

Recientemente ha sido descubierto que en el Reino Unido, muchos productos de comida ya preparada contienen carne de caballo en vez de carne de vaca.  No hay nada mala con carne de caballo, de hecho los francés se la comen mucho, pero si el paquete dice que la comida contiene carne de vaca, entonces eso es lo que debería contiene!    Algunas personas están horrorizadas de que han comido carne de caballo.  El ministerio de alimentos está investigando cómo esto ha ocurrido.  Se parece que esta comida se exporta desde Francia, pero después de consultas con las empresas de Francia, niegan todo y dice que  la culpa es de una empresa de Luxemburgo que les proporcionó la carne.  El ministerio de alimentos quiere que la exportación de comida ya preparada suspendido, hasta que este problema pueda ser resuelto, pero como siempre las leyes del EU prevenir eso.  Personalmente, yo creo que es un truco de los francés para obligarnos a comer la carne de caballo, es bien conocido que francia y UK no son buenos amigos jejeje.  Me alegro de que yo no como la comida ya preparada y puedo ver todo lo que como, nada desconocido está escondido  dentro de un paquete.  El misterio sigue!


What a Coincidence!

Last thursday I had to talk about a topic in my English class. I only Knew that one of these days it could be my turn and I would have to choice among three papers placed face down on the table.

Well, last thursday the teacher said my name. A kind of ray went through my body. I had to go to the teacher's table. My legs were trembling. I had to sit in her chair looking at the rest of the class. All my body was trembling. I had to choose one of the papers and... What a coincidence! I chose the only one which I did not have prepared.

I had a minute to plan my talk. I remembered Matt. I know that it is a nuisance correcting a long writing.  Well, Matt corrected me two very long writings.  One of them about a holiday and another one about a film.(Thanks again, Matt). I think I abused this page. I have been rather tense recently. I needed calm down of some way.

The topic I chose was "Describe your best friend". In that minute, I thought, the die is cast, that it be what God wants. Then, surprisingly, I relaxed. My eyes were aimed forward but I did not look at anybody. I was lost in my thought. I began to talk about my brother Carlos and I was talking and talking and talking until the teacher stopped me.

I do not remember very well what I said but I think the teacher was very pleased.



I was thinking that this morning I was going to be stiffness. Yesterday evening my children and I were in the indoor pool. While I  was swimming some lengths my children were playing to something. When I met with them, they were competing to see who was faster running inside the water.

First I have to say that the Friday is the best day of the week to go to the pool. That day there are not swimming courses and, I do not know the reason, but very few people go to the pool and we have, almost all time, the whole pool for us.  Perhaps I am an strange father and I should take my kids to burger bar or something like that, I do not know.  I only know that my children really enjoy a lot these occasions.  The jokes in the changing room, the first shower, the games in the pool and some "aguadillas" (to hold somebody's head under water), then a while in the jacuzzi, the last shower, get dressed, stop for a moment to see their Grandma, who lives near the sport centre... In short, Friday evening is a great joy for them.

Well, as I was saying, in some moment I joined them and I discovered a great exercise to my legs. We were quite a while spinning around the pool and, when we stopped, I felt my legs broken.

Los huesos del Rey Ricardo III

El año pasado arqueólogos han encontrado el lugar donde murió el Rey Richard III y han descubierto un intrigante esqueleto. Los huesos fue encontrados debajo un aparcamiento donde un batalla tuvo lugar hace 600 años.  Pruebas de DNA han confirmado que los huesos pertenecen al rey.  Siempre ha sido conocido que el Rey sufrido de una columna vertebral deformada y los huesos muestran esto.  Ha habido libros escritos y películas hechas acerca de este rey.  Él era un hombre que mató otras personas por el camino al trono, que habrían sido Reyes antes del él, por ejemplo dos príncipes pequeños que eran sus sobrinos, ellos fueron asesinados en el Torre de Londres mientras dormían en sus camas.  Ahora los arqueólogos quieren localizar los huesos de Alfred the Great que nació en el año 849, se cree que están en un cementerio muy antiguo, pero aparentemente hay muchos tumbas y es posible que tengan que probar muchos esqueletos  antes de que encontrar los huesos del Rey.  !Qué morboso!


Conducción de Seguros

Tengo un amigo de correspondencia, nos escribimos una vez al mes.  Él me contó que, por su tarea de inglés, tiene que escribir sobre las diferencias en la manera en que  los hombres y las mujeres conducir. Es verdad que, por lo general, las mujeres  necesitan más espacio para aparcar el coche, pero lo que sí sé es que, el seguro de las mujeres es más barato debido a que tienen menos accidentes.  Durante muchos años las chicas pagaban menos por el seguro, pero recientemente los precios para las chicas han subido, porque se dice que no es justo que los chicos tienen pagar más.  Otra cosa interesante es que, mi amigo me dijo que las empresas de seguro cobran más a la gente que tienen un coche del color rojo.  

Creo que en las ciudades grandes no es necesario tener un coche y en muchas ciudades es posible alquilar una bicicleta para moverse alrededor la ciudad y hay lugares de dejara y recoger las bicicletas en todas partes de la ciudad.  Esto es muy útil, porque es casi imposible aparcar un coche en las calles sin ser muy costoso, también este sistema ayuda evitar la polución.


My Favorite Film

Well, I am going to talk about the film "The Shawshank Redemption" called in Spain "Cadena Perpetua" "life imprisonment" in English.

It may be one of my favorite film, especially due to the performance of its two main characters, Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.
I have seen a lot of films of Morgan Freeman and he always had liked me like actor, but it was in this film the first time I saw Tim Robbins and he also liked me very much.

To me, they are one of the best pairs of actors in a film. Now, I remember other duos like Paul Newman and Robert Redford in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" which was called in Spain "Dos hombres y un destino" "Two men and a fate" or in "The Sting" "El Golpe" in Spanish, or Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach in "El Bueno, el malo y el feo" or "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" in English, but they are different things. The performance of Robbins and Freeman seems to me exceptional.

Well, the plot turns around the imprisonment in the prison of Shawshank of a vice-chairman of a bank, Andrew Dufresne (Tim Robbins) after be found guilty by a court with a jury, of the murdering of his wife and her lover. He always insisted in his innocence but all the evidences were against him. He was condemned at two life imprisonments.

Andy is a person with a great sensibility who grants great importance to the literature and classical music. The prison environment is sordid and the attitude of several inmates and guards is violent. Here stands out the guards captain because of his firm hand. It is also remarkable the part of the governor of the prison who ruled it with a rod of iron.

With the time the Andy's calm behaviour attracts attention of Red (Morgan Freeman) who has been in the prison for twenty years accused with murder and capable of getting any kind of things from outside of the prison and they become good friends and the main characters of the story.

A day, Andy hears that the guards captain has received an inheritance and has to pay a lot of tax. Andy offers him his help for to pay less. After this fact, the Andy's situation is completely different. Everyone respects him in prison, both inmates and guards and even the governor. From now on, on the one hand Andy is dedicated to making tax returns from all inmates and guards, even of other prisons. On the other the governor recruits him like his financial and tax consultant and Andy is in charge of all his accounts.

Andy, little by little is getting privileges and his life in the prison is more bearable. He is sent into the library and Red becomes in his assistant. The friendship between them is every day bigger.

Another day a young guy enters prison. This is a crucial fact. This guy stars good relationship with both Andy and Red. In one occasion, when Red and the young boy are chatting about the other inmates, Red told him the reason for the imprisonment of Andy. Then, the young told Red that he was in another prison and heard the story of another inmate. The story of that inmate was the same as the story of Andy. That inmate murdered to Andy's wife and her lover.

When Andy knows the news, talks about it with the governor. The governor gets angry with him. He does not want to lose his consultant. Andy is confused. The governor does not want hearing anything about that issue and reacts violently. He orders kill the young guy. From this moment, Andy plans his revenge.

In the courtyard, Andy gives to Red, who will be released soon, several instructions to reach the place where one day they dreamed of rebuilding their lives.

The end of the film is as good or even better than the rest. Andy uncovers the governor's corruption, who finally commits suicide. Andy gets a review of his case and is released. A bit later Red gets his freedom.

Andy and Red finally meet in one heavenly beach.



Last summer my wife, my children and I went to Isla, a small coastal village of the province of Cantabria in the north of Spain, beside to the Cantabrian seaside.

We went by car. Isla is at about 200 km from Logroño. The journey took about two hours. The roads and highways are excellents and once you go into Cantabria the view becomes in an spectacular scenery.

We stayed there for four night and five days. We were in a rural guest house which was away from the village a few hundred meters.

The rural guest house was big, cosy and beautiful. The dormitories were spacious as well as the bathrooms. There was an small swimming pool in a big courtyard. The swimming pool had a roof. The roof was folded in those days. In winter the roof turns the swimming pool into an indoor pool.  In the courtyard also there were a lot of trees and bushes, a large number of plants, ornamental fountains and a large area for children. In this area, there were among other things a board for table tennis, a pair of tables football, a basket net, several balls and a Frog game. With this game, my children and I had a great time. For my children it was something new.

The breakfasts and dinners were in the house's dinner room. This room was more or less a bit small but very pleasant. It was decorated with a rustic style. By general the food was very good and the kids enjoyed it a lot, because every night the cook cooked them what they wanted.

Each day, the main meal was out. We went to eat each time to a different restaurant. We know our children love doing it.

In the morning, after breakfast, we used to go for a walk on the surroundings. Everything was green around the house. We had good luck with the weather and the sun shone all the time, which does not happen very often in Cantabria.

All paths led to somewhere interesting. Many of them ended in a cliff. The view from above was spectacular. The sea breaking on the rocks, the white foam, the seagulls, some ship in the distance. We spent long whiles sat there, contemplating the scene. The kids lost no detail of anything, everything was exciting for them.

One morning we arrived at the end of a path which ended in slope. We could see a red roof domed. It seemed something strange. When we were nearer, we could see that the roof belonged to a lighthouse. But there was a little problem. The lighthouse was surrounded by a stone wall like a fence. This wall was not very tall. I could persuaded my wife and we climbed the wall.  It was worth the effort. The place was wonderful. My wife took a lot of photo, especially with the kids. The lighthouse was beside another cliff thus the set was spectacular.

After the walks we used to go to the beach. Really it was one of the beach more strange than I never saw. At about fifty meters into the sea was another beach a little smaller. My children and I had to make a big effort to reach it. I had to carry my younger son during a while on my back.  Between the two beaches everything was quiet but beyond the second beach the sea was rough and the waves were enormous.

We have been in many beaches but the beach of "Isla" is what bigger mark have left on my children.


I'm off two minds

I have to confess that this week has been very stressful  for me. From Monday to Friday I went to work very stressed. I don't really know what the reason was or maybe I might know it. I'm in two minds.  On one hand I like going to work but, on the other hand, I don't like the atmosphere that it's breathed there. Everyone is nervous,  bad tempered and dissapointed because of the way the company is treating us, but we don't have any choice and have to put up with it.

Everything changes on Tuesday and Thursday. These days I go to the English school. There I  find my friends, with a smile drawn on their faces. When I see them my thoughts fly towards their brains trying to find a little space there, a little space where they feel warm and secure,  a little space where my mind has a rest by getting everything off my chest while we share our thoughts while having a coffee at the canteen. Do you think we should have tea instead of coffee?, I don't know, or maybe I might know it. I'm in two minds.

I've been looking forward to the weekend because I wanted to go fishing, but I've just checked the weather forecast for tomorrow and I've seen that it's going to be gale force wind, so I'll have to stay at home again.
It's four weeks that I've been trying to go fishing, but it's been impossible because of the weather. I don't understand why the weather is changing continuosly in my city, Alicante,  where in January  it used to be calm and warm,  but maybe I might know it. I'm two minds.....


Caminos serpentinos

Más temprano, cuando esperábamos en el aeropuerto, miramos por la ventana una vista fascinante. Nevaba ligeramente mientras soplaba un viento, dirigiendo la nieve a lo largo de caminos serpentinos que giraban lentamente con cada cambio de la fuerza y dirección del viento. Nos pareció como las pruebas que se realizan en túneles de viento, en los cuales se inyectan humo para hacer visible el flujo de aire alrededor de un objeto, algo como un modelo de la ala de un avión. Pero en los túneles de viento las lineas de humo no cambian en general. La imagen de la nieve pulverulento escurriendose sobre la pavimentación estuvo mágica. Nadie la podría imitar. Una vez más, la naturaleza nos ha mostrado su superioridad a la ciencia de hombre.