
A new Peak.

Today I decided to go with my friends to the Mountain. We are always to the same place, because it's near of our village.
The day began to get light, and a lot of people encourage to do the same activity. Climbing the mountain. You could find children, parents ... people of all ages, all of them with the same goal: To achive the peak.
The sun wanted that the day were a good day, so he was shining for all day. The temperature was very high, we are in the middle of April, but the sun and the temperature encouraged people to spend the day out their homes practicing a health sport.
It was curious, but there weren't clouds and from the top of the mountain it was easy to see the Pyrinees. The mountains that are on the border between Spain and France. There peaks were snowed but in the place where I was there weren't any snow. So Spring became and sooner the Summer.
Arriving to the peak it was a satisfaction for me because you achive your goal.
This feeling is like we or in my case I have when I have success in my private live, after a strong effort. It's like all in the live. To obtain somethin you have to "suffer", but when you get it you can't express with words your satisfaction. All that strong effor worthed it.

1 comment:

  1. Grammar:
    Today I decided to go with my friends to the Mountain. We [] always GO to the same place, because it's near [] our village.
    The day began to get light, and a lot of people WERE encourageD to do the same activity. Climbing the mountain. You could find children, parents ... people of all ages, all of them with the same goal: To achiEve the peak.
    The sun wanted [] the day TO BE a good day, so IT was shining [] all day. The temperature was very high, we are in the middle of April, but the sun and the temperature encouraged people to spend the day out OF their homes practicing a healthY sport.
    It was curious, but there weren't ANY clouds and from the top of the mountain it was easy to see the PyrEnees, the mountains [] on the border between Spain and France. TheIR peaks were snow-COVERed but in the place where I was there wASn't any snow. So Spring became and sooN the Summer.
    Arriving AT the peak [] was a satisfaction for me because I HAD achiEveD MY goal.
    This feeling is like we or in my case I have when I have success in my private liFe, after a strong effort. It's like all in the liFe. To obtain somethinG you have to "suffer", but when you get it you can't express with words your satisfaction. All that strong efforT WAS wortH it.

    Today I decided to go with my friends to the mountainS. We always go to the same place, because it's near our village.
    AS the SUN CAME UP, WE SAW THAT a lot of people WERE encouraged to do the same activity. Climbing the mountain. You could find children, parents ... people of all ages, all of them with the same goal: To REACH the peak.
    The sun wanted the day to be a good ONE, so it was shining all THE TIME. The temperature was very high, we are in the middle of April, but the sun and the temperature encouraged people to spend the day outDOORS DOing a healthy ACTIVITY*.
    It was curious, but there weren't any clouds and from the top of the mountain it was easy to see the Pyrenees, the mountains on the border between Spain and France. Their peaks were MOSTLY snow-covered but [] where I was there wasn't any snow. So spring HAD COME EARLY and the summer WOULD BE COMING SOON.
    Arriving at the peak was a satisfaction for me because I had achieved my goal.
    This feeling is like we or in my case I have when I have success in my private life, after a strong effort. It's like EVERYTHING in [] life. To obtain something you have to "suffer", but when you get it you can't express your satisfaction WITH WORDS. All that strong effort was worth it.

    *To me, a "sport" involves some kind of competition.

    Sounds like a great day!


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