
El silencio del espacio

Anoche vi la primera mitad de la película “Gravity”, que se distingue por Sandra Bullock como la protagonista. La historia gira en torno a un desastre que tiene lugar mientras un grupo de astronautas repara un telescopio en órbita. Dos astronautas sobreviven el evento inicial, pero pronto queda sólo uno. A estas alturas, la principal pregunta es cómo va a volver la protagonista a la Tierra. Está sola, sin comunicaciones y en una cápsula espacial sin la capacidad de reentrar la atmósfera. Tengo ganas de ver lo que pase.

Lo más notable del filme son los largos ratos de silencio, acentuados por vistas fantásticas de la Tierra. Me alegro de ver una producción que aprovecha el silencio para que tengan tiempo los espectadores para contemplar y sentir lo que pasa a los personajes. Me doy cuenta de lo mismo en otra nueva película — quizá sea una tendencia. Recuerdo también que una de mis favoritas, “Castaway”, usó efectos similares.

25 years after .....

I want to write about an experience that I have just lived last weekend.
When in 1989 I finished my studies in my school, I knew that I would never see my classmates because most of them had to go out to study.
After 25 years, we met again. There were only a difference: our age. But when I arrived at school, I came to be that young boy of 18 years old. That feeling was the same for the rest of the people. It was incredible met with your classmates, talking about our lifes, our projects, watching an emotive video where I could remember and the most important remember our dead teachers. At the same time we could share some time with somo teachers that wanted to come to greet us. Amazing.
Suddenly, It was Monday morning, all of us had to go to work. After spending a weekend like if we were in our 18, the reality told us, that we were 42 43 years old. ....
I was returning to have my duties.

Think of me

If you got a deep sorrow, think of me.
If you feel like crying, think of me.
You see I worship your divine image.
Your baby mouth which, when I was being so child,
taught me to sin.
Think of me when you suffer, when you cry
think of me too.
When you want to take my life,
I don't want it at all, 
It is completly useless without you.


Alone to be part of our history!

Never would have I thought that one day I would see a picture taken in my village in the Times magazine.
I knew, that some traditions are very famous and they are very well known around the world.
The image is very simple, dark but at the same time full of feelings.

A young boy, around 7 or 8 years old, is waiting fot his moment. In few minutes he will be the protagonist of one of the most ancient traditions in my town. But I want to focus on the image. He is waiting, only a ray appears from the window that is in front of him. What about him? Probably he will be anxious, nervous, ..... The day is beginning to get light, and all will be different. It's Easter Sunday and the happiness is ready to burst. Not only in the religious contest but also in the way of life of people.
After his appearance in the main square, all people will go to celebrate the Resurrection, the spring, with their families, friends ...
But I see him, alone, in a small room, probably he will be watching the square full o people. Just in few seconds, his name will be history. He wants to jump, but it's not the time, he has to wait for few minutes, ....
Is he in isolation? I don't know, but he is alone, waiting for being our new hero.
But The Times, one of the most important magazines of the world, could take this picture. Really it's nice, how many feelings are in our head, a lot of stories to think ....

Now he can see the place. Everybody is eager to see him.
Ready to fly, ready
And just in this moment he will be part of our history.


8 mitos, parte 2

5. "Me pondré desasosegado e inquieto."

    Dé paseos o haga pausas.  Encuentre algo que te guarda ocupado o que ocupa las manos, tal como una arte o un pasatiempo.

6. "Necesito nicotina para mantenerme la energía."

    Comience un programa de ejercicio y una dieta saludable.

7. "Voy a ganar peso."

    33% de ex-fumadores ganan peso; 33% se quedan a la misma nivel; 33% pierden peso. Entre ellos que ganan peso, más de 90% lo pierden una vez que ajuste su cuerpo a ser libre de fumar.

8. "No puedo dormir."

    Evite siestas durante el día si no puede dormir en la noche, y acuéstele sólo cuando está cansado. No lea ni vea la televisión en la cama. Si no está durmiendo dentro de 30 minutos después de acostarle, levántele y pase un rato en una actividad que le relaja, y trate otra vez.

8 mitos, parte 1

Traducción de un folleto encontrado en la cafetería de mi trabajo...

8 mitos sobre dejar de fumar

1. "He fallado antes, así que fallaré otra vez."

    Menos de 25% de fumadores tienen éxito en su primer intento, y la mayor parte hace 3-5 intentos antes de hacerlo. Los intentos sin éxito no significan que sea imposible dejar de fumar para usted.

2. "Tendré anhelos intolerables."

    El anhelo de fumar usualmente disminuye después de 20 minutos. Cuando comience a desear un cigarillo, encuentre algo para ocuparle. Planee de antemano para estas ocasiones.

3. "Estaré irritable y de humor inestable."

    Si sea posible, encuentre una manera de reducir demandas y estreses por su tiempo durante los primeros pocos días de su intento de dejar de fumar. Evite las cosas que le molestan.

4. "Me costará mucho concentrarme."

    Comience sus esfuerzos de no fumar en un fin de semana o de vacaciones, y trate de guardar leve su horario de trabajo durante los primeros pocos días.



A new Peak.

Today I decided to go with my friends to the Mountain. We are always to the same place, because it's near of our village.
The day began to get light, and a lot of people encourage to do the same activity. Climbing the mountain. You could find children, parents ... people of all ages, all of them with the same goal: To achive the peak.
The sun wanted that the day were a good day, so he was shining for all day. The temperature was very high, we are in the middle of April, but the sun and the temperature encouraged people to spend the day out their homes practicing a health sport.
It was curious, but there weren't clouds and from the top of the mountain it was easy to see the Pyrinees. The mountains that are on the border between Spain and France. There peaks were snowed but in the place where I was there weren't any snow. So Spring became and sooner the Summer.
Arriving to the peak it was a satisfaction for me because you achive your goal.
This feeling is like we or in my case I have when I have success in my private live, after a strong effort. It's like all in the live. To obtain somethin you have to "suffer", but when you get it you can't express with words your satisfaction. All that strong effor worthed it.



Impressive goal scored by Gareth Bale in football match celebrated on Wednesday. The Welsh Bale was awarded as the best football player in UK last year, so he is very known there. Bale, Real Madrid player now,  wasn't so popular here up to this week playing against FC Barcelona. The thing most impressive wasn't so much the scored goal as the speed with which ran towards net, about 37 kilometres por hour, when he was even blocked for a opposing player, pushing him out of football field. Supporters or not from Real Madrid are amazed. He is in all international sport newspapers now. And plus, the sprinter and the man quickest around the world, the Jamaican Usain Bolt is willing to help him to run faster. He is starting being called affectionately Roadrunner by the media.


La prohibición

La ley más nueva en mi ciudad es una prohibición del uso de móviles y otros dispositivos de mano durante la conducción. Estoy en favor de la ley aunque llevo mucho tiempo no siguiendo sus principios. Estoy acostumbrado a hacer y recibir llamadas, y leer mensajes de texto, mientras conduzco, a pesar de que me ha llevado sustos en los cuales no fue tan bueno mi control del coche. A veces la distracción mas fuerte ha sido la tarea simple de sacar el móvil de mi bolsillo.

Lo que me entristece es que rehusaba de renunciar estos males hábitos hasta que se realizó esta ley. Conozco a dos personas que murieron en choques causados por el uso de celulares. Debía haber sido suficiente para que dejara de usar el móvil en el coche. Me gusta creer que soy una persona que hace lo correcto sin tener en cuenta la legalidad o ilegalidad, pero obviamente no es el caso. Se dice frecuentemente que no se puede legislar la moralidad, pero la verdad es que cada ley, y cada falta de una ley, nos enseña algo.



I don't know which is the official religion in The Usa. I know there, you can find a lot of religions. But I don't want to focus on this point.
Curiosly, this evening, I read an interesting post about one of the states, Tenesse. In this post, it was said, that the South of The United States of America is called the Bible's belt. Weird afirmation. But my friend show in the post a picture of a bag of corn snacks, where it was easy to read:    

I don't know if that passage of the Bible belongs to the Catholic Church or another religion. Because most of the religions have their backgroudns in the Holy Book.
I wonder if the product is managed for people of this religion, or they are getting "addicted" ( I know it isn't the correct word.)
For me it's bizarre becase in Europe it's difficult to find this kind of sentences in the goods that you buy in groceries or supermarkets. Some times you find messages like: It can be consumed by muslims, or apt for Jewishs.
Are there more products with this kind of messages? Curious.



After having lunch, I was watching TV when suddenly a strong sound invaded the street and my home. Each time the sound was stronger, and I couldn't listen to any other sound. The sound came from a park next to my home. A group of people dressed with white, purple and other colors, were playing their drums. They had begun to walk and play their drum to announce us that tomorrow is the Easter Week.
Drums are advicing us to prepare to life our saint misteries.

My school trips

Hi, everyone,
I've been asked to write a report about the study trip my school organized last month.
I hope you like it. Thank you for your time.

2014 EOI Alicante study trips

The aim of this report is to assess students’ satisfaction with the four-week study trips to the United Kingdom the School organized last month and to make suggestions for improvements.
In general, students who chose host families to stay with, are by far more satisfied that the ones who did it the in halls of residence. What they have pointed me out is that not only did they not feel homesick but they had also the opportunity to be immersed in the English culture and customs.
The classes
As far as people are concerned, they believe that classes and facilities did live up to their expectations. As for the duration of classes, there are those who think that six hours a day is too much time. It would be preferable for classes to last only four hours or maybe the school could offer them two different timetables so as to give them the possibility to choose either a longer one or a shorter one.
The majority of students have showed me their great disappointment regarding the small amount of food they were given. In their opinion, only a sandwich is not a proper meal for lunch. I consider that people who would attend classes for six hours a day should be given a whole meal but, on the other hand a sandwich would be enough for the ones who decided to choose a shorter timetable.
It is generally thought that some cultural trips were boring, especially the ones in Bath and Stratford. Apart from that, what people disliked the most was the fact that they spent most of the day sightseeing and, as a result, they hardly had to time to go shopping. I propose to find other places to go to and a rearrangement of the activities.
Overall, our study trips are highly rated for most of our students. I am positive that if the suggested changes are implemented, the success of future trips would be guaranteed.


After some time ..........

It is said that Time runs so quickly .... and it's true.
When you are living you never notice of things that are happening at the same time. Sometimes, you think that the place where you are living is always the same, people are the same, buildings are the same, your teachers are weird, ......
But after some time memories come back to your mind. And it is in that moment when you remember all that you lived before.
When you go back to your old school and you see the building, or you enter into the building, it looks like if the walls were waving you. They are asking for you life, and is when your thoughts are managed to your old teachers. What before was boring, now is the base of your personality. Coming back to remember the past in the same place where you lived it, is remember and think all that you are. The base of your upbringing is there, and your teachers will be always proud of you because you have been product of their work.
Feelings, memories ..... after some years later.... It's time to think it all these experience worthed.
I think so. And indeed I think the current society will never live the same feelings that we are living now.


Otro ataque

Otro ataque en una escuela secundaria estadounidense. Estoy en una oficina médica, escuchando las noticias sobre otro ataque, esta vez uno con cuchillo en lugar de armas de fuego. Han resultado heridas seriamente siete estudiantes, junto con una guardia de seguridad. El médico y el policía que han hablado a los medios de comunicación lo han hecho con mucha compostura y paciencia, teniendo cuidado en hablar sólo de verdades, no conjeturas. Se sabe poco del agresor, sólo que es un jóven del décimo grado (~16 años). Supongo que todo esto ha pasado esta mañana y, como es normal hoy en día, ya escucha todo el mundo los detalles del incidente.



Otra vez en la sala de emergencia con mi padre... Lo que me impresiona es el trabajo de los médicos y enfermeros. Nunca saben qué vayan a encontrar con el próximo paciente — ¿una fractura? ¿un infarto de corazón? ¿una herida de bala? Supongo que llega la mayor parte de los pacientes con múltiples complicaciones y una larga historia médica. Pero se espera que les traten con conocimiento y habilidad. Sin embargo, deben exisitir ventajas. Pocas reuniones, quizás. Me dijo un enfermero que trabaja sólo tres noches por semana — me parece bastante bueno. Una clara ventaja es que todos los problemas son de corto plazo. Dentro de poco tiempo, los pacientes salen de la sala de emergencia, o a casa o al hospital o al Juicio. Estoy seguro de que las muertes pueden costarles mucho, especialmente lidiar con las familias, pero siempre el próximo paciente y crisis les espera en el próximo cuarto.