
Sometimes the Memory Plays Tricks.

I said here, on some occasion that in my work I have too much time to think because it is very monotonous. I have been some days thinking about a mistake or perhaps better, a confusion.

I say confusion because when I wrote the summary of the film "The Shawshank Redemption", I mixed memories of several films.

My brain with the help of my memory devised a new plot. Actually, the plot was related more or less correctly but when I got to the ending I left out the escape. I, by mistake, talked about his release and new trial, when, in fact, the main character made a tunnel with a geologist hammer that the second character gives him.

In this film, hardly is given importance to this fact, however in others like, for example, "Escape from Alcatraz" the whole plot revolves around the escape.

In short, I wanted to explain it in case someone reads the post and  this did not fit to the plot and above all, as a debt with Matt, who very kindly and patiently corrected my written.


  1. I said here on some occasion that in my work I have too much time to think because it is very monotonous*. I have been thinking FOR SOME DAYS about a mistake or, perhaps better, a confusion.

    I say confusion because when I wrote the summary of the film "The Shawshank Redemption", I mixed memories of several films.

    My brain with the help of my memory devised* a new plot. Actually, the plot was related more or less correctly, but when I got to the ending I left out the escape. I, by mistake, talked about his release and new trial, when, in fact, the main character made a tunnel with a geologist'S hammer that the second character gAve him.

    In this film, hardly ANY importance IS GIVEN to this fact, however, in others like, for example, "Escape from Alcatraz", the whole plot revolves* around the escape.

    In short, I wanted to explain it in case someone reads the post and FINDS THAT IT DOES not MATCH the plot, and, above all, as a debt TO Matt, who very kindly and patiently corrected my writING.

    Who ever said that what we write here has to have any connection to reality?

    *good vocabulary

  2. Thanks Matt. The thing is that when I realized my mistake I felt a bit embarrased and I needed to try to remedy the situation.


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