

(Picture from thinking.umwblogs.org)

Are you able to retain things that you read or heard easily?  Do you remember what did you eat the day before yesterday?  Do you remember what did you do every day during your last trip?  If you do…..there is good news: you have a good memory!

Let´s go further:  you do not know where you put your keys or glasses, do you?  How about names, dates, addresses, phone numbers or even anniversaries or birthdays? Do you remember them without problems?  Well, if you do not….that means that your memory is not so good!

Of course having a good memory helps to increase your creativity and ability to solve problems, improve your reading comprehension and self-esteem, reducing stress, etc.   It has many benefits for your health.

But don`t worry….it is not all bad news.  Sometimes a bad memory has some advantages too.  “One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory...” states a famous quote.  In some cases it can be a “gift” because you move on through the difficulties easily, not hold grudges and that can help to keep relationships.

But let us come back to the point, there are many tips and exercises to sharpen your mind and boost brain power: give your brain a workout, get enough sleep, do physical exercise, make time for friends, have a laugh, eat a brain boosting diet, do puzzles, follow a schedule, read more, etc.

If you cannot improve your memory, well nobody is perfect….at least you can learn some expressions in English that can help you to show that if you forgot something it was not your intention and that you are doing your best!.  If you add “I am sorry”, that would be much better!! Here we go:

Be on the tip of your tongue: you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very soon.     The answer is on the tip of my tongue….

Slip your mind: you forget it.   I am so sorry I forgot your birthday, it just slipped my mind.

Your mind goes blank: you cannot remember a particular thing, or you cannot remember anything.   I tried to remember his name, but my mind went completely blank.

Ring a bell: to sound familiar. The name rang a bell, but I could not remember where I had heard before.

Rack your brain:  to think very hard.   I have been racking my brains all day, but I cannot remember her address.

I had more but I forgot them….just kidding!  I think it is enough for today!

Let us go!! Try to remember these expressions and exercise your brain!!  Good luck!

Thanks for reading it!


  1. Are you able to retain things that you [have] read or heard easily? Do you remember what [] you [ate] the day before yesterday? Do you remember what [] you [did] every day during your last trip? If you do…..there is good news: you have a good memory!

    Let´s go further: you do not know where you put your keys or glasses, do you? How about names, dates, addresses, phone numbers or even anniversaries or birthdays? Do you remember them without problems? Well, if you do not….that means that your memory is not so good!
    Perfect paragraph, very natural.

    Of course having a good memory helps to increase your creativity and ability to solve problems, improve your reading comprehension and self-esteem, reduc[e] stress, etc. It has many benefits for your health.

    But don`t worry….it is not all bad news. Sometimes a bad memory has some advantages too. “One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory...” states a famous quote. In some cases it can be a “gift” because you move on through the difficulties easily, not hold[ing] grudges and that can help to [maintain] relationships.
    I don't know why, but "maintain relationships" sounds better. Another option would be "keep relationships healthy".

    But let us come back to the point*, there are many tips and exercises to sharpen your mind and boost brain power: give your brain a workout, get enough sleep, do physical exercise, make time for friends, have a laugh, eat a brain[-]boosting diet, do puzzles, follow a schedule, read more, etc.
    *Good expression.

    If you cannot improve your memory, well[,] nobody is perfect….at least you can learn some expressions in English that can help you to show that if you forgot something it was not your intention and that you are doing your best!. If you add “I am sorry”, that would be much better!! Here we go:

    Be on the tip of your tongue: you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very soon. The answer is on the tip of my tongue….

    Slip your mind: you forget it. I am so sorry I forgot your birthday, it just slipped my mind.

    Your mind goes blank: you cannot remember a particular thing, or you cannot remember anything. I tried to remember his name, but my mind went completely blank.

    Ring a bell: to sound familiar. The name rang a bell, but I could not remember where I had heard [it] before.

    Rack your brain: to think very hard. I have been racking my brains* all day, but I cannot remember her address.
    Both "brains" and "brain" works here. I use "brain", because I usually think that I have only one. :-)

    I had more but I forgot them….just kidding! I think it is enough for today!

    [Let's] go!! Try to remember these expressions and exercise your brain!! Good luck!
    In a short exclamation like this, we would always say and write "Let's".

    Thanks for reading it!

    You mastered all the expressions! And you expressed yourself well. Sometimes I say that, while my memory is not so good, my "forgettory" is excellent. But "forgettory" is not real word.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you Matt for the corrections!! They are really helpful. I just realized that sometimes I don't write well those kind of sentences (1st paragraph).
      Forgettory...great! You said that is not a real word, but did you coin it?

      Thanks again!

    2. I guessed I coined it, but I'm sure others have done the same.

  3. Por coincidencia acabo de encontrarme con esta traducción:
    Se estrujó la cabeza y encontró la solución.
    He racked his brain and finally found the solution.

  4. I haven't heard that traslation, but it is quite appealing! La que se usa más aquí es: Se "devanó los sesos" para encontrar la solución. Estrujar la cabeza es muy descriptivo y tiene sentido!


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