
Eye Exam VII

My grandmother’s right eye surgery was last Tuesday. The surgery finished without any complications. Today we visited the ophthalmologist for a follow-up appointment, in which we experienced the same problems of all previous visits: a small room packed with patients and long hours.

Fortunately, my grandmother’s eyes are healing well. Right now, her vision is 20/50 in her right eye and 20/20 in her left eye. These are great stats for an 88-year-old lady. In a month, she will have another appointment with the ophthalmologist. If everything is right, the ophthalmologist will prescribe new eyeglasses. The old pair has more than fifteen years. 

I will miss the ophthalmologist’s annoying assistants, and the wasted hours that we spent there. It seems that I am suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Hahaha!

To be continued.



by R.J.Palacio

I had never read a book like this, "Wonder", what a beautiful word. A beautiful word the author uses to describe us a wonderful person, with a brilliant mind and a big heart inside his chest. R.J.Palacio, tells us the story of a little boy, August, who has not had an easy life and childhood from his birth due to his deformed face.

August is a boy who has always been living surrounded and overprotected by his loving family due to his physical problems. He was born with several deformities on his face as a consequence of genetic problems. He has suffered twenty seven surgeries but, in spite of that, August is not happy with his physical appearance and feels the looks of the people wherever he goes.

August has been home-schooled by his mother, but his parents decide that he has to start going to school. At the beginning, he feels kind of terrified and does not want to go but his family finally convince him, in spite of his fears.

The course starts and he can feel both sides of friendship. On the one hand the real friendship of Jack and Summer who help him from the very beginning and, on the other hand, a fake friendship leaded by Julian, who has two faces, a good one to the teachers and a cruel one while talking to August in front of the other kids.

Time goes by, and August character, courage, kindness, and brightness makes him gain the respect of  all his classmates and teachers. These traits joined to all love he has breathed in his life makes him a special person, a wonderful person who everybody wants to know, who everybody wants to be with.

As a way of reflection, I would like to tell you that I wish I had the opportunity to meet  August too. I am sure that we would be good friends. While I was going through this unputdownable book,  I could feel on my own how he felt and rivers of tears run down my cheeks. This book makes me think that there are lots of Augusts in the world, very close to us, and we should not miss out on the opportunity to help them to feel ordinary and happy, the only thing we have to do is to be kinder than is necessary.




Carrying so many things in my mind sometimes provokes that I commit serious mistakes. One of those mistakes happened last week.

For my profession, I shall take continuing education courses periodically. Last year, I completed some of those courses online. After finishing each online course, I must print a certificate and send it to the state board. But now the board doesn’t have the certificates of four courses; and, worst of all, I don’t find copies of them in my records. I have been all weekend scratching my head thinking about where I have copies of those certificates.

Long story short, next week I need to take additional courses to renew my professional license. That means spending more than a hundred dollars plus gas and two days of my busy life.

Lesson learned: I must keep track of my professional records and declutter my mind from insignificant things.



      No doubt, Europeans have a real problem: immigration. Death doesn't scare them, they cross the sea, they are man, women, some pregnant, and carry their children. Nothing and no one can stop them, they escape from hunger or war, every option is better than to remain in their countries, what things are they lost trying it? They come in without passport, without any paper. They can't be sent back, no countries that admit people without passport. Finally they remain in Europe in irregular way. If they are old less than 18, will receive health assistance, clothes and education. Authorities need make radiography their wrists to know their real ages. European governments don't know to do. This is a human drama and an important cost economic. Are we victims or guilty? where is the solution?


No digas todo lo que piensas

Viendo atrás al día, me doy cuenta de que hubo casos en los que hice conclusiones incorrectas sobre otras personas. Por ejemplo, habíamos esperado por unas pocas semanas que nos incluiera un colega en una reunión con un cliente, para que pudiéramos presentarle un trabajo que hemos realizado, cuando recibí un correo electrónico que puso la agenda de la reunión, una agenda que no nos incluyó. Mi primera reacción fue que pensar que nos ha olvidado, o nos ha omitado a propósito. Pero decidí a esperar un rato y ver si nos enviara otro mensaje. Más tarde, otro colega se puso en contacto conmigo y me preguntó qué pasaba con la reunión. No habiendo escuchado nada más de la primera persona, estábamos imaginando varias explicaciones por su mal comportamiento. Decidí a ponerme en contacto con él de nuevo. Afortunadamente, no impliqué ningún mal comportamiento por su parte, porque, como salió, el cliente con el que queríamos hablar no estaba disponible para la reunión y tendríamos que hablar con él otro día. ¡Uf! Esto podía haber sido una vergüenza, si le había acusado de maltratarnos cuando, de hecho, consideraba nuestros intereses todo el tiempo. Pues, me alegro de que tuve la paciencia y la sabiduría para guardar mis pensamientos a mí mismo y no comunicarlos a este buen colega.


Some Children ...

Yesterday, before going to my job, I was watching the news. I love watching the news before going out from my home. But there was a news that it surprised me a lot. A teenager ( 16 years old) had killed his mother. I wonder how someone can do this kind of act. He had killed her mother with a knife. I wonder how a child can do this. I can't understand it. All mothers would give their lives for their children. And all father would do the same. It's horrible. But it is still horrible what he did it after killing his mother. He wrote a message to his friends with this text: "Today you will watching me in the news or in the TV, I have killed my mother"
This children was adopted, and probably all his life will have been full of love and good things. The problem is that his parents were divorced. But both were with him.  After his first message to his friends, he called to his father to tell him the news.
I think, this person should be in prisión all his life. He had all that he needed. The only problema is that his parents were divorced, but he isn't the only guy who his parents are divorced.
Terrible news.


Una revisión

Acabo de salir de una reunión en la que hablamos de un nuevo proyecto y sus riesgos. Hay varios. El proyecto es un actualización de una central eléctrica principalmente para eliminar asuntos de obsolescencia. Surgieron varias preguntas sobre la mejor estrategia de realizar la actualización. Para un aspecto, identificamos tres opciones, y necesitaremos la ayuda del equipo comercial y del cliente para escoger una.

El propósito de la reunión fue revisar los requisitos y decidir si tuviéramos suficiente claridad para proceder. La respuesta fue no. Por eso la revisión fue un éxito — identificamos riesgos y decidimos lidiar con ellos — antes de pasara demasiado tiempo y el proyecto pudiera convertirse en un desastre.


Los detalles

Me he enterado de los nombres de algunos despedidos en mi trabajo, y por cada uno, siento una tristeza concreta. Uno es un hombre joven, muy amable, que se mudó aquí desde California hace solo seis meses. Tiene un doctorado, así que no dudo que encontrará otro trabajo pronto. Pero me dijo “Me vino como una sorpresa. Pensaba que realizaba buen trabajo.” Me costó mucho escucharlo. Como le dije, el hecho es que su rendimiento no fue un factor en la decisión (como me dijo su jefe). Simplemente no pudo superar el hecho de que tenía menos experiencia que nadie en el grupo.

Otra víctima de la reducción es un hombre que conocí hace cinco años cuando ingresó a la empresa. Me impresionó mucho su vasto conocimiento de diversas tecnologías, y trayo un nuevo punto de vista a todos los temas. Pero nunca logró que sean aceptados sus ideas, y eventualmente fue movido a otro puesto de menos influencia. Pues, me parece que el despedido no le asombró tanto. Lo que me preocupa de su situación es que tiene casi 60 años, y a esa edad muchas personas tienen dificultad encontrar un nuevo trabajo.

Por supuesto, cada otra persona tiene su propia historia. Para algunas, este evento será el comienzo de un período penoso. Para otras, quizás esto le conduzca a una situación más segura y satisfecha. Mis mejores deseos a todos de ellos.


World's got talent

      No doubt, the best, the most successful TV entertainment program is named in UK "Britain's got talent". It is proved for the amount of visits have achieved on the Internet. This program is shown on TVs around the World. For instance, we take the case of Spain ,It is called "tu si que vales", but searching in the Youtube I met countries as Ukraine, Korea, Peru, Mongolia, Thailand, Indonesia, USA, Australia and France which are showing this TV program nowadays. The show is charged of emotional moments and shows the way of people to overcome themselves. This program touches all styles, namely: dance, music, song, contortion, circus or humor show, even opera and so as the special skills record of some people. This show television format is originates from France by Simon Cowell's company.
Have fun!

Sierra Leona

El domingo después de misa me presenté a un hombre que estaba solo y aparentemente abierto a socializar. Resultó que trabajaba como contratista en mi empresa hasta hace un mes, cuando le despedieron. De hecho, trabajaba en el mismo edificio, y en el mismo piso, que yo, pero no nos reconocimos. Así es la vida en la tierra de cubículos. Afortunadamente, ya había encontrado otro trabajo temporal que le ocuparía por las próximas cinco semanas. Le pregunté de dónde era, y vaciló un instante, como si le sorprendiera que podía percibir que no era estadounidense nativo (habló con un acento muy suave). Me dijo que vino de Sierra Leona hace solo siete años, y que su familia permanecía allí. ¡Uf! ¡Qué lástima! Hablamos de la gente que ambos conocíamos: su jefa puertorriqueña que está casada con un alemán, un colega mío de Etiopía y otro hombre africano (de Ghana) que se renunció el año pasado para un nuevo trabajo en Texas. Fue una conversación muy agradable y espero que nos volvamos a encontrar.