1.Start taking care the environment and the environment will take care of you.
2.Just after the last tree is cut down. Just after the last river is poisoned. Just after will understand that you can not eat the money.
3.The earth doesn't belong to the man, the man belong to the earth.
4.It's a pity to think that the environment speak while the human race doesn't listen it.
5.To turn a tree in firewood and it will burn for you, but it won't produce flowers nor fruits.
6.We have enslaved and abused so much to the rest of creatures that if they could create a religion, certainly, they would represent the evil with our shape.
7. Love is the strongest force of universe, and if there is a environment chaos in the planet is because of lack of love in it.
8.First was necessary to civilize to man in relationship with the own man. Now, it's necessary to civilize to man in relationship with the environment and the animals.
9.There are only two infinite things, The universe and the stupidity human, but I'm not sure about the first one, about second you can look how we destroy ourselves, just only by demonstrating who has more power.
10.During hundreds of thousands of years, the man fought to make a way in the environment. On first time in the history of our specie, the situation is turned and so today it's indispensible make a way to the environment in world of the man.
11.Society grows good when people plant trees whose shade they know that they won't enjoy.
12.The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do the evil, but because of those who doesn't anything to avoid it.
13.The best legacy that we can leave our children is: love, knowledge and a planet where is possible to live.
14.A day wil come which men will know the soul of beast and then killing an animal will be a crime like killing a man. That day the civilization will have advanced.
15.The world is enough to cover needs all mankind, but not to satisfy their greed.
16.The world will be saved if everyone does his part.
17. Without environment there is no future.
1.Start taking care OF the environment and the environment will take care of you.
ReplyDelete2.Just after the last tree is cut down. Just after the last river is poisoned. Just THEN will YOU understand that you can not eat the money.
3.The earth doesn't belong to [] man, [] man belongS to the earth.
4.It's a pity to think that the environment speakS while the human race doesn't listen TO it.
5.[] Turn a tree inTO firewood and it will burn for you, but it won't produce flowers nor fruits.
6.We have enslaved and abused so much [] the rest of creatures that if they could create a religion, certainly, they would represent the evil with our shape.
7. Love is the strongest force of THE universe, and if there is aN environmentAL chaos in the planet IT is because of A lack of love in it.
8.First IT was necessary to civilize [] man in relationship TO [] man. Now, it's necessary to civilize [] man in relationship TO the environment and the animals.
9.There are only two infinite things, the universe and HUMAN stupidity, but I'm not sure about the first one, about THE second you can look AT how we destroy ourselves, [] only TO demonstratE who has more power.
10.During hundreds of thousands of years, [] man fought to make a way in the environment. FOR THE first time in the history of our specieS, the situation is turned and so today it's indispensible TO make a way FOR the environment in THE world of [] man.
11.Society grows good when people plant trees whose shade they know that they won't enjoy.
12.The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do the evil, but because of those who dON't DO anything to avoid it.
13.The best legacy that we can leave our children is: love, knowledge and a planet where IT is possible to live.
14.A day wil come IN which men will know the soul of THE beast and then killing an animal will be a crime like killing a man. That day the civilization will have advanced.
15.The world is enough to cover THE needs OF all mankind, but not to satisfy their greed.
16.The world will be saved if everyone does his part.
17. Without THE environment there is no future.
It's funny — if you look at the corrections, almost all of them are either the addition or deletion of a tiny word.
I wish we were as civilized as this person thinks we are.
2. "Just THEN will YOU understand" or "Just THEN YOU will understand"
ReplyDelete10. history of our specieS, but I would refer to Human specie.
I have to get the hang of the prepositions and the "the". Someday I hope.
2. Both are fine. In this case the inversion is optional, while with "never" it is mandatory.
ReplyDelete10. "Species" is both singular and plural. The human species dominates all the other species.
thanks for comments