If you already know what you have to do and you don't do it then you are worse than before.
Knowing that it is known what it is known and besides it doesn't known what it is not known; It is the true knowledge.
A house will be strong and unbreakable when it is held on four columns: brave father, prudent mather, obedient child, complacent sibling.
Do you ask me why I buy rice and flowers? I buy rice to live and flowers to have something to live for.
Anything has its beauty, only not everyone can see it.
The vices come as passengers, visit us as guest and stay as lords.
You must always have cold your head, hot heart and long your hand.
Where there is good manners, there is not class distinction
Demand OF/FROM yourself a lot and EXPECT little of/FROM [] others. In this way, you will AVOID problems.
ReplyDeleteIf you already know what you have to do and you don't do it then you are worse(1) than before.
Knowing that WHAT is known [] is known and THAT WHAT IS NOT known [] is not known; It is the true knowledge.
A house will be strong and unbreakable when it is held UP BY four columns: A brave father, A prudent mother, AN obedient child, AN OBLIGING(2) sibling.
Do you ask me why I buy rice and flowers? I buy rice to live and flowers to have something to live for.
EVERYthing has its beauty, only not everyone can see it.
The vices come as passengers, visit us as guestS and stay as lords.
You must always have A cold head, A WARM heart and A long hand(3).
Choose a job which you like and YOU won't have to work any day of your life.
Where there is good manners, there is nO class distinction.
(1) I would say "worse off" here. Don't ask me why.
(2) "Complacent" means "satisfecho de sí mismo".
(3) I'm not sure what "a long hand" implies. Generosity?
(1) I got it, it is only a vocabulary question.
Delete(2)Obliging means very willing to help but "complaciente" doesn't means very willing to help. Probably is better to use "pleasant".
(3) exactly but it isn't usual way to speak.
I thank you personally to be pleasant :)