After speding last month writing post for scribblando, I have some doubts if I am doing well or not.
Yesterday I had to write two writings and the result was afwul. I thought that this way would help me to improve my skills. I think so! Absolutely. But why have I some problems to write a writing? I know that I have to write : short sentences, be more consistent and the most important thing, try to develop only one or two ideas but well developed,
In my opinión I consider this blog like an important tool to improve our skills. I think it is very possitive due to the feedback that we have created.
Sometimes my doubts are around,: - subjetcs. when is necessary to repeat them.
My feelings tell me : I have improved, but when I have to do something more oficial and this one is wrong ... I am out of sorts. Now it's time to encourage and keep writing and improving.
After spending last month writing postS for scribblando, I have some doubts if I am doing well or not.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I had to write two writings(1) and the result was afwul. I thought that this way would help me to improve my skills. I think so! Absolutely. But why DO I have some problems to write a writing(1)? I know that I have to write : short sentences, be more consistent and the most important thing, try to develop only one or two ideas, but develop THEM WELL.
[] I consider this blog AS an important tool to improve our skills. I think it is very poSitive due to the feedback PROCESS that we have created.
Sometimes my doubts are around: - subjects. when is necessary to repeat them.(2)
My feelings tell me : I have improved, but when I have to do something more ofFicial(3) and this one is wrong ... I am out of sorts(4). Now it's time to BE encourageD and keep writing and improving.
(1) "Writing" is usually the process, not the result. Options: passages, papers, things.
(2) This is probably something that I know intuitively, but if you give me a few examples, I'll see if I can explain it.
(3) Perhaps these require a different style of writing. You and I both tend to write as if we were writing a letter to a friend. Maybe we should try some different styles.
(4) Great expression, perfect for this context.