Because you couldn't understand my heart,
that one that there was in it,
because you hadn't the courage to see who I am,
because you don't listen the one who is so near you,
you just listen the noise outside,
and me who I stay aside, I am vanishing for you.
I am not going to cry and say that I don't deserve this,
because It is probably that I deserve but I don't want it,
for this reason, I am leaving.
what a pity but bye bye, I am telling good bye.
Because I know something better is waiting to me,
someone who can give me love,
that one that sweetens the salt and makes the sun rises.
I thought that I would never leave you,
your love is very good of all life,
but I learnt it isn't enough for both...
A collaborative blog for students of Spanish and English.
Un blog colaborativo para estudiantes de español e inglés.
The Rosie Project II
Estoy disfrutando "The Rosie Project". Al subir al coche tengo ganas de escucharlo y enterarme de lo que va a pasar. Fui al sitio web del autor y vi que ya ha escrito la secuela, y creo que vi algo sobre la compra del derecho de convertir el primero en una película. Como ha descrito Vicent, el protagonista es un hombre que vive una vida muy reglamentada y al que le faltan las normales habilidades sociales. Todo esto produce mucho humor. Me gusta el hecho de que se cuenta la historia en primera persona, dejándome escuchar las observaciones y los pensamientos del protagonista y inferir qué piensan ellos que tienen que lidiar con él. Mantente al tanto.
El 25 de marzo
La palabra del día es "sinsabores". La encontré en una descripción de la vida de la Virgen María. Su significado fue obvio por el contexto y la construcción de la palabra. El diccionario la traduce como "worries" o "troubles", pero me gusta "unpleasantries" como una palabra de forma similar. ¿Hay más palabras de la forma sin-sustantivo? Bueno, veo "sinnúmero", "sinrazón" y "sinvergüenza".
También aprendí la expresión "Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho.". Ciertamente he tenido esa experiencia. En inglés tenemos la frase "When all is said and done", que quiere decir "finally". Me gusta extender la frase, convirtiéndola en la declaración "When all is said and done, a whole lot more is said than done.", que equivale a la "dicho/hecho/trecho".
También aprendí la expresión "Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho.". Ciertamente he tenido esa experiencia. En inglés tenemos la frase "When all is said and done", que quiere decir "finally". Me gusta extender la frase, convirtiéndola en la declaración "When all is said and done, a whole lot more is said than done.", que equivale a la "dicho/hecho/trecho".
Job equality
Is it occupational
equality between men and women something real in Spain?
It has only been eighty-three years since women
are allowed to cast their votes in Spain within a social environment mostly
ruled by men. Back then, not only had
women to devote their lives to their families and put aside their life
expectations but they also had to put up with rules based on females’
subjection. Working out was not well seen for them in a country where men used
to be the breadwinners.
Fortunately, that tendency appeared to come to
an end, especially from the end of the dictatorship in 1975. Windows were
suddenly opened and a fresh breeze of freedom could be breathed. A new flourishing generation of women was studying
in the University at that time, ready to be immersed in the job market claiming
for the space that had been denied to them after having been fighting for it
for long years. Changes were coming, but
not at the rate that women expected.
Admittedly, there have been many changes in
recent years. These day and age women have access to relevant positions in the
Spanish government and local and national institutions taking important
decisions, but this is not coming about in private companies where the windows
that once were opened have turned out to be only an ajar door. The real deal is
that there are no many women in charge of the companies which made up the IBEX
35 and it seems to be that things might not change in the foreseeable future.
Be that as it may, I strongly believe that it
is high time we all thought about a shift in attitude and mentality towards the
role of women in the society. They, as well as men, are well educated and ready
to assume responsibilities in companies. Our society neither could be called
modern nor fair till all its members have equal job opportunities so, what are
we waiting for?
My Country, 'Tis of Thee
Mi patria, es de usted
Dulce tierra de libertad
De usted canto;
Tierra donde murieron mis padres,
Tierra del orgullo de los Peregrinos,
Desde cada ladera
Qué sone la libertad!
Esta es una canción patriótica que los niños aprenden en la escuela (o, por lo menos, lo hicieron en mi niñez). Lo interesante es que se canta a la misma melodía de la canción "God Save the Queen" del Reino Unido.
La última linea arriba se destacó como un refrán en el famoso discurso de Martin Luther King, Jr.
Enlace a Wikipedia
Dulce tierra de libertad
De usted canto;
Tierra donde murieron mis padres,
Tierra del orgullo de los Peregrinos,
Desde cada ladera
Qué sone la libertad!
Esta es una canción patriótica que los niños aprenden en la escuela (o, por lo menos, lo hicieron en mi niñez). Lo interesante es que se canta a la misma melodía de la canción "God Save the Queen" del Reino Unido.
La última linea arriba se destacó como un refrán en el famoso discurso de Martin Luther King, Jr.
Enlace a Wikipedia
Tanned Skin
Infinity may left without stars or
width sea may lost its immensity
but your black eyes may not die
and your tanned skin may keep the same.
If the rainbow loses its beauty and
the flowers its perfume and its colour,
then my sadness wouldn't be as extreme as
the one where I lost your love.
I care about you and only about you...
and no one anymore but you.
Black eyes, tanned skin, which they drive me into despair.
....Lyrics(Nat king Cole)
width sea may lost its immensity
but your black eyes may not die
and your tanned skin may keep the same.
If the rainbow loses its beauty and
the flowers its perfume and its colour,
then my sadness wouldn't be as extreme as
the one where I lost your love.
I care about you and only about you...
and no one anymore but you.
Black eyes, tanned skin, which they drive me into despair.
....Lyrics(Nat king Cole)
It Isn't Over Until The Fat Lady Sings
One of the funniest sentences in English is "It's not over until the fat lady sings" which it would be "hasta el el rabo todo es toro" in Spanish, which means that we can still see or do something until the end of a story, game or other period.
Where does this sentence come from? I have found out that it comes from the stereotypically soprano singers of the opera who used to be overweight, and the Richard Wagner's Opera is a great example where a soprano singer appears at the end of a opera's piece, upon representing the end of the world.
Where does this sentence come from? I have found out that it comes from the stereotypically soprano singers of the opera who used to be overweight, and the Richard Wagner's Opera is a great example where a soprano singer appears at the end of a opera's piece, upon representing the end of the world.
A Mother Attacked Her Daugther Because She Didn't Wear Her Islamic Veil.
According to "cadena Ser", radio station in Catalonia. The Catalonian police called "Mossos d'Esquadra" arrested a woman in Martorell, Barcelona, who was charged with assault on her daughter with a knife and bites on her because she refused to wear the islamic veil.
The minor 14-year-old went to Martorell's hospital accompanied by a woman teacher from High School. She is damaged by stab wounds and bites on her arms.
The adolescent explained that her mother attacked her because she refuses to cover her head with the hijab, islamic headscarf, and because in addition her mother discovered that she has a smartphone. The hospital warns police, according to protocol, and the police arrested the mother few hours later with charges of maltreatment in domestic environment. Her father was also accused to consent the agression. The minor is under custody of Catalonian authorities of Child Protection.
The adolescent explained that her mother attacked her because she refuses to cover her head with the hijab, islamic headscarf, and because in addition her mother discovered that she has a smartphone. The hospital warns police, according to protocol, and the police arrested the mother few hours later with charges of maltreatment in domestic environment. Her father was also accused to consent the agression. The minor is under custody of Catalonian authorities of Child Protection.
Esta palabra en inglés no es muy común, mucho menos de su compañera "maternity". Me parece que en el pasado solíamos escucharla más frecuentemente en la frase "paternity suit", cuando un famoso fue acusado de haber engendrado y abandonado a un hijo. Por eso la palabra tiene un sentido de irresponsibilidad y vergüenza. Pero hoy en día se escucha en otro contexto — "paternity leave", una ausencia para cuidar a un recién nacido (y su mamá). Es un beneficio bastanta nuevo en mi empresa, tan nuevo que nunca tuve la oportunidad de aprovecharlo. Lo que me llevó a este tema es que quise hablar con un colega pero me enteré de que estaba en "paternity leave". Cuando regresa, tendré que preguntarle sobre el bebé.
A propósito, supongo que "paternidad" es mucho más común, siendo el equivalente de "fatherhood", la opción inglesa preferida.
A propósito, supongo que "paternidad" es mucho más común, siendo el equivalente de "fatherhood", la opción inglesa preferida.
Greek Social Crisis
I won't return to take my daughter Anna, today, I can't keep her. take care of her, please, I'm sorry. It's the note left by a mother a door of a school in Athens, Greece, about her 4-year-old daughter. This is the tragedy that a lot of people is living in Greece because of economical crisis, A lot of people leave their children at schools or humanitarian organizations, then flee.
They say that have no money, no food and homeless, so they can't keep them.
One out of five greek citizens live under below the poverty line according to Statistical Office of Athens.
The financial crisis has become into a social crisis which affects thousand of citizens who queue up in front of food banks, beg or look for within garbage. ¿Are we a rich continent?
In addition, the suicides number have grown the double respect to 2008. And the country is bearing a capital flight of millions of euros every week.
![Resultado de imagen de Greek Social Crisis](
They say that have no money, no food and homeless, so they can't keep them.
One out of five greek citizens live under below the poverty line according to Statistical Office of Athens.
The financial crisis has become into a social crisis which affects thousand of citizens who queue up in front of food banks, beg or look for within garbage. ¿Are we a rich continent?
In addition, the suicides number have grown the double respect to 2008. And the country is bearing a capital flight of millions of euros every week.
Una pausa
Sigo trabajando en mi declaración de impuestos. Es una tarea anual que no le gusta a nadie, exigiendo que recogemos registros de ingresos y pagos que pueden aumentar o disminuir la deuda al gobierno. Ahorita tengo un problema con el ordenador que se está verificando la integridad del disco. Ojalá será exitoso para que pueda reanudar trabajar en la declaración. Mientras tanto, escucho el sonido de la radio en otra sala. Puedo reconocer la música pero no puedo entender a los habladores.
Superpowers of the Cockroaches
- They can survive high levels of nuclear radiation.
- They run very quick and can move by ground and water, some of them can fly.
- They are sensitive to presence of predators.
- They secrete repellent substances and harmful as a defence.
- They have a great reproductive capacity.
- They are able to bear extreme cold, although they prefer wet and warm weather.
- They easily adapt to changing of levels of oxigen and The earth's polarity.
- They can surprisingly regenerate their members as legs and antennas.
- They can almost eat everything, namely: wool, paper, ink,.. even their own skeletons.
- Therefore, they can be useful to save lives by exploring disaster areas and finding survivers. This is possible thanks to installing a remote driver in their bodies.
Aquí está otra palabra sobre la que puedo dejar mis pensamientos deambular. Un "fixer-upper" es simplemente una casa que necesita mucha reparación, especialmente una que está en venta. Hay mucha gente que ganarse la vida comprando tales casas, reparándolas y vendiéndolas de nuevo. La palabra compuesta proviene del verbo frasal "to fix up" (reparar/renovar). Un "fixer-upper" podría ser también la persona que repara la casa, aunque este uso no es común. Una canción en la película "Frozen" dio un nuevo sentido a la palabra, usándola para referirse a un hombre que, aunque no perfecto, tenía mucha potencial. Supongo que todos somos "fixer-uppers" en este sentido.
Esta mañana estuve caminando en el pasillo detrás de otra persona, y me di cuenta de que él caminaba como si no supiera adónde quiso ir. Desambulaba entre la derecha y la izquierda, mirando para aquí y para allí. Cuando giró eventualmente hacia mi destinación, le pregunté "¿Estás 'meandering' hacia la sala 233?" Respondió con una risa "Sí, tengo tiempo ahorita para 'meander'." "To meander" es un verbo muy expresivo, veniendo del nombre de un río en Turquía que sigue un corso serpentino. Se usa el verbo con ríos, personas y pensamientos también. Se podría decir que estos son mis "meanderings" sobre una palabra interesante.
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