A dark day, a deep sound from the river. The water is watering the streets, the parks, the allotments, .... all is eated by the river.
When you see the river, it looks like very quiet, serene, leading the water by its natural couse. You can't notice the sound, its a natural and mininal sound. The river doesn't want to say you anything.
But now, due to the last rains and snowfalls, the level of the river is on the rise. Nobody can fight against the river's strength. He wants to follow its course, but it is impossible.
But despite recent natural disasters like rains and snowfalls, we should focus on investigating who is the main culprit of all this. If there is some guilty.
The river's voice is deep and it breaks the nature soud.
Now all people have to repair their houses. Politicians are promising helps to help them. But not all money is enough to repair all these damages. Everybody should help to prevent future natural disasters. The river should be cleanend in all its course. Only of this way we will be able to prevent the future disasters. At the end, Nature is stronger than human beings.
While for some it is a big disaster for others this is only a spectacle. Everybody want to take a picture of the disaster, just to remember. That's life!
A collaborative blog for students of Spanish and English.
Un blog colaborativo para estudiantes de español e inglés.
It Is Because of You
It is because of you that I see rivers where there is only asphalt,
It is because of you that I see oceans where there were only puddles,
![Resultado de imagen de complices]()
It is because of you that I am a accomplice elf to the wind
who flees at dawn to introduce through your window.
It is because of you that there are no chains if I go on the rhythm of your hips,
It is because of you that I drive madness when I sail for your waist
your lips are made of silk, your teeth are full moon colour,
your laughing is the blood that runs through my veins,
your kisses is the ink of my verses which they always told you.
It is because of you that I see oceans where there were only puddles,
It is because of you that I am a accomplice elf to the wind
who flees at dawn to introduce through your window.
It is because of you that there are no chains if I go on the rhythm of your hips,
It is because of you that I drive madness when I sail for your waist
your lips are made of silk, your teeth are full moon colour,
your laughing is the blood that runs through my veins,
your kisses is the ink of my verses which they always told you.
Esta palabra me hace reír. Quiere decir hablar demasiado, especialmente como un fanfarrón. Si escucharas a atletas antes de un campeonato, o a políticos que describían sus récords, sin duda escucharías bastante "bloviating". Lo que me encanta es el sonido de la palabra. Al parecer viene de "to blow", como el viento, una imagen adecuada de los bloviadores. Me recuerda también de "bovine" (como una vaca), otra imagen apta, especialmente cuando pensamos en lo que dejamos las vacas en la pastura. Escuché la palabra ayer en la radio, usada por una "personalidad de televisión" en describir sus críticos. Como decimos en inglés, esto fue como la olla llamando la caldera "negra" ("like the pot calling the kettle black").
Religion and Knowledge
Galileo was charged with heresy because of defending heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, which The Earth and the planets go around the sun. In 1992 the Pope John Paul II closed the Galileo case recognizing the mistakes from those who condemned him.
But in 2015 after 451 years from having been born, there is still who refuse this theory.
"The Earth is quiet, doesn't move" Sheij Bandar Al Jaibari says according to religious documents which he has, he is a muslim cleric. According to his theory a plane can't never arrive to its destiny if The Earth moves in the same direction.
These statements have provoked a chain reaction in social networks with hard criticism and making fun, according to Al Arabiya News Channel.
But in 2015 after 451 years from having been born, there is still who refuse this theory.
"The Earth is quiet, doesn't move" Sheij Bandar Al Jaibari says according to religious documents which he has, he is a muslim cleric. According to his theory a plane can't never arrive to its destiny if The Earth moves in the same direction.
These statements have provoked a chain reaction in social networks with hard criticism and making fun, according to Al Arabiya News Channel.
Making a source of knowledge of the religion is an authentic madness and an aberration.
Oymyakon, the Coldest Village in the World
It got to reach -71,2 degrees Celsius. it is in Siberia, Russia.
These are some of the most important features:
But the coldest place registered on the earth is in Antartica with -93,2ºC.
These are some of the most important features:
- When it's -30ºC your skin starts to burn,
- From -40ºC, petrol is frozen,
- From -50ºC, your eyes hardly opens, in that temperature, if you spit, the spit will arrive to ground frozen.
- From -52ºC is forbidden going to school, here, because you can be frozen in 15 minutes at this temperature, no matter the amount or type of clothes that you wear.
- It doesn't exist water here, but blocks of ice.
- Population are about 2000 people, mainly they live thanks to cows, so they make milk. Some of them hunt hares or raise reindeers too. But in winter, cows don't make milk and their udders are covered by special plastic so that they don't freeze.
- From -60ºC, your breath freezes while going out, you can even hear as the ice cracks.
But the coldest place registered on the earth is in Antartica with -93,2ºC.
Gloria, the environment misses you,
your presence is required,
warm innocence,
my mouth misses you
which calls you unintentionally.
I will write my story with the Gloria word,
because the morning is lit next to you,
the truth and the lie is called Gloria.
Gloria, the environment misses you,
the sky misses you,
burn me in your fire, melt me in snow
which freezes my chest.
I am waiting you, Gloria.
You are a smiles camp,
water in desert, opened heart,
adventure of my mind, of my table and my bed,
of the garden of my present,Gloria, I am waiting you, Gloria.
Gloria, the day is waiting for you
and while everyone sleeps,
she invents scent between the trees
in a magic land for whom it breaths fog,
for whom breaths anger, you melt yourself in her kisses,
you strip provoking and I make shadows on the ceiling,
while thinking for Gloria.
your presence is required,
warm innocence,
my mouth misses you
which calls you unintentionally.
I will write my story with the Gloria word,
because the morning is lit next to you,
the truth and the lie is called Gloria.
Gloria, the environment misses you,
the sky misses you,
burn me in your fire, melt me in snow
which freezes my chest.
I am waiting you, Gloria.
You are a smiles camp,
water in desert, opened heart,
adventure of my mind, of my table and my bed,
of the garden of my present,Gloria, I am waiting you, Gloria.
Gloria, the day is waiting for you
and while everyone sleeps,
she invents scent between the trees
in a magic land for whom it breaths fog,
for whom breaths anger, you melt yourself in her kisses,
you strip provoking and I make shadows on the ceiling,
while thinking for Gloria.
Acabo de salir de una reunión en la que hablábamos de los mensajes de alarma que enviamos a los operadores de nuesto equipamiento. Tratábamos de definir cuáles de los acrónimos y abreviaturas serían reconocidos por un operador. Algunos fueron fáciles, como "DC" (corriente directo) y "H2O" (agua). Otros fueron más polémicos, como "mgmt" (management/gestión, aceptado) y "vlv" (válvula, rechazado). Esto es parte de un esfuerzo más grande de mejorar la experiencia de los operadores con nuestros sistemas de control. Nuestra meta es reducir dramáticamente el número de mensajes con los que se tiene que lidiar y asegurarnos que los mensajes estén comprensibles.
La lista
La mañana pasó rápidamente, con una reunión a las 8:00 y otra a las 9:30. Normalmente hago una lista de tareas a principio del día, pero hoy estaba demasiado ocupado. Lo haré al volver a la oficina. La principal razón para hacerlo es asegurarme de trabajar en las tareas más importantes y no olvidar compromisos que he hecho. También me gusta indicar en la lista qué tareas he completado, dándome un sentido de satisfacción. Esto me recuerda de un dicho — Si quieres que se haga algo, dalo a una persona ocupada. Es decir, hay personas que saben bien completar tareas, incluso cuando se parecen muy ocupadas.
Un chat
Anoche platiqué con una colombiana que busca un voluntariado en el que pasaría un año en el Reino Unido cuidando a personas descapacitadas. Sería una manera de mejorar su inglés y realizar un buen trabajo a la vez. Le pregunté si había tenido experiencia en tal tipo de trabajo. Indicó que en el colegio había cuidado a "abuelos", algo que le gustó mucho. "Muy bien," dije, "por tanto eres un buen candidato."
Hablamos también de su gusto por libros de amor y el hecho de que había leído "Alice in Wonderland" en inglés y no lo había hecho yo. Dijo también que le gustaría leer la serie "Twilight". Le reprendí con buen humor que no fuera literatura refinada, algo que admitió sin vacilación.
Hablamos también de su gusto por libros de amor y el hecho de que había leído "Alice in Wonderland" en inglés y no lo había hecho yo. Dijo también que le gustaría leer la serie "Twilight". Le reprendí con buen humor que no fuera literatura refinada, algo que admitió sin vacilación.
The Rosie project
When I was told to read this book, never had I thought that I
was going to set off on a journey towards the most longed feelings. The author,
Graeme Simsion, tells us an affectionate and intelligent story sets in
Melbourne, in which a geneticist, Don Tillman, a middle-aged autistic man, approaches
a romantic relationship with Rosie, a student of psychology.
Don has barely friends. He feels that, somehow or other, is
wired totally different to the rest of people. His inability to follow social
protocols and feeling love, joined to an exhaustive adherence to schedules and
phobias, make him difficult to find a couple. This is the reason why Don, helped
by his best friends Gene and Claudia, a married couple of psychologists, designs
a questionnaire addressed to help him to find the perfect partner. That is the
beginning of what is called “the wife’s project’.
In the search of the perfect woman, none of them appear to be
suitable for him. After some unsuccessful tries, Gene introduced him Rosie, a
woman that is, in all lights, unsuitable for him since she does not fulfil the demanding
questionnaire requirements. During a date, Rosie tells Don that she is in the search
of her biological father so, being him a geneticist, feels the need of helping
Rosie by testing her possible fathers’ DNA samples.
Don does not have a glimmer of hope to find a partner and, as
a consequence, decides to put aside the Wife’s project and gives more
consideration to a new project, the Father’s project. During their time
together, Rosie becomes remarkably perceptive about Don. He finds everything
fascinating and feels relaxed and acts differently when spending time together.
As time goes by, they get to know each other and understand that they both are
in love in spite of being so different.
I must confess that I have found this book warm-hearted and
gripping, a really page-turner and, as my friend Matt says, ‘unputdownable’. I
strongly recommend its reading since it shows us how two people coming from
different backgrounds and different outlooks on life, are deeply inside very
similar each other. Everyone needs to be loved, to have the feeling that they
are necessary to the others and doubtlessly, in most occasions, a little effort
must be done so as to pursue our soul mate.
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